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Interview en français avec Nguyen Thi Binh [1981]

“Interview with Nguyen Thi Binh, 1981.” , 02/16/1981, WGBH Media Library & Archives, (accessed 08 Nov 2012)

Madame Nguyen Thi Binh was the Foreign Minister of the National Liberation Front, and a repre­sen­ta­tive at the Paris peace talks. At the time of the inter­view, she was the Minister of Education of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and she later served for ten years as Vice President of the coun­try.

In the inter­view she des­cri­bes life in colo­nial Saigon, joi­ning the Viet Minh, and the three years spent in a French prison. Mme. Binh then des­cri­bes her poli­ti­cal invol­ve­ment in the Provisional Revolutionary Government and the peace nego­tia­tions in Paris.

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Series Vietnam: A Television History
Barcode 301131
Duration 00:29:18:29
Standard NTSC
Physical format Digital betacam
Type Original footage
Place Covered Hanoi, Vietnam

Source : Open Vault WGBH Media Library and Archives