Archives par mot-clé : paix

50 năm Hiệp định Paris: Những điều không được nói tới trong tuyên truyền của Việt Nam [VOA VN]

Long et intéressant entretien avec l’historien Pierre Asselin sur le cinquantenaire des Accords de Paris. Retour sur les points masqués par la propagande d’État en RSVN.

Pierre Asselin est l’auteur de A Bitter Peace: Washington, Hanoi, and the Making of the Paris Agreement (University of North Carolina Press, 2002).

Năm mươi năm trước, Chiến tranh Việt Nam đạt tới một bước ngoặt lịch sử vào ngày 27 tháng 1 năm 1973 khi bốn bên gồm Mỹ, Việt Nam Cộng Hòa, Việt Nam Dân chủ Cộng Hòa (Bắc Việt Nam), Cộng hòa miền Nam Việt Nam (Việt Cộng) kí kết Hiệp định Paris với mục đích chấm dứt chiến tranh, lập lại hòa bình tại Việt Nam.

Theo các điều khoản, Mỹ đồng ý đình chỉ ngay lập tức mọi hoạt động quân sự và rút toàn bộ quân nhân còn lại trong vòng 60 ngày. Bắc Việt Nam đồng ý ngừng bắn ngay lập tức và trả tự do cho tất cả tù binh Mỹ trong vòng 60 ngày. Hơn 100.000 binh sĩ Bắc Việt Nam đang ở trên lãnh thổ Việt Nam Cộng Hòa được phép ở lại. Việt Nam vẫn bị chia cắt.

Sự kiện này được chính quyền cộng sản của Việt Nam mô tả là một “chiến thắng vĩ đại” về ngoại giao mở ra cục diện mới tiến tới thống nhất hoàn toàn đất nước vào năm 1975. Nhưng các học giả nghiên cứu Chiến tranh Việt Nam ở ngoài nước nói rằng thực tế lịch sử phức tạp hơn những gì được tuyên truyền một chiều.

VOA trò chuyện với Pierre Asselin, Giáo sư Lịch sử tại Đại học San Diego State ở Mỹ, người từng viết một cuốn sách về tiến trình dẫn tới Hiệp định Paris, để làm sáng tỏ một số vấn đề lịch sử. Nội dung cuộc phỏng vấn đã được biên tập lại cho rõ ràng và dễ theo dõi.

Lire l’entretien :

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Paris Peace Accords [Nixon Foundation, 26/01/2023]

Une conférence en ligne à suivre sur YouTube, à partir de 19h, heure française. Présentation ci-dessous.

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Paris Peace Accords

January 26, 2023  · 

Virtual Event with Livestream Beginning at 10 AM PST

The signing of the Paris Peace Accords on January 27, 1973 was a milestone in the Nixon administration’s attempts to end the war in Vietnam.   

Fifty years later,  scholars and historians of the Vietnam War will commemorate, examine and discuss the grand strategy that the Nixon administration enacted in its attempt to end the war in Vietnam, secure the peace, and repatriate the American prisoners of war, as well as the years of negotiation that led to the Paris Peace Accords. 

This live, virtual event features two panel discussions: President Nixon’s Grand Strategyfor Vietnam and Seeking Peace in Vietnam, 1969-1973, as well as keynote remarks from Dr. Mark Moyar, William P. Harris Chair of Military History at Hillsdale College. 

Programme et participants :

Christopher Goscha : Peace matters [book review]

[ndlr] Signalement de la recension de l’ouvrage de Sophie Quinn-Judge (The Third Force in the Vietnam War: The Elusive Search for Peace, 1954-75) par Christopher E. Goscha. En accès libre pendant quelques jours sur Mekong Review. Lecture vivement conseillée.

Sophie Quinn-Judge landed in central Vietnam in 1973 as a member of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). She served in the AFSC-run Rehabilitation Centre in Quang Ngai province until the end of the war in 1975, providing prosthetics and relief help to war-injured civilians coming from all sides of the conflict ripping Vietnam apart. Quinn-Judge grew up in Quaker country in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Although she was not initially a member of this breakaway Protestant faith, she took part in their youth camps as a youngster and felt at home working in the AFSC in France and Vietnam.

The Quakers established the AFSC upon the United States’ entry into the First World War in 1917. The Quakers refused to take part in war as an article of faith. So instead of sending their sons into the trenches of the Western Front, the AFSC mobilised their young people to help civilians hurt and displaced by the conflagration. The AFSC did more than provide humanitarian aid, however. Drawing on centuries of Quaker pacifism, the organisation actively promoted “lasting peace with justice, as a practical expression of faith in action”. Educational programs, youth camps and exchanges helped nurture “the seeds of change and respect for human life that transform social relations and systems”. In 1947, the AFSC received the Nobel Prize for Peace for its humanitarian relief efforts during and after the Second World War and its promotion of world peace. The Quakers continued their work during the Cold War, dispatching people to work in war-torn areas of the Afro-Asian world, including Vietnam.[1]

Quinn-Judge carried these values with her to Quang Ngai, working tirelessly in the rehabilitation centre. Arriving shortly after the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, she also became an advocate of peace. The Paris Agreement, signed by the Vietnamese and US sides in January 1973, called for the creation of a coalition government in South Vietnam that would eventually replace the embattled Republic of Vietnam. The coalition would include members from this state, a host of non-communist religious, neutralist and democratic leaders, as well as the communist-backed National Liberation Front (NLF) and the People’s Revolutionary Government for the south. This southern coalition would then decide the south’s destiny via negotiations with the north.

Lire la suite : Mekong Review

Image “à la une” : With journalists from Van nghe quan doi, Quinn-Judge, far right. Photograph : Claudia Krich © Mekong Review


The Vietnam Center and Archive : “1967 – The Search for Peace”

[ndlr] Appel à communications.



Conference Call for Papers and Panels
“1967: The Search for Peace”

April 28-29, 2017, Lubbock, Texas


The Vietnam Center and Archive and the newly-created Institute for Peace & Conflict (IPAC) at Texas Tech University are pleased to announce a conference focused on the year 1967 and the search for peace in Vietnam. We hope and expect in this conference to approach the events of 1967 in the broadest possible manner by hosting presentations not only on the antiwar and peace movements at home and abroad, but also on efforts to end the conflict through international diplomacy as well as military and diplomatic means in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

Recent scholarship has focused on 1967 as a pivotal year in the Vietnam War, as the broad consensus that had supported the war in its early years started to break down and the country fractured over whether the United States could successfully achieve its stated objectives in Vietnam. In streets and on campuses across America, critics of the war demanded an immediate U.S. withdrawal—a position rejected by the Johnson administration as naïve and irresponsible. In April, Martin Luther King became the most famous opponent of the war, much to the chagrin of President Johnson. Behind closed doors, an increasing number of officials within the administration began to question official U.S. strategy and they looked for ways to change course. In May, the Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) was created to hopefully “pacify” the rural areas controlled by NLF and PAVN troops, and win the “hearts and minds” of the villagers. In a speech in San Antonio in September of that year, President Johnson offered to suspend the bombing campaign in exchange for concessions from North Vietnam, prefiguring his more famous offer of a bombing pause announced in the wake of the Tet Offensive the following year. Meanwhile, a force increase to 480,000 troops, operations such as Cedar Falls, Junction City and Rolling Thunder had not defeated the will of the enemy to continue fighting. The depth of this divide behind closed doors was perhaps symbolized most profoundly by the resignation of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara that fall. While this conference will reflect upon the 50th anniversary of all of the events that took place during that critical year, we also encourage the submission of papers and panels that will address the theme of peace over the course of the war from as many perspectives as possible.

This two-day conference will be hosted at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Center in Lubbock, Texas. Conference organizers welcome both individual presentation proposals as well as pre-organized panel proposals that include two to three presentations. Conference sessions will follow the standard 90-minute format to include 60 minutes for presentations and 30 minutes for questions and discussion. Presentations by veterans are especially encouraged as are presentations by graduate students. Graduate student travel grants will be made available to select students.

Proposal submission deadline is January 15, 2017. Please submit a 250 word abstract and separate two-page CV/resume to The program committee of Justin Hart, Dave Lewis, Steve Maxner, Laura Calkins, and Ron Milam will evaluate all paper proposals and develop a program that reflects the many remarkable aspects of 1967. If submitting a panel proposal, please include separate abstracts for each proposed presentation and CVs/resumes for each speaker.

Thank you for your interest in participating in this conference.

Source : Steve Maxner / VSG

Vietnam Peace Message


[ndlr] Alors que la situation s’est considérablement dégradée, illustrée par des violences meurtrières hier à Ha Tinh contre des ouvriers chinois (sur lesquelles la lumière doit être faite), de jeunes Vietnamiens se mobilisent pour faire entendre leur message de paix.

 * * *

ThongDiepHoaBinhSource :

Les catholiques vietnamiens et la question de la paix au Sud-Vietnam : histoire d’un militantisme (1965-75) – conférence de Claire Tran Thi Lien

Séminaire général
animé par Andrée Feillard et Rémy Madinier

Sociétés d’Asie du Sud-est : permanences et mutations

Jeudi 04 avril 2013 :

Claire TRÂN THI LIÊN, Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7

Les catholiques vietnamiens et la question de la paix au SudVietnam : histoire d’un militantisme (1965-75)

Au coeur de la guerre du Vietnam et alors même que s’engageaient des négociations entre les États-Unis et le Nord-Vietnam, un groupe de catholiques du Sud-Vietnam s’est engagé dans une réflexion sur une nécessaire réconciliation avec le Nord dans la perspective de la fin d’un conflit fratricide. Tandis que l’historiographie présente le plus souvent la minorité catholique comme un bloc homogène composé d’anticommunistes fervents, prêts à défendre le Sud-Vietnam contre le danger communiste à tout prix, notre présentation s’intéresse à ce groupe de militants.

Engagés dans le Phong trào công giáo xây dựng hòa bình (Mouvement des Catholiques pour l’édification de la paix), ils ont défendu leurs idées dans nombre de journaux et revues entre 1965 et 1975 et ce dans un contexte marqué par une interaction forte entre le calendrier militaire et politique (l’escalade de la guerre, l’offensive du Têt et le début des négociations de Paris) et le calendrier religieux (le Concile Vatican II et les déclarations du Pape Paul VI pour la paix au Vietnam). La position de la hiérarchie et le rôle majeur de l’archevêque de Saigon, Mgr Paul Nguyễn Văn Bình lors de la chute de Saigon en avril 1975 seront évoqués. En dépit du décalage entre les aspirations à la réconciliation de ces militants et la « realpolitik » de l’État communiste victorieux, l’Église vietnamienne, par le maintien du dialogue avec l’État, a pu préserver ses liens avec Rome même dans les périodes les plus difficiles. Elle se distingue sur ce point de l’Église catholique de la Chine communiste voisine.

 Le jeudi de 10 heures à 12 heures. Salon du premier étage

Maison de l’Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 Paris

M° Iéna ou Trocadéro

Page de TRAN THI LIEN Claire

Communiqué de Mgr Paul Nguyen Van Binh contre la corruption paru dans Dung Day n°62, 27-10-1974.
Communiqué de Mgr Paul Nguyen Van Binh contre la corruption paru dans Dung Day n°62, 27-10-1974.
© collection FG / Mémoires d’Indochine

Phỏng vấn ông Bùi Diễm – cựu đại sứ VNCH nhân dịp kỷ niệm 40 năm ký Hiệp định Paris 1973

[ndlr] Le site Dan Lam Bao a mis en ligne l’interview en trois volets de Bui Diem, l’ancien ambassadeur de la République du Viêt-Nam aux Etats-Unis, consacré aux Accords de Paris de janvier 1973. L’entretien a été réalisé à Washington DC par SBTN (Saigon Broadcasting Television Network) les 27 et 28 janvier 2013. Dans l’entretien ci-dessous, Bui Diem revient sur son expérience personnelle notamment auprès de Henry Kissinger lors des négociations menant à l’Accord de Paris. Il évoque la stratégie politico-militaire communiste en 1972, la négociation de fait entre Le Duc Tho et Kissinger imposée par Washington et expose avec clarté le dilemme qui se pose alors à la Seconde République du Viêt-Nam (Sud) qui n’a plus guère le choix que de signer.


* 1ère partie *

* 2e partie *

* 3e partie *