Archives par mot-clé : programme de recherche

Social Sciences in and about Cambodia. The Human Sciences Encounters in Phnom Penh conferences 2008-2017

[ndlr] Mise en ligne d’un document rassemblant les résumés des 82 conférences qui ont été organisées par les Human Sciences Encounters in Phnom Penh (HSEPP) entre 2008 et 2017, complété en annexe d’une version khmère. : Pascale Hancart Petitet, Um Vutha et Steven Prigent

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Call for Participants: Site and Space in Southeast Asia [14/01/2018]

[ndlr] Appel à participation. Date limite : 14 janvier 2018.


Site and Space in Southeast Asia

Deadline: 14 January 2018

The organisers of Site and Space in Southeast Asia seek applications for participation in a two-year funded research opportunity exploring the art, architecture, and landscape of Southeast Asia.

Site and Space in Southeast Asia explores the intersections of urban space, art and culture in three cities—Yangon, Penang, and Huế—through collaborative, site-based research. With major funding from the Getty Foundation and partners from within and beyond the region, Site and Space in Southeast Asia seeks to support innovative research in the art and architectural histories of the region, foster professional networks among early career scholars, and expand engagement with an ever more global field.

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