Archives par mot-clé : Seconde République

Nation-Building in War: The Experience of Republican Vietnam, 1955-1975 – Berkeley, 17-18 octobre 2016

[ndlr] Le renouveau des études sur l’expérience républicaine au Sud Viêt-Nam se poursuit. Annonce d’un important colloque sur la construction de l’État-nation au Sud entre 1955 et 1975 (co-organisé par le Centre des Études de l’Asie du Sud Est de l’Université de Berkeley, Californie et le Journal of Vietnamese Studies).


Nation-Building in War: The Experience of Republican Vietnam, 1955-1975


October 17 | 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.

October 18 | 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

180 Doe Library

★ ★ ★

Center for Southeast Asia Studies

Saigon © John Dominis

This symposium is about the experience of nation-building in Republican Vietnam during 1949-1975. During this period, many Vietnamese sought a non-communist future for their country with the support of the United States. Over more than two decades, these men and women worked together toward that goal as much as fought against each other over differences in visions and policies. This took place within the broader context of large-scale military conflicts (the civil war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam and the Cold War between the superpowers).

Scholarship on the subject has focused mostly on that broader context of warfare while overlooking the project of nation-building carried out by South Vietnamese. In fact, much more took place in politics, society, culture, and the economy than in the military realm. Another bias of scholarship is its obsession with external intervention and its corresponding neglect of Vietnamese agency. While the U.S. played a crucial role in the viability of South Vietnam as an independent entity, South Vietnamese efforts have not been fully appreciated.

This symposium hopes to document and analyze such Vietnamese efforts in both military and other areas of nation-building by presenting panels of South Vietnamese officials, politicians, academics, and journalists who were active participants in historical developments, paired with panels of young scholars who will be asked to place the testimonies of participants in their contexts and to evaluate their significance.

Organizers: Peter Zinoman, Professor of History, UC Berkeley; Tuong Vu, Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon


  • Col. Trần Minh Công, Commandant of RVN Police Academy
  • Nguyễn Đức Cường, Minister of Trade and Industry
  • Kiều Chinh, Actress
  • Huỳnh Văn Lang, Director of Foreign Exchange Agency and secretary of the Can Lao Party’s Joint North-South branch, founder of Bách Khoa Review and the Association for the Development of Popular Culture
  • Phạm Kim Ngọc, Minister of Economy
  • Hoàng Đức Nhã, Presidential Advisor and Minister of Mass Mobilization and Open Arms
  • Nhã Ca, Writer
  • Dr. Nguyễn Hữu Phước, National Director of Elementary Teacher Training & In-Service Training, Ministry of Education
  • Lt. Col. Bùi Quyền, Deputy Commander, Third Airborne Brigade
  • Dr. Võ Kim Sơn, Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Saigon
  • Cao Văn Thân, Minister of Land Reform and Agricultural Development
  • Vũ Quốc Thúc, Central Bank Governor and Minister of Reconstruction and Development
  • Vũ Thanh Thủy, War Correspondent
  • Phạm Trần, Journalist
  • Lâm Lễ Trinh, Minister of Interior and Ambassador
  • Sean Fear, Postdoctoral Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy and International Security, Dartmouth College
  • Kevin Li, Ph.D. candidate, History, UC Berkeley
  • Ryan Nelson, Ph.D. candidate, History, UC Berkeley
  • Huong Nguyen, Ph.D. candidate, History, University of Washington
  • Nathalie Huynh Chau Nguyen, Associate Professor of Australian Studies, Monash University
  • Van Nguyen-Marshall, Associate Professor of History, Trent University (Canada)
  • John Schafer, Emeritus Professor of English, Humboldt State University
  • Simon Toner, Postdoctoral Fellow in Southeast Asian Studies, Columbia University
  • Nu-Anh Tran, Assistant Professor of History and Asian American Studies, University of Connecticut
  • Alex-Thai Dinh Vo, Ph.D. candidate, Cornell University
  • Tuong Vu, Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon
  • Peter Zinoman, Professor of History, UC Berkeley

The program of October 18 includes a book launch from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m., by Prof. Nathalie Huynh Chau Nguyen (Monash University), who will discuss her new book South Vietnamese Soldiers: Memories of the Vietnam War and After (2016)

CA,, 510-642-3609

[Programme des deux journées à télécharger]

CSEAS Vietnam Program UPDATE

Source : CSEAS

Visite vintage du Palais de l’Indépendance [1967-1975]

[ndlr] Séries de reportages sur les appartements des anciens dirigeants de la Seconde République du Viêt-Nam (1967-1975) dans l’actuel Palais de la Réunification. Ouverture au public à partir du 28 avril 2016 de deux nouvelles salles : la chambre du Président Nguyen Van Thieu et le bureau de travail de Nguyen Cao Ky, ancien vice-président. Une commémoration “vintage”, visite guidée.

Dinh Độc Lập lần đầu cho du khách tham quan phòng ngủ của ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu và nơi làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, từng là tổng thống và phó tổng thống chính quyền miền nam Việt Nam trước 1975.

Photo 01 : Từ ngày 28/4, 2 phòng mới được phục chế này được Di tích lịch sử Dinh Độc Lập mở cửa phục vụ khách tham quan. [Ouverture de nouvelles salles à visiter dans le Palais de la Réunification]

Photo 02 : Phòng làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ.  [Bureau de Nguyen Cao Ky]

Photo 03 : Một trong hai tủ sách tại phòng làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, đa số là sách lịch sử. [Une des deux bibliothèques du Bureau de Nguyen Cao Ky, principalement des livres d’histoire]

Photo 04 : Khu vực tiếp khách trong phòng làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ. Trên tường treo ảnh vợ ông – bà Đặng Tuyết Mai. [Espace de réception dans le Bureau de Nguyen Cao Ky. Portrait de son épouse Dang Tuyet Mai sur le mur]

Photo 05 : Bà Đặng Tuyết Mai (mẹ MC Nguyễn Cao Kỳ Duyên) quê Hà Nội, vốn là tiếp viên Hàng không. Bà thua ông Kỳ 14 tuổi, hai người cưới nhau vào tháng 11/1964. [Portrait de Dang Tuyet Mai (mère de la MC Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen), originaire de Hanoi et ancienne hôtesse de l’air]

Photo 06 : Cùng với phòng làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, dịp này Dinh Độc Lập mở cửa phòng ngủ của ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, người giữ ghế tổng thống giai đoạn 1967-1975. [Ouverture aux visites publiques de la chambre de Nguyen Van Thieu, ancien président de la RVN de 1967 à 1975]

Photo 07 : Giường ngủ của ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu trong Dinh Độc Lập. [Le lit du Président Nguyen Van Thieu]

Photo 08 : Ảnh bà Nguyễn Thị Mai Anh, vợ ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, được đặt sát cạnh giường ngủ. [Photo de Mme Nguyen Thi Mai Anh, épouse de Nguyen Van Thieu, posée sur la table de nuit de gauche]

Photo 09 : Đồng hồ cổ được đặt bên giường ngủ. [L’horloge posée sur la table de nuit de droite]

Photo 10 : Bàn trang điểm của bà Mai Anh. [Table de maquillage de la première dame]

Photo 11 : Khu vực để áo quần và giày dép của vợ chồng ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu nằm đối diện phòng ngủ. [Mobilier de rangements destinés aux habits du couple présidentiel]

Photo 12 : Những bộ áo quần của vợ chồng ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu. [Costumes et vêtements du couple présidentiel]

Source : Trung Sơn, Lần đầu mở cửa phòng làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, VnExpress, 28/04/2016.

Voir également :

Taylor, K. W. (ed.): Voices from the Second Republic of South Vietnam (1967–1975)

Taylor_VoicesFromThe2ndRepublicOfVietNam[ndlr] Parution d’un ouvrage important sur la Seconde République du Viêt-Nam (1967-1975) sur laquelle peu d’études existent. Réf. : Taylor, Keith W. (ed.), Voices from the Second Republic of South Vietnam (1967–1975), Ithaca, NY, Southeast Asia Program Publications, 2015.

The Republic of (South) Vietnam is commonly viewed as a unified entity throughout the two decades (1955–75) during which the United States was its main ally. However, domestic politics during that time followed a dynamic trajectory from authoritarianism to chaos to a relatively stable experiment in parliamentary democracy. The stereotype of South Vietnam that appears in most writings, both academic and popular, focuses on the first two periods to portray a caricature of a corrupt, unstable dictatorship and ignores what was achieved during the last eight years.

The essays in Voices from the Second Republic of South Vietnam (1967–1975) come from those who strove to build a constitutional structure of representative government during a war for survival with a totalitarian state. Those committed to realizing a noncommunist Vietnamese future placed their hopes in the Second Republic, fought for it, and worked for its success. This book is a step in making their stories known.

  • Introduction by K. W. Taylor
  • 1. A Vietnamese Perspective on US Involvement in Vietnam
    by Bui Diem
  • 2. Testimony of a Senior Officer, South Vietnamese Central Intelligence Organization
    by Phan Cong Tam
  • 3. From Facing Anti-war Crowds to Nation-building
    by Nguyen Ngoc Bich
  • 4. A Decade of Public Service: Nation-building during the Interregnum and Second Republic (1964–75)
    by Tran Quang Minh
  • 5. Building a Market Economy during Wartime
    by Nguyen Duc Cuong
  • 6. From the First to the Second Republic: From Scylla to Charybdis
    by Phan Quang Tue
  • 7. Testimony of a Former Representative of the Republic of South Vietnam National Assembly, 1971–75
    by Tran Van Son
  • 8. The Tan Dai Viet Party and its Contribution to Building Democracy in the Second Republic of Vietnam
    by Ma Xai
  • 9. Naval Battle of the Paracels
    by Ho van Ky-Thoai
  • 10. Military and Security
    by Lan Lu

Source : Cornell University Press