Archives par mot-clé : Irasec

L’Asie du Sud-Est 2024 – Bilan, enjeux et perspectives – IRASEC

Parution du nouvel opus annuel de l’IRASEC à Bangkok proposant l’état des lieux en Asie du Sud-Est pour l’année 2023. A découvrir en ligne, une publication très utile, codirection de Gabriel Facal et Jérôme Samuel.

Pour chacun des onze pays de la région, L’Asie du Sud-Est 2024, bilan, enjeux et perspectives propose une analyse synthétique et détaillée des principaux événements politiques, économiques, sociaux, environnementaux et diplomatiques survenus en 2023, complétée par un focus sur deux personnalités de l’année et une actualité marquante en image. L’ouvrage propose également quatre dossiers thématiques qui abordent des sujets traités à l’échelle régionale : la politique du yuan chinois en Asie du Sud-Est, les relations MERCOSUR-ASEAN, l’aide individuelle en Asie du Sud-Est et les centres d’arnaques en ligne aux Philippines et en Birmanie. Des outils pratiques sont également disponibles, dont une fiche et une chronologie par pays ainsi qu’un cahier réunissant les principaux indicateurs démographiques, sociaux, économiques et environnementaux.


Les contributeurs

Avant-propos : Intégrations régionales et reconductions des statu quo nationaux (Gabriel Facal et Jérôme Samuel)


Dynamiques et perspectives de l’internationalisation du yuan en Asie du Sud-Est (Clément Berthou)

L’interrégionalisme ASEAN-MERCOSUR : relations diplomatiques et économiques (Oscar Fernández-Guillén)

Évolution du don individuel dans une région en difficulté : pratiques anciennes, nouvelles modalités (Rosalia Sciortino)

Scamming : casinos et arnaques en ligne, des POGOs philippins aux compounds birmans (François-Xavier Bonnet, Miko et Laure Siegel)


Birmanie – Le temps du doute pour la junte ? (Tim Gascon)

Brunei – Entre disgrâces royales et séductions impériales (Marie-Sybille de Vienne)

Cambodge – La réouverture sous contrôle d’un pays émergent (Téphanie Sieng)

Indonésie – Pour un « Âge d’or Indonésie 2045 », la poursuite d’une grande entente ? (Gabriel Facal)

Laos – Des partenariats hasardeux pour la poursuite de « rêves électriques » (Martin Rathie)

Malaisie – Tous les chemins ne mènent pas à Médine (David Delfolie)

Philippines – Inflation et tensions en mer de Chine méridionale (François-Xavier Bonnet et Elisabeth Luquin)

Singapour – Dans l’attente d’un sursaut (Éric Frécon)

Thaïlande – Difficiles compromis, fractures sociales et quête de renouveau économique (Henning Glaser)

Timor-Leste – Crise birmane et ASEAN, Australie et grands projets gaziers : une actualité géopolitique et géoéconomique chargée (Christine Cabasset)

Viêtnam – Le Viêtnam non-aligné à l’heure des recompositions géopolitiques mondiales (Jean-Philippe Eglinger et Pierre Journoud)



Télécharger le livre sur le site de l’IRASEC :

Gabriel Facal (dir.) : Current Electoral Processes in Southeast Asia. Regional Learnings [parution]

A l’ordre du jour du 43e Carnet de l’IRASEC, analyse des processus électoraux récents et en cours en Asie du Sud-Est. Sous la direction de Gabriel Facal. Présentation de l’éditeur et accès en ligne.

While Southeast Asia is completing a strong geopolitical sequence and the region remains a strategic area in the relations of influence in the Indo-Pacific, several countries are also focused on electoral agendas and the domestic political dynamics they impel. The Philippines saw a presidential election (May 2022) for which an assessment has yet to be made, while the general elections in Malaysia (November 2022) and the presidential one in Timor-Leste (April 2022), followed by the legislative elections in May 2023, open up new dynamics that have yet to be consolidated.

The elections showed important contrasts between countries. The results of the polls in 2023 did not lead to political renewal, but in Thailand (legislative elections, 14 May) the electoral process was marked by uncertainty, while in Cambodia (legislative elections, 23 July) it wasn’t much surprise. In Indonesia (general elections in February 2024), the campaign is still open, and the results could lead to very different directions.

This book, Current Electoral Processes in Southeast Asia – Regional Learnings, provides an opportunity for experts from six countries to decipher the issues and consequences of these elections (including the future ones). Moreover, based on a regional perspective, it tries to draw comparisons, parallels and contrasts, and to identify broad regional trends in the functioning of electoral systems and the political institutions on which they are based.

Accès au texte :

Myanmar Crisis: Challenges and Hopes for a Way Forward (21th July 2021)

The Research Institute for Contemporary Southeast Asia – (Irasec) and the  Regional Center for Social Science and  Sustainable Development (RCSD), Chiang Mai University, invite you to the joint virtual debate on:

Myanmar Crisis:
Challenges and Hopes for a Way Forward

21th July 2021, 5 to 7 PM (Bangkok Time), on Zoom
With Aurore Candier (Irasec), May Oo Mutraw (CMU),
Rémi Nguyen (Irasec) and Min Zin (CMU)
Opening by Christian Lechervy, Ambassador of France in Myanmar
A panel discussion led by Carol Isoux, Journalist

Coorganized by
Claire Thi Lien Tran, director of the Research Institute for Contemporary Southeast Asia (Irasec) and Chayan Vaddhanaphuti, director of the Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Chiang Mai University in partnership with the Institut français de Birmanie

Please find here below the link to the flyer (click on the picture) and do not hesitate to spread it in your networks.

Source :

Conducting Field Research in Social Sciences – Vietnam

Appel à communications.


Call for Proposals

In partnership with IRASEC, that is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, the University of Văn Lang (HCM-city) is organizing on June 9 and 10, 2021 a methodology research seminar for young PhDs and PhD students working in and with Vietnam. The aim of the event is to support fieldwork training in social sciences, particularly in geography, anthropology, ethnology, sociology, economics, tourism and architecture.

This seminar will include a one-day presentation and exchange at Văn Lang followed by a documentary film in the evening and a field visit during which researchers will present their work on site. These two days will be guided by researchers’ fields, from construction and preparation to processing and dissemination in the context of scientific productions.

The seminar will focus on the following suggested topics:

  • What does it involve to do fieldwork? What constitutes a field?
  • How to (un)make a field notebook?
  • What is a field survey in geography and architecture?
  • From micro to macro: statistical and cartographic tools for objectivizing the field.
  • Contributions and challenges of qualitative in situ methods.
  • Reflexivity and field practices.
  • Data is not given: construction and processing of information from the field.
  • To be or not to be: field practices, activism and intimacy.
  • To speak and to make speak: recording, translating, transcribing, interpreting.
  • Participatory fields and action research: serious games, interactive mapping and theater.
  • Individual practices and collective research projects, how to share a field?
  • Between ethics and open source: how to disseminate field data?

Proposals should be no more than 250 words and should be adressed to the the organizers, Dr. Trần Cẩm Thi (Văn Lang) and Dr Emmanuelle Peyvel (IRASEC) at The proposal can be written in Vietnamese, French or English and should also include a short biography of the author. Deadline: Monday April 20, 2021.

Les publications de l’IRASEC en libre accès sur Open Edition

[ndlr] Nouvelle collection de l’IRASEC sur OpenEdition Books.

Toute l’équipe de l’Irasec a le grand plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement de son site de publication dédié aux recherches sur l’Asie du Sud-Est contemporaine sur la plateforme OpenEdition Books.

Le site propose le libre accès à des collections de livres portant sur des thématiques nationales ou transnationales couvrant les 11 pays de l’Asie du-Sud-Est et l’Asean. Ces ouvrages, en langue française ou anglaise, sont le fruit de projets de recherche originaux portés par l’institut et ses partenaires scientifiques internationaux dans les différentes disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales.

L’initiative, inscrite dans une démarche d’ouverture de la science, a vocation à favoriser la visibilité, la citabilité et l’accès aux publications portant sur l’Asie du Sud-Est à destination des chercheurs, des étudiants et de tous les citoyens que cette littérature intéresse. Le site sera enrichi au fil des mois par de nouveaux ouvrages et collections, dont une collection en anglais de livres coédités avec NUS Press et celle des « monographies nationales » publiée avec les Indes savantes.

“Masters of Their Own Destiny”: Asians in the First World War and its Aftermath [call for papers]

[ndlr] Annonce de l’IRASEC à Bangkok. 

L’Irasec organise avec l’université Chulalongkorn une conférence sur le thème  “Masters of Their Own Destiny”: Asians in the First World War and its Aftermath” qui se tiendra du 9 au 11 Novembre 2018 à Bangkok. Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 25 juillet 2018.

“Masters of Their Own Destiny”: Asians in the First World War and its Aftermath


An International Conference and a Photography Exhibition organized by the History

Department, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University and the Institute of Research on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC – CNRS)


Dates:                9-11 November 2018 

Venue:              Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Despite being qualified as a “World War”, the First World War has long been studied primarily in a Eurocentric perspective, notwithstanding the massive participation of non-Western populations in the war (more than two million soldiers or workers, colonial and non-colonial, from Africa and Asia) and the importance of their expectations along with their disillusionment with the Paris peace treaties. In the last fifteen years, there has been greater interest in the participation of the colonized populations in the war effort, in terms of military and economic, as well as social and cultural aspects of the war within the colonial society. But the Asian States and societies have still been considered marginal. Many important reference works on international relations of Asia consider that it is only after the Second World War and the decolonization movements, that the Asian States became true actors, “masters of their own destiny”. They seem to have overlooked an important fact that three sovereign Asian countries (Japan, China, and Thailand) entered into the First World War on the Allied side. Nevertheless, in recent years, several works have been published on the First World War from the Asian perspective.

The perspective of this conference is to consider the First World War as a key moment which permitted, for the first time in history, important migrations of people and the circulation of ideas, objects, and techniques between Asia and Europe in both ways. By overcoming the oversimplified Eurocentric vision that the masses in colonized countries came to support the European war effort, the aim of this conference is to highlight the Asian individual and collective trajectories, marked by their desire to become the “masters of their own destiny” in the colonial and total war contexts. We hope to join together the perspectives of global history, micro history, and history from below. A biographical approach with the illustration of the individuals’ “non-standard” experiences could allow us to measure the impact of a particular experience of war and of Europe on their lives and their family circle, as well as on their societies.

It is the question of analyzing the experience of war, the conditions in Europe, and the return to their homeland from diverse sources: military archives (including the army’s postal censorship commission), colonial archives, diplomatic archives, intimate letters, press, photographs, memories and literary works, etc. How did Asian workers or soldiers seize that exceptional opportunity to “take charge of their own destiny” at both the individual and national level? How did the Asians apply that “exceptional” experience of the First World War and expatriation to their personal and social life? What was the impact of these individuals on the political, economic, social, and cultural destiny of the Asian peoples under Western domination? The transition from individual aspirations by using experiences from Europe, to political aspirations in coming back to their homeland, in other words their capacity to become “masters of their own destiny” will be particularly explored.

Possible avenues of research include (among others):

o   Experience of Asian soldiers on the European front  o Experience of Asian workers in Europe

o   Testimonies of Asian diplomats and officials in Europe

o   Asian political activists and the making of new political networks in Asia o Asian students in Europe and the making of new elite in Asia o Asian mediators of new technics: the making of new professions in Asia


Other events: 

Ø  A photography exhibition entitled “Asians and the Great War”

Ø  A special session on the filmed archives on the Great War with screening and debates of film archives

Ø  Excursion for participants to WWI-related sites and museums and attendance at the 11 November commemoration ceremony in Bangkok

Submission of proposal

Paper proposals should include a title, an abstract (250 words maximum) and a brief personal biography of 150 words for submission by 25 July 2018.

Please submit your proposal using the provided paper proposal to,, and

Successful applicants will be notified by 15 August 2018 .


Bhawan Ruangsilp (History Department, Chulalongkorn University)

Claire Thi Liên Trân (Institute of Research on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC – CNRS, Bangkok)

  • Appel à contributions sur la page Facebook de l’Institut .

Illustration “à la une” : The Siamese Expeditionary Force during the 1919 Paris Victory Parade.