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Cambodia : CKS Research Fellowships 2019 [Appel à propositions]

[ndlr] Annonce du Center for Khmer Studies pour une bourse de recherche au Cambodge.


CKS Research Fellowships 2019:

Call for proposals: Deadline: 15 November 2018

The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) provides in-country research fellowships for U.S., Cambodian, and French scholars (or EU citizens holding a French degree) and doctoral students on a yearly basis.

CKS Senior Research Fellows are given direct funding for their research, access to CKS resources, and are provided with logistical support and contacts while in Cambodia.

Senior fellowships are open to scholars in all disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities to pursue further research focusing on Cambodia only or Cambodia within a regional context.

Ph.D. fellowships are available for a maximum of 11 months for doctoral dissertation research. Senior long-term (6 to 9 months) and short-term (4 to 6 months or less) fellowships are available for scholars who already hold a Ph.D.

This year, we would like to encourage research proposals related to the following themes. These are not restrictive, and please do feel free to submit proposals addressing any other themes too.

  • Urban sustainability (urban mobility, smart cities, gentrification, cultural preservation, demography and migration, etc.)
  • Environmental protection/environmental sustainability/circular economy/inequalities
  • Mine action and social impact in the ASEAN region
  • Role of youth and arts in Cambodia’s social development
  • Intangible cultural heritage of Cambodia
  • China’s social, economic and/or cultural role/influence in Cambodia
  • Application of behavioral sciences research or technology/social innovation to any of the above topics

For more information, please contact the CKS Director, Mr. Natharoun Ngo, at

Source : CKS website

L’EFEO recrute

[ndlr] Postes mis au concours à l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient.


Trois concours viennent d’êtres ouverts :

1/ Directeur d’études de l’EFEO « spécialiste de l’Asie du Sud-Est » ;

2/ Maître de Conférences de l’EFEO « Études japonaises : histoire ancienne et moderne, histoire de l’art, littérature, anthropologie sociale et / ou religieuse » ;

3/ Maître de Conférences de l’EFEO  « Monde insulindien (Indonésie, Malaisie) : archéologie, ethnologie, histoire, histoire de l’art, histoire des religions, littératures, philologie, linguistique ».


Les dossiers des candidats doivent être déposés (sous format numérique) le 4 mars 2016 au plus tard.

La commission de recrutement devrait se dérouler vers la mi-mai.

La date de prise de fonction est fixée au 1er septembre 2016.

L’annonce figure sur le site Internet de l’EFEO (rubrique « l’EFEO recrute », en bas à gauche sur la page d’accueil. Les avis de concours seront également affichés sur le site Galaxie du ministère chargé de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche.

Voir sur le site de l’EFEO.

ISEAS : Visiting Fellowships 2016

[ndlr] Annonce pour un recrutement à l’ISEAS à Singapour.



The ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute (formerly Institute of Southeast Asian Studies) invites applications for Visiting Fellowships in Southeast Asia Studies.

Preference will be given to candidates who have done or can work on projects associated with one or more of the following themes:

i) Inter-ethnic and/or inter-religious relations in Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand or Vietnam. (More specific topics can include political Buddhism in Thailand and Myanmar, and religiosity in Vietnam.)

ii) Transnational trajectories of Islam and their influences on Malaysia and/or Indonesia.

iii) Urbanization and socio-political change in Indonesia and/or Vietnam. (More specific topics can look into the relationship between urbanization and migration, the growth of the middle class, and the impact of infrastructure-building, among others.)

iv) The political and economic roles of the Chinese in contemporary Southeast Asia.

v) The application of quantitative analysis and/or Geographic Information System to the study of social trends in Southeast Asia.
Other requirements.

Applicants must have received their Ph.D. degree no earlier than 1 August 2011, in any area of the humanities or social sciences (especially economics, political science/government, sociology, anthropology, geography and urban studies). The successful applicant is expected to start no later than 2 January 2017 and must have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. degree at the point of employment.

Fluency in English and a Southeast Asian language is preferred, along with good communications, networking and interpersonal skills.

Depending on the expertise of the candidate, he or she will be conducting one or two projects related to the themes listed above. Visiting Fellows are also expected to contribute to ISEAS in the following ways:

i) Monitor economic, political and/or social cultural trends in Southeast Asia.

ii) Write for a range of ISEAS publishing outlets such as ISEAS e-publications, Working Papers, academic journals and books.

iii) Contribute to ISEAS collective research efforts.

Fellowship Benefits

An all-inclusive and fixed monthly stipend commensurate with qualifications and experience.

A monthly housing subsidy (applicable to non-Singaporeans only).

Term of each fellowship is one year, with possible extension for another year.

Please submit one original and one copy of a complete application consisting of the following:

i) Cover letter (1 page).

ii) Research Statement (elaborating on what you think are the key questions to be examined in your country or area of expertise for the next 3-5 years; 300-500 words).

iii) Research Plan (for one or two projects; each plan should address the research question, methodology and timeline; 3 pages each, double-spaced).

iv) Dissertation abstract and table of contents.

v) Curriculum vitae.

vi) Official transcript of grades and certified copy of Ph.D. degree (if degree is not in hand at time of application, a letter is needed from the thesis supervisor stating the expected date of completion).

vii) Two letters of recommendation (sealed and signed; original copy only).

Enquiries: Please contact Mr ANG Swee Loh (

Please send application package by 29 Feb 2016 to:
Mr Ang Swee Loh
Deputy Head of Administration
ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute
30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Singapore 119614

(Only short-listed candidates will be notified and interviews may be conducted at the upcoming Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting in Seattle.)

Télécharger le document : ISEAS Visiting Fellowships 2016

UCRSEA Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2016.2017

[ndlr] Post-doctorat à Toronto sur la résilience climatique urbaine en Asie du Sud-Est. Date limite de candidature : 10 février 2016.

The Urban Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia Partnership (UCRSEA), located in the Asia Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto, invites applications for a one-year UCRSEA Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Urban Climate Change Resilience. Research proposed must be pertinent to UCRSEA’s focus on building urban climate change capacity, particularly in the Mekong region. The Fellowship will commence 1 July 2016, with an annual salary of C$45,000 plus benefits.

The Partnership addresses vulnerabilities to climate change in urbanizing areas of Southeast Asia with the goal of enhancing resilience and, hence, economic and social well-being. Individual and community vulnerabilities in the region are linked to global environmental change and to the rapid pace of urbanization and economic integration of the region. Specifically, we seek to provide vulnerable peoples in transitional states with the space to learn about and share in decisions about protecting themselves from the economic, social and physical impacts of climate change.

The successful applicant is expected to reside in Toronto, Canada during the term of the Fellowship, and will have the opportunity to participate in the intellectual life of the Munk School of Global Affairs and larger University of Toronto community during the 2016-2017 academic year. Support for conference and research travel in Southeast Asia is available.

Eligibility is limited to applicants who have received their PhD in a relevant discipline within the three years prior to the start date of the UCRSEA fellowship (i.e. July 2013 or later). All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.

In addition to pursuing an intensive research project, the post-doctoral fellow is expected to participate as a member of the UCRSEA team.

Core responsibilities of the post-doctoral fellow include:

  • Conducting research of relevance to the UCRSEA project;
  • Presenting two research seminars at the Munk School of Global Affairs, with the first in the Fall of 2016 and the second in the Spring of 2017;
  • Preparing an original, full-length research paper for publication as part of the UCRSEA Paperseries;
  • Participating in the UCRSEA Virtual Graduate Student Seminar.

Other responsibilities, to be identified with UCRSEA partners and directors based on the fellow’s interests and UCRSEA’s research agenda, could include:

  • Planning UCRSEA conferences, events, or workshops, in conjunction with UCRSEA partners;
  • Preparing research papers for publication as part of the UCRSEA Papers series;
  • Participation in other UCRSEA research projects and initiatives; and
  • Providing research assistance and support to the UCRSEA Co-Directors.


The deadline for applications is 10 February 2016 at noon (EST). The committee will notify applicants of their decision by 10 March 2016.

Application instructions can be found here.

The Partnership is supported by a five-year International Partnerships for Sustainable Societies (IPaSS) grant, funded by both the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada and the International Development Research Council (IDRC).

Source : UCRSEA

Groupe de Recherche d’Histoire (GRHis), University of Rouen : Early Stage Researcher

[ndlr] Offre de poste de recherche sur trois ans à l’Université de Rouen. Détails ci-après :

Post title and post no. Early Stage Researcher
Organization advertising description Groupe de Recherche d’Histoire, University of Rouen
Research Field History
Full time / Part-time Full-time
Duration of post 3 years starting w/c 28th September 2015
Post is open to Candidates must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and not have a doctoral degree at the time of the appointment. Applicants can be of any nationality but must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the start date of the fellowship. The position is for three years, subject to a successful probation period. The applicants should not be in possession of a doctoral degree, but they should have the required qualifications to enter on a PhD program
Salary and other costs Marie Skłodowska‐Curie ITNs provide competitive financial support to the ESR including:• A competitive monthly living and mobility allowance• Coverage of the expenses related to the participation of the ESR in research and training activities (contribution to research‐related costs, meetings, conference attendance, training actions, etc.).

• Coverage of the expenses related to the participation of the ESR in research and training activities (contribution to research‐related costs, meetings, conference attendance, training actions, etc.).

Additional information Informal enquiries about the role can be made to Raphaelle Branche: Please specify on application which role you are applying for
Closing date 14th June


Job summary

Two positions are available at the University of Rouen within the EU-funded Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks (H2020-MSCA-ITN) CHIBOW (Children Born of War – Past Present Future). The early stage researchers (ESRs) will work within the Groupe de Recherche d’HIStoire on different aspects of the life courses and experiences of Children Born of War (children fathered by foreign soldiers and born to local mothers) in different 20th century conflicts.

The ESRs will also be trained through Advanced Training Courses and workshops, topical conferences, secondments to other consortium nodes and an ambitious and carefully planned research activities benefiting from the expertise of world-leading senior academics.

We are seeking enthusiastically motivated candidates with a strong academic record holding a Master degree in a relevant subject, fluency in French and other linguistic skills and subject knowledge as required by the individual research projects.

The two positions are focused on the following topics, respectively:

Role 1:

  • Children born of Indochina Wars: the French and American Way of approach to children fathered by their soldiers in Vietnam: CBOW during the French War in Indochina (1946-1954) and the American one in Vietnam (1964-1973). The project will examine the experiences of children who were born by women from Indochina focusing more specifically on Vietnam. It will focus on the French and US approaches.
  • Reading knowledge of French and English is required, while reading knowledge of Vietnamese is desired but not required. Knowledge and practice of oral history is desired.

Role 2:

  • Comparative Analysis of the French-fathered children of Indochina-War and Dutch-fathered children on Indonesian War: CBOW during the French War in Indochina (1946-1954) and the Dutch War in Indonesia (1945-1949). The project will examine the experiences of children who were born by women from Indochina and Indonesia focusing more specifically on colonial societies and long-term perspectives from the 19th century onward.
  • Reading knowledge of French and Dutch is required. Knowledge of Asian native languages is desired as well as practice of oral history.

Please specify which role you are applying for clearly on your application


Main Responsibilities

  • Enroll in a PhD programme at the Groupe de Recherche d’Histoire (University of Rouen) toward a doctoral degree
  • Undertake prescribed research tasks in accordance with specified research projects in order to support the achievement of the School’s CHIBOW’s research strategy.
  • Undertake collection of research data through a variety of research methods
  • Disseminate research findings at internal meetings, meetings of the CHIBOW network and at scientific meetings
  • Prepare work for written research reports and publications when directed
  • Prioritise tasks within agreed work schedule to ensure that projects are delivered on time
  • Carry out routine administrative tasks associated with specified research projects, eg organisation and documentation of project meetings
  • Liaise and collaborate with students and researchers at the University of Rouen and more widely within the CHIBOW network.
  • Contribute to and assist in maintaining the CHIBOW web site.
  • Follow best practice in research including best practice in ethical requirements
  • Attend training courses

Knowledge, Skills, Qualifications and Experience Required


  • Master in relevant subject area
  • Ability to work as part of a team and also to work independently using own initiative
  • Ability to spend part of the research time abroad, especially in Asia
  • Ability to conduct interviews
  • Fluency in French, as well as additional other linguistic skills and subject knowledge as required by the individual research projects
  • Thorough understanding and direct relevant experience of research methods


Role 1

  • Reading knowledge of Vietnamese

Role 2

  • Speaking knowledge of Vietnamese


Job Features

Planning and Organising

  • Attend and contribute to subject group meetings
  • Contribute to the planning of research projects
  • Coordinate own work with others to avoid conflict or duplication of effort

Internal/External Relationships

  • Liaise with colleagues, students and support staff
  • Participate in internal networks for the exchange of information


Selection process

To apply, please provide:
• a cover letter detailing your suitability and ambitions for the position in question
• a detailed CV
• the name and address of two referees to support your application.

All applications should be sent by email to
Enquiries can be made to
The date of closing is June 14th 2015.

Interviews will be conducted w/c 22nd June.

Site du GRHis