[ndlr] Publiée sur le site Bauxite Viet Nam, nous reproduisons ici la lettre de Nguyen Thi Duong Ha, l’épouse de l’avocat Cu Huy Ha Vu : un appel au secours pour son époux dont la santé s’est dégradée après 9 jours de grève de la faim.
Hanoi, 4 June 2013
From the family of Dr Cu Huy Ha VuTo the attention of:
– The Vietnamese people inside the country and overseas;
– The Party and Nation Leaders with conscience;
– The patriotic Personalities, Intellectuals, religious Groups and all classes of citizens who love Veracity – Justice – Peace;
– All the Organisations inside the country and overseas.My name is Nguyen Thi Duong Ha.
Residing at 24 Dien Bien Phu, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
In unity with all members of our family, this is our urgent appeal for help we would like to convey to you all.
My husband, Dr Cu Huy Ha Vu, the person who was sentenced for 7 years imprisonment and 3 years parole by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for “propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” through a “public hearing but secret trial” in Hà Nội.
Those who have observed and known about the activities of Dr Cu Huy Ha Vu to clear up his country have seen this sentence as a dirty stain difficult to wash out committed by the so called “National Jurisdiction of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”. Though everything Dr Cu has said, published, and done are being verified as reflecting the reality, and the society accepts his proposals as a path towards the progression of the country. However, the person Cu Huy Ha Vu who loves his country and his compatriots, who is keen to contribute to the destiny of the nation and to the future of the population is being maltreated at the place he is being detained, the prison no 5 – Department of Police in Yên Định, Thanh Hoá.
The surveillance team of this prison is purposely not applying correctly the article rules of the law applicable to the prisoners here, and in particular to Dr Cu. His most recent letter of denunciation has been hushed up for 180 days (one hundred eighty days) without reply, and Dr Cu Huy Ha Vu has got no other option but to go on a hunger strike to protest.
To-date 4 June 2013, Dr Cu Huy Ha Vu has gone on his 9th day of hunger strike, and his health is being at high peril. His life is being highly threatened as he gets a congenital heart disease plus other multiple illnesses acquired in the course of his imprisonment.
Ladies and gentlemen, sisters and brothers,
We have sent several urgent letters of denunciation to the leaders, and to the highest organisms of the Party and the Nation, requesting the liberation, and, for the immediate, an improvement of the conditions of imprisonment of Dr Cu Huy Ha Vu.
However, to-date, we have not received any feed back reply.
Please be compassionate with the situation of our family at this moment. Raise up your voices with your own conscience and use all the capacity in your possession to rescue Dr Cu Huy Ha Vu.
We sincerely address this letter seeking for help to the population, the individuals, the organisations inside of the country and overseas, asking you to come to the rescue of my husband, an honest citizen, an intellectual who loves his country and his compatriots.
Very truly yours,
Nguyen Thi Duong Ha
Source : Bauxite Viet Nam, 05/06/2013.