Archives par mot-clé : PHD thesis

Nguyen Tuyet : Risk of eutrophication in the Saigon River: impacts of the Ho Chi Minh Megacity (Vietnam) [PhD Thesis]

[ndlr] Soutenance de thèse dans le cadre du projet Saigon River.

Nguyet Tuyet, doctorante à Grenoble INP, soutiendra sa thèse le 19 Décembre 2018 à 14h00 dans la salle Lliboutry  (54, rue Molière – Domaine universitaire 38 400 St Martin d’Hères).

Nguyet Tuyet

Risk of eutrophication in the Saigon River: impacts of the Ho Chi Minh Megacity (Vietnam)

Jury :

  • Sarah DORNER, Professeure, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada (Rapportrice)
  • Florentina MOATAR, Directrice de Recherche IRSTEA, France (Rapportrice)
  • Josette GARNIER, Directrice de Recherche CNRS, UMR METIS, France (Examinatrice)
  • Jean MARTINS, Directeur de recherche CNRS, UMR IGE, France (Examinateur)
  • Phuoc-Dan NGUYEN, Associated Professor, HCMUT, Vietnam (Examinateur)
  • Julien NEMERY, Maître de conférences HDR, Grenoble INP, UMR IGE, France (Directeur de thèse)
  • Nicolas GRATIOT, Directeur de recherche IRD, UMR IGE, France (Co-directeur de thèse)

Abstract (excerpt) :

The Saigon River, a part of Saigon – Dongnai River basin located in Southern Vietnam, is about 250 km long with a catchment area of 4,717 km2. The Dau Tieng reservoir in the upstream of the Saigon River has been constructed for irrigation, flood protection purposes and the control of the intrusion of saline water. When flowing through HCMC, Saigon River is connected with canals and then joins Dongnai River to become the Nha Be River flowing through Can Gio Mangrove to the East Sea. Draining a low elevation coastal zone (LECZ), Saigon River is affected by the asymmetric semi-diurnal tides. The general goal of this thesis is to (i) assess trophic status in the Saigon – Dongnai River, (ii) assess the processes that lead nutrient behavior in the salinity gradient to estimate retention capacity with respect to the nutrients fluxes and (iii) calculate nutrient budgets to further be used for numerical simulations.

Résumé (extrait) :

La rivière Saigon, qui constitue un sous bassin du fleuve Nha Be, est située dans le sud du Vietnam. Cette rivière a une longueur d’environ 250 km et le bassin versant total à une surface de 4717 km2. Le réservoir de Dau Tieng, situé en amont de la rivière Saigon, a été construit pour mieux gérer l’irrigation, lutter contre les inondations et contrôler l’intrusion d’eau salée. En traversant Hô Chi Minh-Ville, la rivière Saigon est connectée à plusieurs canaux puis rejoint la rivière Dongnai pour devenir le fleuve Nha Be qui traverse la zone de mangrove de Can Gio et se jette dans la mer de l’Est. La rivière Saigon et son bassin versant sont situés dans la plaine côtière et sont soumis au balancement quotidien des marées. L’objectif général de cette thèse est (i) d’évaluer l’état trophique de la rivière Saigon – Dongnai, (ii) d’étudier les processus à l’origine de la dynamique des nutriments, en particulier le rôle des sédiments en suspension, du mélange turbulent et du gradient de salinité, afin d’estimer la capacité de rétention par rapport aux flux d’éléments nutritifs; (ii) d’utiliser ces mesures de terrain et de laboratoire pour envisager une simulation numérique de ce système estuarien.

Fiche profil de Tuyet T.N. Nguyen

Pour en savoir plus sur ce sujet : 

Image “à la une” : The Saigon river – view from the Renaissance Riverside Hotel # 2 © 2012 Virtual Saigon / Institut d’Asie Orientale

Julie Osborn: Women, War, Vietnam: The Mobilization of Female Images, 1954-1978 [PhD diss.]

It is a pleasure to announce that Julie Osborn recently defended her dissertation Women, War, Vietnam: The Mobilization of Female Images, 1954-1978 and received her PhD in History at the University of Washington, Seattle, having worked with Profs. William Rorabaugh, Christoph Giebel, Susan Glenn, and Laurie Sears.

Nữ du kích Việt Cộng
Nữ du kích Việt Cộng 

Women, War, Vietnam: The Mobilization of Female Images, 1954-1978 proceeds with two deeply interwoven goals in mind: mapping the experience of women in the Viet Nam War and evaluating the ways that ideas about women and gender influenced the course of American involvement in Viet Nam.  Julie Osborn argues that between 1954 and 1978, ideas about women and femininity were crucially involved in impelling, sustaining, and later restraining American actions and prerogatives in Viet Nam.  The dissertation evaluates literal images such as photographs, film and television footage as well as images evoked by texts in the form of news reports, magazine articles, and fiction, focusing specifically on images that reveal deeply gendered ways of seeing and representing the conflict for Americans.  Some of the images Julie Osborn analyzes include a French nurse known as the “Angel of Dien Bien Phu,” refugees regrouping to southern Viet Nam in 1954, the de facto “first lady” of the Republic of Viet Nam under Ngo Dinh Diem, Tran Le Xuan, a.k.a. “Madame Nhu,” and female members of the National Liberation Front.  Juxtaposing images of American women, Julie Osborn also focuses on the figure of the housewife protesting American atrocities and the use of napalm in Viet Nam, and images wrought by American women intellectuals that shifted focus away from the military and toward the larger social and psychological impact of the war.

Congratulations on this splendid achievement, Dr. Osborn!
C. Giebel
Source : VSG (with kind authorization of C. Giebel).

Thanh Nữ Cộng Hòa © 1962 Life
Thanh Nữ Cộng Hòa © 1962 Life 


Tuan Hoang: Ideology in Urban South Vietnam, 1950-1975 [PhD diss.]

[ndlr] Signalement d’une thèse de doctorat d’histoire soutenue le 26 mars 2013 à l’Université Notre-Dame (Indiana, Etats-Unis). Félicitations à Tuan Hoang pour ce travail qui apporte une pierre supplémentaire au renouveau des études sur la République du Viêt-Nam (Sud).


 Cliquez sur l’image pour l’agrandir (source: Manh Hai Photo Gallery)

Hoang, Tuan: Ideology in Urban South Vietnam, 1950-1975

This dissertation addresses the subject of noncommunist political and cultural ideology in urban South Vietnam during 1954-1975. It contributes to the historiography of the Vietnam War, specifically on the long-neglected Republic of Vietnam (RVN) that has received greater attention in the last decade. The basic argument is that the postcolonial ideological vision of most urban South Vietnamese diverged greatly from that of the Vietnamese communist revolutionaries. This vision explains for the puzzling question on why the communist revolutionaries were far more effective in winning the minds and hearts of Vietnamese in countryside than in cities. At the same time, this vision was complicated by the uneasy relationship with the Americans.

The dissertation examines four aspects in particular. First is the construction of anticommunism: Although influenced by Cold War bipolarity, anticommunism in urban South Vietnam was shaped initially and primarily by earlier differences about modernity and post-colonialism. It was intensified through intra-Vietnamese experiences of the First Indochina War.

The second aspect is the promotion of individualism. Instead of the socialist person as advocated by communist revolutionaries, urban South Vietnamese promoted a bourgeois petit vision of the postcolonial person. Much of the sources for this promotion came from the West, especially France and the U.S. But it was left to urban South Vietnamese writers to interpret and promote what this person ought to be.

The third one concerns the development of nationalism. Urban South Vietnam continued to uphold the views of nationalism developed during late colonialism, such as the elevation of national heroes and the essentialization of Vietnamese civilization. Noncommunist South Vietnamese urbanites were influenced by ethnic nationalism, although they also developed the tendency to look towards other newly independent nations for nationalistic inspiration and ideas about their own postcolonial nation.

The last aspect has to do with the relationship with Americans: The views of urban South Vietnamese on the U.S. were generally positive during the early years of the RVN. But there was also wariness that burst into resentment and anti-Americanism after Washington Americanized the war in 1965. The dissertation looks into two very different urban groups in order to extract the variety of sources about anti-Americanism.

Source : University of Notre-Dame

Table of contents :

  • Acknowledgments – iii
  • Introduction Urban South Vietnam in the American Experience and Historiography – p. 1
  • Chapter One: Vietnamese Communism and Anticommunism Until 1954 – p. 48
  • Chapter Two: The Critique of Communism in Urban South Vietnam – p. 99
  • Chapter Three: Individualism in Urban South Vietnam: Background and Context – p. 168
  • Chapter Four: The Promotion of “Learning To Be Human” – p. 222
  • Chapter Five: The Development and Continuity of Nationalism – p. 334
  • Chapter Six: Perceptions of the U.S. Before the Americanization of the War – p. 408
  • Chapter Seven: The Roots and Growth of Anti-Americanism – p. 464
  • Epilogue – p. 515
  • Bibliography – p. 523