Archives par mot-clé : urbanisation

Yves Duchère : Vietnam et États voisins. Géopolitique d’une région sous influences [parution 2023]

Signalement d’un ouvrage paru en 2023. Pour saisir les enjeux du Viêt-Nam dans son environnement géopolitique. Présentation de l’éditeur et sommaire de l’ouvrage.

Trait-d’union entre la Chine et l’Asie du Sud-Est, le Vietnam connaît, depuis la fin des années 1980, un développement spectaculaire facilité par la chute du bloc de l’Est et d’importantes réformes économiques. L’émergence du Vietnam s’accompagne néanmoins d’enjeux socio-économiques qui ne peuvent être compris en dehors des relations et influences réciproques qu’entretiennent le Vietnam et ses États voisins (Laos, Cambodge, Chine).

Après avoir mesuré le développement de ces États, et mis en exergue les convergences et divergences des pays d’une région sous influence chinoise, l’ouvrage questionne la nature des relations des États de l’ex-Indochine avec le géant économique et démographique chinois. Une attention particulière est également portée à l’examen des divisions et tensions entre le Vietnam, le Cambodge et le Laos à un moment où Beijing est perçue comme une menace mais aussi une source d’opportunités.

Dépassant le cadre des frontières nationales, les configurations spatiales à l’œuvre témoignent de la vigueur de l’intégration économique de cette région dans les dynamiques de la mondialisation et le nouvel ordre régional en cours de construction sous l’égide de la Chine. 


Partie 1 : Le Vietnam dans sa région
Chapitre 1  : Un « balcon sur le Pacifique » entre plaines et montagnes
Chapitre 2 : La formation du Vietnam dans sa région : conquêtes, échanges et influences exogènes
Chapitre 3 : Populations, peuplement et territoires 

Partie 2 : Les mutations du Vietnam depuis le Doi Moi
Chapitre 4 : L’insertion du Vietnam dans les flux mondialisés
Chapitre 5 : Les enjeux du développement vietnamien : mutations sociales, inégalités et vulnérabilités environnementales
Chapitre 6 : L’urbanisation comme vecteur et mode opératoire de la transition vers l’économie de marché

Partie 3 : Autoritarismes, zone d’influence chinoise et tensions géopolitiques
Chapitre 7 : Le renforcement de l’emprise des États sur la société
Chapitre 8 : La sphère d’influence chinoise et la mise en place d’un nouvel ordre régional
Chapitre 9 : Tensions et conflits d’une région intégrée au système-monde

Yves Duchère est géographe, Maître de conférences contractuel, Université d’Angers/Université de Ningbo (Chine) 2020-2024. Chercheur associé au CESSMA (UMR 245). Il publie régulièrement des billets et chroniques sur le Viêt-Nam contemporain sur son carnet de recherche “Viêt Nam oi ! Espace, société et culture au Viêt Nam” sur

Source :

Recension de Benoît de Tréglodé dans la revue Politique étrangère (n° 241, 1/2024) :

Dịu-Hương Nguyễn – “Eve of Destruction: A Social History of Vietnam’s Royal City, 1957-1967” [PhD]

[ndlr] Annonce de la soutenance de thèse (PhD) de Dịu-Hương Nguyễn sur l’histoire sociale de Huê, l’ancienne ville impériale, en temps de guerre. Résumé de Christoph Giebel sur ce travail qu’il a dirigé. Nous le remercions pour son aimable autorisation pour la publication de cette annonce.

Dr Diu-Huong Nguyen © 2017

With great pleasure I’d like to announce that Dịu-Hương Nguyễn successfully defended her dissertation last week at the University of Washington in Seattle and earned a PhD degree in History with a specialization in modern Viet Nam. Her dissertation is titled “Eve of Destruction: A Social History of Vietnam’s Royal City, 1957-1967” and captures Huế and its residents in the decade between the founding of the University of Huế and the city’s near-total destruction in early 1968. With great sensitivity and attention to detail, Hương Nguyễn is able to recreate in evocative ways the habits of life in Huế, its citizens’ quotidian interactions, activities, and concerns, the mentalité of the times, even the sounds and smells of street life in this former royal city renowned for its tranquility, pastoral ambience, and measured rhythm of public life. While the years 1957-1962 were marked by increasing urbanization and a renewed cultural and intellectual scene, the religious and political upheavals of 1963 rocked the city, and during 1964-1967, war and civil strife cast ominous clouds and crept ever closer to the city.

Hương Nguyễn’s dissertation focuses our attention on several critically understudied areas in the field: on Central Viet Nam and Huế in their own right, on social history and urban transformations, and on Vietnamese human experiences and the voices of ordinary people at a time of violent conflict. It is an important, timely corrective to the still dominant top-down approaches to Viet Nam at war, with their overwhelming emphasis on political and military affairs and their habitual employment of simplistic regional, political and ideological binaries, holdouts from the Cold War. In this dissertation, pre-1968 Huế and its inhabitants reappear in their rich multiplicity and local specificity that have long defied cooptation by any larger claim of the powerful.

Admirably researched under sometimes challenging circumstances, the dissertation is based on materials found in the Provincial Archives of Huế, Viet Nam’s National Archives II and III, multiple media and literary sources, as well as published memoirs and a host of interviews of current and former residents of Huế conducted on three continents. Hương Nguyễn’s doctoral committee at UW comprised Professors Laurie Sears, Raymond Jonas, Miriam Kahn, and Christoph Giebel (chair).  Professors Nguyễn Quang Ngọc and Phạm Hồng Tung at VNU’s History Department and William Frederick at Ohio University’s Southeast Asia Program provided earlier guidance as well. The completion of the dissertation was supported by a prestigious Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies fellowship.  Congratulations, Dr. Nguyễn Dịu-Hương!

C. Giebel

UW-Seattle, USA

Image “à la une” : Vue d’une rue animée de Huê dans les années 1950 (Sontrung’s Blog).

Esther Horat : Market Transformation and Trade Dynamics in a Peri-urban Village. Reflections from a Vietnamese Marketplace [PhD.]

[ndlr] Annonce de la thèse d’Esther Horat soutenue en mars 2016 à l’Université de Zurich. Nous reproduisons ci-dessous le message de l’anthropologue Kirsten Endres posté sur VSG avec son aimable autorisation.

In March this year, Esther Horat successfully defended her doctoral dissertation entitled “Market Transformation and Trade Dynamics in a Peri-urban Village. Reflections from a Vietnamese Marketplace.” Esther was a PhD candidate at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology from 2011-2015. She defended her thesis at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and was awarded a “magna cum laude” (with great praise) by the committee consisting of Peter Finke, Annuska Derks (both University of Zurich), and myself.


Based on twelve months of ethnographic research in the Vietnamese village of Ninh Hiệp, this dissertation offers an account of the various factors that have enabled it to transform into a regional trading hub for clothing and to maintain this position until the present day. The work pays great attention to how traders experience, negotiate, and react to state policies concerning the redevelopment of markets, and, in doing so, how they actively shape the political economy of Vietnam. New modes of governance – consisting of the ambivalent use of socialist and neoliberal ideologies and practices – are a crucial aspect of the study.

This research was conducted against the backdrop of decades of economic reforms initiated in socialist Vietnam in the late 1980s. Ninh Hiệp, a village along the Red River Delta, serves as a site for understanding some of the major structural changes in the region’s formal and informal labor markets and their impact on the lives of traders. In exploring some of the strategies traders employ to cope with the uncertainties of the post-reform period, the dissertation places particular emphasis on the productive side of uncertainties. Not only do traders adapt resourcefully to global capitalist formations and thereby shape the local economy, but they also deepen their social relations when confronted with uncertainties. The dissertation demonstrates how social networks among traders, as well as trust-based relations that shape informal banking and credit systems, are crucial for the functioning of the market. In addition to allowing for transactions without – or at least scarce – capital, social networks ensure the circulation of valuable information and provide access to producers and markets.

Looking closely at the operation and complexities of family businesses, the thesis discusses the dynamics involved in shaping relations and expectations across the gender and generational divide. Rather than analyzing family businesses in terms of efficiency, exploitation, or as an economic strategy of last resort, this dissertation argues in favor of their conception as agents of social change. Finally, this dissertation argues that the notion of morality is central to the lives of traders on three levels: (a) as a strategy for negotiating the boundaries of a moral community, (b) as a government tactic to project a legitimate image of itself and its policies, and (c) serving as an existential function in the face of ambiguities triggered by the socialist and neoliberal economic orders.

Many congratulations to Esther Horat!

Kirsten Endres

Sylvie Fanchette (dir.), Hà Nội, future métropole – Rupture de l’intégration urbaine des villages

[ndlr] Présentation de l’éditeur. Atlas paru le 14 janvier 2016.

Installée dans « le coude du fleuve Rouge », Hà Nội compte parmi les plus anciennes capitales d’Asie du Sud-Est. Au fil des siècles, la ville s’est constituée sur un dense substrat de villages. Avec l’ouverture économique des années 1980, Hà Nội rencontre de nombreux blocages pour s’étendre : l’absence d’un réel marché foncier, des densités très élevées, une politique d’autosuffisance alimentaire qui limite les expropriations et la contrainte hydraulique de ce delta très vulnérable.


Depuis le début du nouveau millénaire, le changement de vitesse opéré par l’État et les promoteurs immobiliers dans la construction et la planification de la province-capitale pose le problème de l’intégration des villages qui s’urbanisent insitu, du maintien d’une ceinture verte et de la protection contre les inondations. La fusion ville-campagne, qui a toujours fait la spécificité du delta du fleuve Rouge, semble remise en cause.

À partir d’un riche corpus de cartes et d’études de terrain, cet ouvrage collectif montre comment l’urbanisation au ras des terroirs est confrontée à l’urbanisation « par le haut », la métropolisation. Combinant les approches disciplinaires à plusieurs échelles spatiales et sociales dans une perspective dynamique, il permet de mesurer l’impact des grands projets de développement urbain sur la vie des villages intégrés dans la fabrique de la ville, et de replacer la strate villageoise périurbaine comme acteur à part entière de la diversité sociodémographique de cette métropole en formation.

Source : Editions IRD

Marie Lan Nguyen Leroy : Les enjeux de la nouvelle réforme foncière au Vietnam

[ndlr] Nouvelle publication de l’IRASEC à Bangkok.

Marie Lan Nguyen Leroy, Les enjeux de la nouvelle réforme foncière au Vietnam, Carnet de l’IRASEC n°4 – Série Bourse,
88 p. (ISBN 978-616-7571-26-3)


Télécharger / Fiche complète de l’ouvrage

UCRSEA Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2016.2017

[ndlr] Post-doctorat à Toronto sur la résilience climatique urbaine en Asie du Sud-Est. Date limite de candidature : 10 février 2016.

The Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia Partnership (UCRSEA), located in the Asia Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, invites applications for a one-year UCRSEA Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Urban Climate Change Resilience. Research proposed must be pertinent to UCRSEA’s focus on building urban climate change capacity, particularly in the Mekong region. The Fellowship will commence 1 July 2016, with an annual salary of C$45,000 plus benefits.

The Partnership addresses vulnerabilities to climate change in urbanizing areas of Southeast Asia with the goal of enhancing resilience and, hence, economic and social well-being. Individual and community vulnerabilities in the region are linked to global environmental change and to the rapid pace of urbanization and economic integration of the region. Specifically, we seek to provide vulnerable peoples in transitional states with the space to learn about and share in decisions about protecting themselves from the economic, social and physical impacts of climate change.

The successful applicant is expected to reside in Toronto, Canada during the term of the Fellowship, and will have the opportunity to participate in the intellectual life of the Munk School of Global Affairs and larger University of Toronto community during the 2016-2017 academic year. Support for conference and research travel in Southeast Asia is available.

Eligibility is limited to applicants who have received their PhD in a relevant discipline within the three years prior to the start date of the UCRSEA fellowship (i.e. July 2013 or later). All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.

In addition to pursuing an intensive research project, the post-doctoral fellow is expected to participate as a member of the UCRSEA team.

Core responsibilities of the post-doctoral fellow include:

  • Conducting research of relevance to the UCRSEA project;
  • Presenting two research seminars at the Munk School of Global Affairs, with the first in the Fall of 2016 and the second in the Spring of 2017;
  • Preparing an original, full-length research paper for publication as part of the UCRSEA Paperseries;
  • Participating in the UCRSEA Virtual Graduate Student Seminar.

Other responsibilities, to be identified with UCRSEA partners and directors based on the fellow’s interests and UCRSEA’s research agenda, could include:

  • Planning UCRSEA conferences, events, or workshops, in conjunction with UCRSEA partners;
  • Preparing research papers for publication as part of the UCRSEA Papers series;
  • Participation in other UCRSEA research projects and initiatives; and
  • Providing research assistance and support to the UCRSEA Co-Directors.


The deadline for applications is 10 February 2016 at noon (EST). The committee will notify applicants of their decision by 10 March 2016.

Application instructions can be found here.

The Partnership is supported by a five-year International Partnerships for Sustainable Societies (IPaSS) grant, funded by both the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada and the International Development Research Council (IDRC).

Source : UCRSEA

Call For Papers – Vietnam Forum 2016 [ISEAS]

[ndlr] Appel à communications sur le thème “Viêt-Nam, 30 ans de Renouveau et au-delà”, organisé par l’ISEAS à Singapour les 24 et 25 mars 2016. Date limite de l’envoi du résumé de communication (250 mots) le 17 juillet 2016.


Vietnam Forum 2016

“Vietnam: Thirty years of Doi Moi and beyond”

24-25 March 2016

Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)

30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119614


The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) adopted the Doi Moi (Renovation) policy at its sixth National Congress in 1986, opening up a new chapter in the country’s modern history. Under Doi Moi, Vietnam has undergone significant socio-economic reforms that transformed the country from a backward centrally-planned, autarkic economy into a dynamic market-based and highly internationally integrated one, and one of the most successful stories in terms of poverty reduction in Asia’s contemporary history. The country’s political system has also adopted various reforms to facilitate economic development and good governance. At the same time, Vietnam’s foreign policy has also been renovated under Doi Moi as Hanoi abandoned the ideology-based foreign policy making to pursue the “diversification and multilateralisation” of its international relations. As such, Vietnam has transformed itself into a well respected international partner with increasing influence over regional affairs.

Next year will witness another milestone in the country’s development as the CPV will convene its 12th National Congress to review the past 30 years of Doi Moi and to introduce new policies to guide the country’s future development. In particular, there have been calls for a second Doi Moi (Doi Moi 2.0) to lift Vietnam out of prolonged economic difficulties since 2008 and to establish a new growth model for the country. Therefore, economic reforms, if any, introduced by the Party at the Congress will have important implications for Vietnam’s future economic performance. Moreover, official documents adopted by the Congress may also shed light on how the CPV will deal with mounting pressures for further political reforms as well as foreign policy challenges brought about by China’s increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea.

Theme and topics

Against this backdrop, ISEAS will organize the Vietnam Forum 2016 on “Vietnam: Thirty years of Doi Moi and beyond”. The Forum will provide a timely opportunity for Vietnam watchers to review and examine the various socio-economic, political and foreign policy transformations that Doi Moi has produced over the past 30 years as well as their national and regional implications. Held at a critical juncture of the country’s development, the Forum will also be an appropriate platform for scholars and policy makers to share their views on Vietnam’s contemporary challenges and its future trajectories.

The Forum is multidisciplinary, and we welcome papers on a broad range of topics as long as they address the general theme of the Forum. Papers with comparative approaches (especially between Vietnam and China) are also welcome. Possible topics include but are not limited to:

  • Vietnam’s current economic restructuring; SOE reforms; the role of private and foreign-invested sectors; the role of foreign aid and foreign actors in Vietnam’s economic development; Vietnam’s outward FDI; the role of overseas Vietnamese in Vietnam’s economic development; the development of Vietnam’s financial sector…
  • Vietnam’s political reforms under Doi Moi; the CPV’s legitimacy and political challenges; politics within the CPV; administrative and judicial reforms; corruption and the fight against corruption; constitutional reform…
  • Vietnam’s social and cultural changes under Doi Moi; immigration and demographic changes; urbanization process; inequality; middle class; Vietnam’s education reform…
  • Vietnam’s foreign policy evolution under Doi Moi; Vietnam’s contemporary foreign policy challenges; Vietnam’s relations with major countries and ASEAN; Vietnam and the South China Sea disputes; Vietnam’s international economic integration…

Forum’s format

The Forum will be divided into four consecutive panels, focusing on four research areas: economics; politics; social and cultural issues; and foreign policy. Each panel will address the overall theme of the Forum with a focus on their specific area.

Each panel will be composed of 4-5 participants, each participant has 20 minutes to present their paper and 10 minutes for Q&A. Depending on the quality of the papers submitted, however, the number of participants in each panel may be increased or decreased so that the best participants/papers will be selected.

It is expected that an edited book based on a number of selected papers will be published within 12-18 months after the Forum concludes.

Submission of abstracts and full papers

Interested scholars should submit author information, paper title and an abstract (maximum 250 words) via the Forum’s website before 17 July 2015. Selected authors will be notified via email on 24 July 2015.

The deadline for full papers to be submitted is 29 January 2016. Please note that authors who do not submit completed papers by due date may be asked to give up their place in the Forum.

The papers must be original research that have not been published or are not being considered for publication anywhere else.

The papers should be between 6000-8000 words, using endnotes and following the rules set out in Chapter 15 of the Chicago Manual Style, 12th edition, 1969.

Conference grants

ISEAS will cover economy class round-trip airfare and accommodation (2 to 3 nights) for selected participants, plus per diems during the Forum.

Key dates

  • Abstract submission: 17 July 2015
  • Selected participants announced: 24 July 2015
  • Full paper submission: 29 January 2016
  • Forum organized: 24-25 March 2016

Further information and contact details

Further information about the Forum is available at the Forum’s website: All queries should be directed to:

Dr. Le Hong Hiep

Visiting Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119614


Tel: +65 6870 4545

Source : ISEAS – Vietnam Forum Info

Image “à la une” : ISEAS Vietnam Forum Info website.