Archives par mot-clé : The Washington Post

Tran Ngoc Chau, Vietnamese counterinsurgency specialist, dies at 96 of coronavirus complications

[ndlr]  Parution dans le Washington Post (accès limité depuis l’Europe) d’un article biographique intéressant de Harrison Smith sur Tran Ngoc Chau un personnage dont le destin est intimement lié à la déchirure nationale vietnamienne et qui a défrayé la chronique au Sud Viêt-Nam dans les années 1969-1970.

Tran Ngoc Chau, a Vietnamese soldier and politician who battled French colonial forces and later the communist Viet Cong, emerging as an influential American ally before being imprisoned in Saigon on treason charges, died June 17 at a hospital in the West Hills section of Los Angeles. He was 96.

His daughter Tamminh Tran Kapuscinska said the cause was complications from covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

Mr. Chau was part of a dwindling group of Vietnamese whose lives were dominated by three decades of conflict, including the resistance against Japanese occupation during World War II, the battle for independence against colonial France and the war that followed the country’s 1954 partition, which pitted the communist North against the U.S.-backed South.

Lire la suite / Read more : The Washington Post, 10/07/2020.

Image “à la une” : Tran Ngoc Chau dans les années cinquante à l’académie militaire de Dalat © DR