Archives par mot-clé : Xi Jinping

Le monde selon Xi Jinping – Arte

A l’occasion du nouvel an lunaire, décryptage du “Rêve chinois” de Xi Jinping. A revoir jusqu’au 16 février 2019. Présentation de la chaîne Arte.

Depuis 2012, le désormais “président à vie” Xi Jinping a concentré tous les pouvoirs sur sa personne, avec l’obsession de faire de la Chine la superpuissance du XXIe siècle. Plongée au cœur de son “rêve chinois”. Derrière son apparente bonhomie se cache un chef redoutable, prêt à tout pour faire de la Chine la première puissance mondiale, d’ici au centenaire de la République populaire, en 2049.

En mars dernier, à l’issue de vastes purges, Xi Jinping modifie la Constitution et s’intronise “président à vie”. Une concentration des pouvoirs sans précédent depuis la fin de l’ère maoïste. Né en 1953, ce fils d’un proche de Mao Zedong révoqué pour “complot antiparti” choisit à l’adolescence, en pleine tourmente de la Révolution culturelle, un exil volontaire à la campagne, comme pour racheter la déchéance paternelle. Revendiquant une fidélité aveugle au Parti, il gravira en apparatchik “plus rouge que rouge” tous les degrés du pouvoir.

Depuis son accession au secrétariat général du Parti en 2012, puis à la présidence l’année suivante, les autocritiques d’opposants ont réapparu, par le biais de confessions télévisées. Et on met à l’essai un système de surveillance généralisée censé faire le tri entre les bons et les mauvais citoyens. Inflexible sur le plan intérieur, Xi Jinping s’est donné comme objectif de supplanter l’Occident à la tête d’un nouvel ordre mondial. Son projet des “routes de la soie” a ainsi considérablement étendu le réseau des infrastructures chinoises à l’échelle planétaire. Cet expansionnisme stratégique, jusque-là développé en silence, inquiète de plus en plus l’Europe et les États-Unis.

Documentaire complet de Sophie Lepault et Romain Franklin (France, 2018, 1h15mn)

Pour aller plus loin sur la problématique Chine / Taïwan :

Les deux Chine : Taïwan face à Xi-Jinping, France Culture, 02/02/2019.

Police brutally suppress demonstrations against Xi Jinping in Hanoi and Saigon [Dan Lam Bao]

[ndlr] Répression des manifestations vietnamiennes des 3, 4 et 5 novembre 2015 pour protester contre la visite du Président chinois à Hanoi. Le rapport et les vidéos mises en ligne du blog dissident Dan Lam Bao témoignent des méthodes policières brutales contre la manifestation organisée le jeudi 5 novembre au matin à Ho Chi Minh-Ville.

Responding to the call from 21 civil society organizations in Vietnam, the protests against Xi Jinping will take place at 9 a.m. today, November 05, 2015, at area of the embassy and consulate of China in Hanoi and Saigon respectively.

These demonstrations absolutely express the will of the people of Vietnam, saying no to the traditional northern invader.

As expected, Xi will officially arrive at Noi Bai airport at 12 p.m. the same day.

Unlike the response to two previous demonstrations in Hanoi and Saigon, brutal suppression on the morning of November 5, 2015 show signs that the communist authorities are doing their best to please their master in Beijing.

In Saigon, since last night, barbed wire and barricades have been brought in for preparing blockage at the intersections around the Chinese Consulate.

Police, secret service agents and regime-hired security guards have been reinforced in the morning of November 05, 2015.

Two groups of land grab victims from Ben Tre and Binh Thuan were suppressed by police while heading to the Chinese consulate. Thirteen of them were arrested near Saigon Zoo and taken away.

In Hanoi, it rains in the morning; regime-hired security guards, police and plainclothes security scatter around the streets leading to the Chinese Embassy.

Barricades with “No Standing” signs are erected at Lenin Park, opposite from the Chinese Embassy.

Blogger Nguyen Tien Nam was stopped at the corner of Le Duan Street for “checking motorbike registration” and detained.

Blogger Le Anh Hung was arrested while standing in front of the Chinese embassy, waiting to “greet” Xi and his puppet host.

Lire la suite : Dan Lam Bao


Manifestations du 4 novembre à Ho Chi Minh-Ville (Saigon) et à Hanoi :

Manifestation du 5 novembre à Ho Chi Minh-Ville (Saigon) :

Image “à la une” : © 2015 Dan Lam Bao

Our call in opposition to the welcoming visit of Xi Jinping by Vietnamese Communist Party

[ndlr] Appel de 21 associations de la société civile contre la visite du Président de la République populaire de Chine au Viêt Nam le 5 novembre prochain. Cet appel à manifester intervient quelques jours après la campagne “No Xi” de selfie lancée au Viêt-Nam autour du slogan “Xi Xi Jinping dégage !” (Tập Cận Bình hãy cút xéo !). Il s’inscrit dans le cadre de la crise non résolue des archipels vietnamiens en Mer de Chine méridionale.

To all our fellow citizen,

To all our youth in Viet Nam (specially the younger generations),

Le message “No Xi” s’affiche sur la toile. Ici, réunion le 30 octobre 2015 d’anciens jeunes prisonniers de conscience à l’Eglise Rédemptoriste de Saigon. © DR


Exercising our civil rights and duty, we had requested the government to cancel the welcoming reception of Xi Jinping. The country’s red carpet ceremony shall not be used for the leader of a country which has been seizing our land and islands, killing our innocent fishermen. Unfortunately, this request was ignored by our government.

On this coming November 5th 2015, Xi Jinping – The Chinese Communist Party‘s Secretary and Chairman will officially visit our country and he will deliver a speech in front of our country’s parliament. He will preach nothing but preaching the brotherly friendship between the two counties with flowery but empty speech.

All the while, in South China Sea, which we called Eastern Sea, this Beijing’s authorities have been ignoring the international law, especially The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) signed and declared in 1982, in which they are a member. They had created falsified historic documents for use in spreading propaganda to Chinese people and its citizens in order to claim their rights to protect this false sovereignty.

Xi Jinping and his government have presented this lie repeatedly.

In reality, almost all our exclusive economic zones at sea and on land have been taken and occupied illegally by this Chinese government. They often use their much larger marine surveillance vessels and fishing vessels to attack and to kill our innocent fishermen in our own legal parts of the Eastern Sea. Thousands and tens of thousands of our fishermen’s livelihoods were, in the time being, and will be the victims of this brazen robbery everyday at our own sea, which has been approved, and declared by the international law. Beside these attacks, our own citizens have been kidnapped, mugged, and ransomed by these thugs on our own sovereignty.

On our own legal islands and their rocky shoals, they illegally created and built their military bases with the intention of claiming the rest of this part of Pacific Ocean.

Internationally, by declaring this illegal nine-dashed line and building these illegal military bases, Xi Jinping and his Communist Government have threaten the peace in the area, the freedom of navigation. They therefore, make this a war and polluted sea.

In their own country, China, Xi Jinping and his government have destroyed the cultures of the Muslim in Xinjiang and the Tibetan in Tibet, Sichuan and Yunnan.

The rebellions of the Muslims and the self-immolations of the Tibetan speak volume for the resentments, and hopelessness against the terrorized and destroyed policies which the Communist in China deliberately implements.

Facing these occurrences, what shall we think and do?

The Vietnamese Communist Party will definitely and solemnly roll out the red carpet to welcome Xi Jinping, and so do we, but with our own way (method).

Exercising our rights as Vietnamese citizens, we have to raise our voices. The law and Constitution allow us to express our aspirations.

We call upon to all Vietnamese living domestically and internationally, to take part (to participate) in a public demonstration to voice our concerns in front of any Chinese Consulates and Embassies in Ha Noi, in Sai Gon, and in all other countries in the world.

We cannot ignore or keep silent regard to this lie any longer.

Our message is: Xi Jinping and his Beijing Government Have to Stop At Once (immediately) the illegal and awful acts in terrorizing and killing our fishermen. Vietnamese sovereignty regards to Paracel and Spratly Islands have to be respected absolutely and completely. Xi Jinping and his Beijing Government Have to Respect and to Obey (to comply or to observe) The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

All our Vietnamese Citizens, it’s time to speak up. Do not back down or give in to any plots and acts that violate our Sacred National Sovereignty (which has been passed down for thousands of years.)


Nov 5th 2015 at 9AM (in the morning)


– Ha Noi : The Embassy of Chinese, 46 Hoang Dieu St, Ba Dinh District.

– Sai Gon : The Consulate of Chinese, 175 Hai Ba Trung St. 3 District.


Source : Dan Lam Bao, 03/11/2015.

Appel en vietnamien : Lời kêu gọi về việc đón Tập Cận Bình tại Việt Nam

Appel en anglais : Our call in opposition to the welcoming visit of Xi Jinping by Vietnamese Communist Party