Archives par mot-clé : Nguyen Cao Ky

Sean Fear : How South Vietnam Defeated Itself

[ndlr] Article intéressant de la série Vietnam’ 67. Un regard sur la politique intérieure de la République du Viêt-Nam à la suite de la déflagration du Têt 1968.

In the early hours of Jan. 30, 1968, the first Communist rockets struck provincial capitals across South Vietnam. A nationwide ground assault followed, and by morning the next day, much of the urban South was besieged, including Saigon’s radio station, the South Vietnamese military headquarters and even the American Embassy. What local papers dubbed the “Year of Sand” — referring to the ubiquitous sandbags appearing in front of the nation’s doors and windows — was well underway.

In the United States, the attacks, which came to be known as the Tet offensive, are remembered as a psychological turning point, the moment when President Johnson is said to have lost the faith of CBS broadcaster Walter Cronkite — and by extension, the public at large. Indeed, though Communist forces suffered substantial losses in manpower and morale, the contradiction between American officials’ buoyant promises and weeks of astonishing televised carnage was never reconciled. But Tet’s political impact in South Vietnam proved equally significant, and no less critical, in determining the outcome of the war.

Still routinely mischaracterized as an American client regime, South Vietnam was home to millions of fervent but factionalized anti-Communists, mostly concentrated in urban centers and provincial capitals. Reacting to the shock of Tet, they set aside longstanding quarrels and rallied in a rare display of solidarity. But the outpouring of constructive energy following the Tet attacks was hastily squandered. Instead, President Nguyen Van Thieu used the opportunity to undertake naked power grabs, compromising the constitutional basis on which his legitimacy was premised, and driving even the most dedicated anti-communists to despair. Post-Tet resolve succumbed to cynical resignation, while military confidence and commitment eroded.

As a result, a moment that could have been a turning point for the country became the beginning of the end. When the government finally surrendered to Communist tanks in April 1975, the South’s political fate had long since been sealed.

Lire la suite : New York Times (23/02/2018)

Illustration “à la une” :A family fleeting fighting in Saigon in 1968. ©Tim Page/Corbis, via Getty Images

Visite vintage du Palais de l’Indépendance [1967-1975]

[ndlr] Séries de reportages sur les appartements des anciens dirigeants de la Seconde République du Viêt-Nam (1967-1975) dans l’actuel Palais de la Réunification. Ouverture au public à partir du 28 avril 2016 de deux nouvelles salles : la chambre du Président Nguyen Van Thieu et le bureau de travail de Nguyen Cao Ky, ancien vice-président. Une commémoration “vintage”, visite guidée.

Dinh Độc Lập lần đầu cho du khách tham quan phòng ngủ của ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu và nơi làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, từng là tổng thống và phó tổng thống chính quyền miền nam Việt Nam trước 1975.

Photo 01 : Từ ngày 28/4, 2 phòng mới được phục chế này được Di tích lịch sử Dinh Độc Lập mở cửa phục vụ khách tham quan. [Ouverture de nouvelles salles à visiter dans le Palais de la Réunification]

Photo 02 : Phòng làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ.  [Bureau de Nguyen Cao Ky]

Photo 03 : Một trong hai tủ sách tại phòng làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, đa số là sách lịch sử. [Une des deux bibliothèques du Bureau de Nguyen Cao Ky, principalement des livres d’histoire]

Photo 04 : Khu vực tiếp khách trong phòng làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ. Trên tường treo ảnh vợ ông – bà Đặng Tuyết Mai. [Espace de réception dans le Bureau de Nguyen Cao Ky. Portrait de son épouse Dang Tuyet Mai sur le mur]

Photo 05 : Bà Đặng Tuyết Mai (mẹ MC Nguyễn Cao Kỳ Duyên) quê Hà Nội, vốn là tiếp viên Hàng không. Bà thua ông Kỳ 14 tuổi, hai người cưới nhau vào tháng 11/1964. [Portrait de Dang Tuyet Mai (mère de la MC Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen), originaire de Hanoi et ancienne hôtesse de l’air]

Photo 06 : Cùng với phòng làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, dịp này Dinh Độc Lập mở cửa phòng ngủ của ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, người giữ ghế tổng thống giai đoạn 1967-1975. [Ouverture aux visites publiques de la chambre de Nguyen Van Thieu, ancien président de la RVN de 1967 à 1975]

Photo 07 : Giường ngủ của ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu trong Dinh Độc Lập. [Le lit du Président Nguyen Van Thieu]

Photo 08 : Ảnh bà Nguyễn Thị Mai Anh, vợ ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, được đặt sát cạnh giường ngủ. [Photo de Mme Nguyen Thi Mai Anh, épouse de Nguyen Van Thieu, posée sur la table de nuit de gauche]

Photo 09 : Đồng hồ cổ được đặt bên giường ngủ. [L’horloge posée sur la table de nuit de droite]

Photo 10 : Bàn trang điểm của bà Mai Anh. [Table de maquillage de la première dame]

Photo 11 : Khu vực để áo quần và giày dép của vợ chồng ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu nằm đối diện phòng ngủ. [Mobilier de rangements destinés aux habits du couple présidentiel]

Photo 12 : Những bộ áo quần của vợ chồng ông Nguyễn Văn Thiệu. [Costumes et vêtements du couple présidentiel]

Source : Trung Sơn, Lần đầu mở cửa phòng làm việc của ông Nguyễn Cao Kỳ, VnExpress, 28/04/2016.

Voir également :

Legacy Lost: The Political Life and Tragic Death of Tran Van Van – by Ryan Nelson

The Southeast Asian Research Group presents:

Legacy Lost:

The Political Life and Tragic Death of  Tran Van Van

* * *

Ryan August Lawrence Nelson

Trần Văn Văn (1908-1966) © 1966 AP Wire photo
Trần Văn Văn (1908-1966) © 1966 AP Wire photo

Masters Student

Southeast Asian Studies


UW – Madison

 6:00 PM, Thursday, April 4, 2013


Location: TBD

Free and open to the public

* * *

The chaotic political environment of the post-Ngo Dinh Diem assassination period of the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) remains an untapped resource for research, analysis, and interpretation. Between the time of Diem’s death in late-1963 and the country’s first open presidential election in 1967, various high-ranking generals in the RVN’s army orchestrated several coups and counter-coups against different civilian and military regimes. During this period of instability and democratic disruption a furious and complex political battle raged behind the scenes between the country’s leading civilian and military leaders over who would lead the nation and under what form of government. This contentious civilian-military dynamic, especially the defiant civilian politicians who opposed military rule, have been largely ignored by scholars, both Western and Vietnamese.

This paper remedies some of the deficiencies in the existing scholarly literature on the civilian-military divide and the more democratically-inclined civilian perspective by treating the political life and tragic death of the nation’s leading civilian political leader and military critic Tran Van Van. From 1965 until his tragic assassination in late-1966, Tran Van Van emerged as the main rival of Gen. Nguyen Cao Ky, the country’s flamboyant and authoritarian Prime Minister. This dichotomy between Van and Ky, perhaps more than any other political antagonism in the nation’s brief but complex history, best exemplifies the state of contentious differentiation among the RVN’s politically engaged leaders during the 1960s. First, this state of differentiation is dissected by comparing some of the major differences and sources of tension between Van and Ky and their inner circles. This will be followed by a chronological account of Van’s political life (1954 to 1966) which includes an analysis of the evidence relating to his assassination and its social and political consequences.

See SEARG – Tran Van Van (thanks for Ryan to inform us of his presentation).