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Claire E. Edington: Beyond the Asylum Mental Illness in French Colonial Vietnam [parution]

[ndlr] Parution d’un ouvrage clé sur un sujet méconnu de l’histoire coloniale.

Claire Edington’s fascinating look at psychiatric care in French colonial Vietnam challenges our notion of the colonial asylum as a closed setting, run by experts with unchallenged authority, from which patients rarely left. She shows instead a society in which Vietnamese communities and families actively participated in psychiatric decision-making in ways that strengthened the power of the colonial state, even as they also forced French experts to engage with local understandings of, and practices around, insanity. Beyond the Asylumreveals how psychiatrists, colonial authorities, and the Vietnamese public debated both what it meant to be abnormal, as well as normal enough to return to social life, throughout the early twentieth century.

Straddling the fields of colonial history, Southeast Asian studies and the history of medicine, Beyond the Asylum shifts our perspective from the institution itself to its relationship with the world beyond its walls. This world included not only psychiatrists and their patients, but also prosecutors and parents, neighbors and spirit mediums, as well as the police and local press. How each group interacted with the mentally ill, with each other, and sometimes in opposition to each other, helped decide the fate of those both in and outside the colonial asylum.


List of Illustrations
Introduction: Writing the Social History of Psychiatry in French Colonial Vietnam
1. A Background to Confinement: The Legal Category of the “Insane” Person in French Indochina
2. Patients, Staff, and the Everyday Challenges of Asylum Administration
3. Labor as Therapy: Agricultural Colonies, Study Trips, and the Psychiatric Reeducation of the Insane
4. Going In and Getting Out of the Colonial Asylum: Families and the Politics of Caregiving
5. Mental illness and Treatment Advice in the Vietnamese Popular Press
6. Psychiatric Expertise and Indochina’s Crime Problem
Conclusion: Continuities and Change in Postcolonial Vietnam

Source : Cornell University Press

Claire Edington – “Beyond the Asylum: Colonial Psychiatry in French Indochina, 1880-1940” [PhD diss.]

Munch_thescream[ndlr] Annonce sur le Vietnam Studies Group (VSG) de la récente soutenance de thèse de doctorat (PhD) de Claire Edington en Sciences sociomédicales à l’Université de Columbia. Titre de la thèse : “Beyond the Asylum: Colonial Psychiatry in French Indochina, 1880-1940”, une histoire inédite de la société indochinoise vue sous l’angle de la psychiatrie.

Claire’s dissertation, “Beyond the Asylum: Colonial Psychiatry in French Indochina, 1890-1954 [1880-1940],” is the first book length study of the history of psychiatry in Vietnam. It looks beyond the asylum to consider how psychiatry in French Indochina expanded the reach of the late colonial state while working to redefine the relationship between the state and its subjects. The project examines the movements of patients in and out of psychiatric care as a way to better understand how notions of normality and abnormality were produced in negotiations between experts and families and between colonial bureaucrats and colonial subjects. It aims to reorient the colonial history of medicine and public health away from the focus on expert discourses and medical institutions and towards their entanglements with other kinds of colonial projects and indigenous forms of knowledge.

Source : Sociomedical Sciences PhD – Columbia University

Voir la page de l’auteure : Columbia University

Illustration : « Le Cri » d’Edvard Munch.