Archives par mot-clé : troupes sud-coréennes

Survivor of Korean troops’ civilian killings in Vietnam files suit against Korean government [The Korea Herald]

[ndlr] Signalement d’un article de Ock Hyun-ju dans The Korea Herald (Corée du Sud) sur un des massacres de civils vietnamiens par l’armée sud-coréenne pendant la guerre du Viêt-Nam.

A Vietnamese woman filed a lawsuit against the Korean government on Tuesday over a massacre of civilians allegedly committed by South Korean troops during the Vietnam War, in the first of its kind filed some five decades after the atrocity.

The plaintiff is Nguyen Thi Thanh, 60, who lost family members at the hands of Korean troops in Phong Nhi in Quang Nam province in February 1968. She seeks 30,000,100 won ($24,400) in compensation and an apology from the Korean government.

According to her testimony, the incident took place when she was 8 years old, and she had to spend nearly a year in hospital after being shot in the stomach by Korean soldiers. In the village, some 74 people are believed to have been killed during the massacre.

Lire la suite : The Korea Herald, 21/04/2020. URL :

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