Archives par mot-clé : K9

Phim ‘Terror in Little Saigon’: Con trai Ðạm Phong lên tiếng

[ndlr] Intervenant dans le débat sur le documentaire “Terror in Little Saigon”, Nguyễn Thanh Tú, un des fils du journaliste Ðạm Phong, s’exprime dans le journal californien Nguoi Viet. Lettre et entretien à l’appui pour faire surgir la vérité.

Nguyễn Thanh Tú, un des fils du journaliste Nguyễn Ðạm Phong. Il avait 19 ans lors de l’assassinat de son père © 2015 Edmund D. Fountain/ProPublica

“Tên tôi là Nguyễn Thanh Tú. Tôi là một nhân vật trong phim Terror in Little Saigon. Mặt Trận cứ việc tha hồ phủ nhận rằng không hề biết có đơn vị K9. Tôi có thể nói với quý vị rằng gia đình tôi ngày nào cũng liên tiếp phải nhận những lời hăm dọa từ Mặt Trận…

…Cha tôi, Nguyễn Ðạm Phong, đã dành số báo Tự Do cuối cùng của ông để phơi bày sự gian lận của các lãnh đạo Mặt Trận. Ðiều trớ trêu là, nhiều người quay lưng với cảnh sát của thành phố Houston, và cơ quan FBI khi cha tôi bị ám sát vào năm 1982, rất có thể giờ đây đồng ý là quan điểm của bố tôi đúng. Vấn đề là, ông đã đúng, nhưng ông đi trước mọi người những 33 năm. Tôi là nhân chứng cho “sự thực” còn sống, chứ không phải những lời đồn đãi. Tôi từng tham dự những buổi gặp gỡ thành viên Mặt Trận với bố tôi và chứng kiến những chiến thuật họ sử dụng, từ mua chuộc đến hăm dọa.”

(Hết thư)

Lire la suite : Nguoi Viet, 11/11/2015.

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Lire les autres entretiens sur cette affaire :

“Terror in Little Saigon” : Frontline / PBS – 3/11/2015

[ndlr] Annonce de la diffusion le 3 novembre 2015 sur la chaîne PBS d’un reportage d’investigation sur la communauté vietnamienne exilée de Californie à l’époque du développement de la résistance anticommuniste du Front National de Libération du Viêt-Nam dit Front Hoang Co Minh.

Frontline and ProPublica team up to investigate a wave of terror that targeted Vietnamese-American journalists. Uncovering a trail that leads from American cities to jungles in Southeast Asia, Frontline and ProPublica shine new light on a series of unsolved murders and attacks.

Between 1981 and 1990, five Vietnamese-American journalists in cities across the U.S. were murdered, and many others in the community were intimidated and attacked.

Who was responsible for this reign of terror — and why has that question gone unanswered for so long?

On November 3, FRONTLINE and ProPublica will unveil Terror in Little Saigon, a multiplatform investigation that reopens a domestic terrorism case that has gone unsolved for decades.

“From the Houston, Texas editor who was shot to death in his home — his paper was called Freedom — to the Orange County, California publisher who was killed inside his office in an arson attack, we wanted to look into these brutal murders and find answers,” says correspondent A.C. Thompson (Life and Death in Assisted Living, Law & Disorder), who spent two years digging into the case alongside director/producer Rick Rowley (Dirty Wars, Zapatista).

For the most part, the murders were overlooked by the mainstream press, and the victims have been forgotten.

“Typically, violent attacks on journalists spark public outrage and calls for answers,” Rowley says. “But no one was ever held accountable for the murders of these Vietnamese-American journalists.”

Drawing on thousands of pages of documents — including newly declassified FBI files as well as police records, CIA cables and immigration files — FRONTLINE and ProPublica tracked down the victims’ families, former law enforcement agents, and Vietnamese Americans across the country to shed new light on these cold cases.

The murdered journalists all worked for small-circulation Vietnamese-language publications serving the refugee population that had sought shelter in the U.S. after the fall of Saigon in 1975. And as FRONTLINE and ProPublica’s investigation found, there was another common thread: many of those publications had criticized a prominent, anti-Communist organization called the National United Front for the Liberation of Vietnam — or, “The Front” — whose ultimate goal was to restart the Vietnam War.

In Terror in Little Saigon, FRONTLINE and ProPublica uncover a trail of terror that leads from U.S. cities like Houston and San Francisco to the jungles of Southeast Asia. The investigative team tracked down former members of the Front, confirmed that the group had operated a secret assassination squad in the U.S., and uncovered new, potentially connected murder cases overseas.

A gripping new chapter in a long-dormant case, Terror in Little Saigon airs Tuesday, November 3 at 10/9c on PBS (check local listings) and will stream in full, for free, online at ProPublica’s major text story will be available that same day at and at