Archives par mot-clé : Viêt-Nam

Hoang Ngo: Building a New House for the Buddha: Buddhist Social Engagement and Revival in Vietnam, 1927-1951 – PhD

[ndlr] Presentation de Christoph Giebel de la thèse de Hoang Ngo sur le bouddhisme socialement engagé des années 1927-1951, une période rarement considérée. Chronique publiée avec l’autorisation de son auteur.

Ref.: Hoang Ngo, Building a New House for the Buddha: Buddhist Social Engagement and Revival in Vietnam, 1927-1951, Chair: Christoph Giebel.

Now that most of us have begun the new academic year around the world, I am very pleased to make the following announcement:

Recently, in the University of Washington (Seattle) History department, Hoang Ngo successfully defended his dissertation “Building a New House for the Buddha: Buddhist Social Engagement and Revival in Vietnam, 1927-1951.”  The dissertation is based on extensive archival and library research in Viet Nam and France; it was supervised by Laurie Sears, Raymond Jonas, and Christoph Giebel (chair), and earlier also by Professor Emeritus Charles “Biff” Keyes.

The dissertation investigates in particular social engagement of Vietnamese Buddhists, in itself the product of the Buddhist revival emerging in the 1920s. During the revival, Vietnamese Buddhists attempted to remake their religion into a this-worldly Buddhism, establishing Buddhist associations and monastic schools and publishing periodicals to propagate the Dharma. Their goal was to use Buddhism to effectively deal with the colonization of the country by the French and the challenges posed by colonial modernity.

Hoang follows in great detail the debates within and among the emerging Buddhist associations of Cochinchina, Annam, and Tonkin, particularly during the 1930s and early 1940s when new ideas and profound change caused much excitement and activities as well as great anxieties and self-doubt.  What was the best way to propagate the Dharma among the masses?  How could one separate the “true” monk from the “fake”?  What was to be the proper balance between the sangha and the laity?  How could Buddhist associations organize themselves and operate effectively within an all-encompassing colonial order of control?  What role was there for revived Buddhism in the national(ist) struggle?  These and other questions fueled an explosion of intense debates, both in personal interactions as well as in various print media, over doctrinal, organizational and institutional aspects of Buddhism.

Despite personal and institutional rivalries, tensions between leading monks,  newly empowered lay people, and French authority, and persistent regional divisions, the ideal of a unified, all-Vietnamese Buddhist organization remained a long-standing, if elusive goal.  Unity, however, would come about only in the twilight of the colonial empire and the early years of the Cold War, and via the catalyst of the World Buddhist Conference in Sri Lanka.  In an epilogue, Hoang links the (short-lived) moment of unity in 1951 to the Buddhist Struggle Movement in the 1960s Republic, the subject of his earlier, pre-dissertation work.  At the end of a rigorous and vigorous defense, Hoang’s committee urged him to turn this important and richly documented dissertation into a full-fledged book manuscript.

Congratulations to Dr. Hoang Ngo!
C. Giebel

UW-Seattle, USA

Source : VSG

Thèse en ligne (PDF) téléchargeable sur le site de l’Université de Washington :

Gregg Huff: Vietnam’s 1944-1945 Famine – Explanations, Responsibility and Revolution

[ndlr] Séminaire de l’IAO.

Mercredi 08 juin 2016
Salle de réunion de l’IAO (R66), de 14h à 15h30

“Vietnam’s 1944-1945 Famine : Explanations, Responsibility and Revolution”

Gregg Huff, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, England

This paper provides the first quantitative analysis of Vietnam’s 1944-1945 great famine which claimed the lives of over a million people in Tonkin and North Annam and was instrumental in the August 1945 Viet Minh and communist revolution. Competing and hitherto unsatisfactory explanations have put the famine down to the weather, French or Japanese administrative failures, and US aerial bombardment. I show that famine, although made worse by wartime events, resulted from successive typhoons that struck coastal areas and was caused by a consequent food availability deficit. Econometric analysis reveals that differences in endowments and entitlements largely explain who died.


Source : IAO

Image “à la une” : photographie de Vo An Ninh, témoin de la famine en 1945 : Tận mắt xem 19 bức ảnh về nạn đói năm 1945 của cố nghệ sĩ Võ An Ninh (Giao Duc Viet Nam, 11/06/2012)

Bradley Camp Davis : Imperial Bandits – Outlaws and Rebels in the China-Vietnam Borderlands

[ndlr] Ouvrage à paraître, présentation de l’éditeur.

BradleyCampDavis_ImperialBanditsThe Black Flags raided their way from southern China into northern Vietnam, competing during the second half of the nineteenth century against other armed migrants and uplands communities for the control of commerce, specifically opium, and natural resources, such as copper. At the edges of three empires (the Qing empire in China, the Vietnamese empire governed by the Nguyen dynasty, and, eventually, French Colonial Vietnam), the Black Flags and their rivals sustained networks of power and dominance through the framework of political regimes. This lively history demonstrates the plasticity of borderlines, the limits of imposed boundaries, and the flexible division between apolitical banditry and political rebellion in the borderlands of China and Vietnam.

Imperial Bandits contributes to the ongoing reassessment of borderland areas as frontiers for state expansion, showing that, as a setting for many forms of human activity, borderlands continue to exist well after the establishment of formal boundaries.

Bradley Camp Davis is assistant professor of history at Eastern Connecticut State University.


Le Hong Hiep : Obama’s Visit to Vietnam Gave Many Important Immediate and Long-term Outcomes

[ndlr] Signalement d’une analyse de Le Hong Hiep (ISEAS) sur les nouvelles perspectives américano-vietnamiennes.


• The milestone visit by US President Barrack Obama to Vietnam on 22-25 June 2016 gave immediate and important results.

• Most noteworthy was the decision by the US to fully lift its long-standing lethal arms embargo on Vietnam. Other significant outcomes include Vietjet’s contract to buy 100 aircraft from Boeing; Vietnam’s granting of a license for the establishment of the US-funded Fulbright University Vietnam; and Vietnam’s formal permission for the US Peace Corps to operate in the country.

• The military impact of the lifting of the embargo is limited, however, as Vietnam is unlikely to enter into any major arms deal with the US any time soon. For now, instead of importing US weapons, Hanoi will probably focus on acquiring US military equipment to enhance its maritime capabilities.

• However, the indication of a stronger rapprochement between the two countries, tending towards a de facto security partnership, has political and strategic implications that are more important than military ones.

• This should worry China more than the arms that Vietnam may purchase from the US after the ban is removed.

• The lifting of the ban will have minimal military impact on other ASEAN member states, however, and the deepened relationship between Hanoi and Washington can be expected to either add momentum to the strengthening of US-ASEAN ties or further polarize ASEAN countries, especially if Beijing responds by expanding its strategic influence over some of them.

LeHongHiep_ObamasVisitToVietnam_ISEAS_no29-2016Cliquez sur l’image pour accéder au PDF

Source : ISEAS Perspective

Vietnam: les dissidents donnent de la voix avant la venue d’Obama

[ndlr] La venue de Barack Obama en visite officielle du 23 au 25 mai 2016 suscite de nombreux espoirs au Viêt-Nam. Le mouvement pro-démocratique tentera de faire entendre sa voix.

“Sommes-nous libres, sommes-nous vraiment libres?”: samedi, quelques dissidents, ont défié le pouvoir vietnamien en organisant à Hanoi un concert secret. Un acte de résistance dans l’espoir de faire pression avant la venue de Barack Obama dans ce pays communiste.

Sur scène, dans une petite maison de la capitale vietnamienne, où le président américain arrive lundi matin: Mai Khoi, pop star et militante prodémocratie.

La question, posée à la fin d’une ballade aux accents de blues, est une interrogation rhétorique au Vietnam, pays à parti unique, qui continue à réprimer toute manifestation, à opprimer les opposants et où les syndicats sont interdits.

Lire la suite : La Voix du Nord, 22/05/2016.

Image “à la une” : la chanteuse et activiste prodémocrate Mai Khôi © DR

Chip : Learn365Project – Timeline for all events related to the fish deaths in Vietnam

[ndlr] Avis de la parution d’une page d’information (sur le site de Chip) dédiée à l’affaire des poissons morts du Viêt-Nam.

For those of you who don’t already know, recently there has been some social unrest in Vietnam. A lot of people went out on the street to protest over the mass fish death and the way the government has been handling the situation. As is the case with unrest, there are a lot of people spreading rumors and causing even more unrest. I think it might be helpful to just look at the facts. Below is a complete timeline of all those events: from when the fish started dying on April 6 to today. I only quoted accredited newspapers, and I don’t include rumors spread on social media. Please let me know if there is something I’m missing.

Lien :

Image “à la une” : Mass fish death central coast region © EPA

Centenaire de Xuân Diệu (1916-1985) – BnF

[ndlr] Signalement d’un billet biographique sur le poète Xuân Diệu par Nguyen Giang-Huong.

À l’occasion du 100e anniversaire de sa naissance, la Bibliothèque nationale de France lui rend hommage par une présentation des livres de Xuân Diệu dans la salle G de la bibliothèque de Haut-de-Jardin du 10 mai au 3 juillet 2016.

Poète doté d’une grande sensibilité, illustre défenseur de la modernisation de la langue vietnamienne, Xuân Diệu est l’une des figures les plus représentatives de la littérature vietnamienne du XXe siècle.

Né le 2 février 1916 à Bình Định dans une famille de lettrés, Ngô Xuân Diệu, connu sous son nom de plume de Xuân Diệu, maîtrise à la fois les caractères chinois par son père, l’écriture vietnamienne romanisée (appelée le quốc ngữ) et le français par son parcours scolaire dans les écoles franco-indigènes. Après son baccalauréat, il devient fonctionnaire du gouvernement colonial, au Bureau de Commerce à Mỹ Tho. Il démissionne en 1943 pour rejoindre son ami intime Huy Cận à Hà Nội, avec qui il se rallie au Việt Minh et fait partie des partisans de Hồ Chí Minh. En 1983, il est élu membre honoraire à l’Académie des Arts de Berlin. Xuân Diệu meurt le 18 décembre 1985 d’une crise cardiaque.

Lire la suite : Blog BnF, 09/05/2016.