Archives par mot-clé : Europe

“Masters of Their Own Destiny”: Asians in the First World War and its Aftermath [call for papers]

[ndlr] Annonce de l’IRASEC à Bangkok. 

L’Irasec organise avec l’université Chulalongkorn une conférence sur le thème  “Masters of Their Own Destiny”: Asians in the First World War and its Aftermath” qui se tiendra du 9 au 11 Novembre 2018 à Bangkok. Date limite d’envoi des propositions : 25 juillet 2018.

“Masters of Their Own Destiny”: Asians in the First World War and its Aftermath


An International Conference and a Photography Exhibition organized by the History

Department, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University and the Institute of Research on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC – CNRS)


Dates:                9-11 November 2018 

Venue:              Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Despite being qualified as a “World War”, the First World War has long been studied primarily in a Eurocentric perspective, notwithstanding the massive participation of non-Western populations in the war (more than two million soldiers or workers, colonial and non-colonial, from Africa and Asia) and the importance of their expectations along with their disillusionment with the Paris peace treaties. In the last fifteen years, there has been greater interest in the participation of the colonized populations in the war effort, in terms of military and economic, as well as social and cultural aspects of the war within the colonial society. But the Asian States and societies have still been considered marginal. Many important reference works on international relations of Asia consider that it is only after the Second World War and the decolonization movements, that the Asian States became true actors, “masters of their own destiny”. They seem to have overlooked an important fact that three sovereign Asian countries (Japan, China, and Thailand) entered into the First World War on the Allied side. Nevertheless, in recent years, several works have been published on the First World War from the Asian perspective.

The perspective of this conference is to consider the First World War as a key moment which permitted, for the first time in history, important migrations of people and the circulation of ideas, objects, and techniques between Asia and Europe in both ways. By overcoming the oversimplified Eurocentric vision that the masses in colonized countries came to support the European war effort, the aim of this conference is to highlight the Asian individual and collective trajectories, marked by their desire to become the “masters of their own destiny” in the colonial and total war contexts. We hope to join together the perspectives of global history, micro history, and history from below. A biographical approach with the illustration of the individuals’ “non-standard” experiences could allow us to measure the impact of a particular experience of war and of Europe on their lives and their family circle, as well as on their societies.

It is the question of analyzing the experience of war, the conditions in Europe, and the return to their homeland from diverse sources: military archives (including the army’s postal censorship commission), colonial archives, diplomatic archives, intimate letters, press, photographs, memories and literary works, etc. How did Asian workers or soldiers seize that exceptional opportunity to “take charge of their own destiny” at both the individual and national level? How did the Asians apply that “exceptional” experience of the First World War and expatriation to their personal and social life? What was the impact of these individuals on the political, economic, social, and cultural destiny of the Asian peoples under Western domination? The transition from individual aspirations by using experiences from Europe, to political aspirations in coming back to their homeland, in other words their capacity to become “masters of their own destiny” will be particularly explored.

Possible avenues of research include (among others):

o   Experience of Asian soldiers on the European front  o Experience of Asian workers in Europe

o   Testimonies of Asian diplomats and officials in Europe

o   Asian political activists and the making of new political networks in Asia o Asian students in Europe and the making of new elite in Asia o Asian mediators of new technics: the making of new professions in Asia


Other events: 

Ø  A photography exhibition entitled “Asians and the Great War”

Ø  A special session on the filmed archives on the Great War with screening and debates of film archives

Ø  Excursion for participants to WWI-related sites and museums and attendance at the 11 November commemoration ceremony in Bangkok

Submission of proposal

Paper proposals should include a title, an abstract (250 words maximum) and a brief personal biography of 150 words for submission by 25 July 2018.

Please submit your proposal using the provided paper proposal to,, and

Successful applicants will be notified by 15 August 2018 .


Bhawan Ruangsilp (History Department, Chulalongkorn University)

Claire Thi Liên Trân (Institute of Research on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC – CNRS, Bangkok)

  • Appel à contributions sur la page Facebook de l’Institut .

Illustration “à la une” : The Siamese Expeditionary Force during the 1919 Paris Victory Parade.

Après les dictatures, après les traumatismes historiques [ENS de Lyon, 5 & 6 novembre 2015]

[ndlr] Annonce d’un colloque qui rejoint les préoccupations du séminaire.

Après les dictatures, après les traumatismes historiques

Le Brésil, l’Argentine, la France post-1980 : constructions comparées de la mémoire / littérature & cinéma



5 et 6 novembre 2015

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Amphithéâtre du site Descartes

Piloté par l’ENS de Lyon, le congrès des 5-6 novembre 2015 fera état des recherches internationales menées dans le champ littéraire et des arts visuels au sein d’un réseau de recherche pluridisciplinaire « Mémoire et sociétés » (droit, histoire, philosophie, art et littérature), associant depuis deux ans différents établissements de la COMUE de Lyon (l’Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin, l’Université Lumière Lyon 2, l’ENS de Lyon, l’IEP de Lyon), l’Université de São Paulo (Brésil) et l’université San Martin de Buenos Aires (Argentine).

Il interroge un corpus d’oeuvres romanesques et cinéma-tographiques contemporaines (à partir de 1980), au Brésil, en Argentine et en Europe, qui ont pour point commun la mise en fiction d’une mémoire douloureuse, jusqu’alors occultée, voire exclue de la mémoire collective ou de l’histoire officielle (par suite du secret d’Etat, d’archives inaccessibles, de la disparition des témoins, lois d’amnistie, etc), ou qui tout simplement reste à élaborer.

En parallèle des problématiques que rencontrent l’histoire et le droit pour discerner la « vérité » des faits historiques, le congrès mettra à jour les « protocoles » bâtis dans la fiction pour utiliser le témoignage, ses formes (oralité/écrit/image), ses fonctions, ses contenus (témoignages de bourreaux ou de victimes, etc), sa réception (formelle/informelle) et sa place dans la construction de la mémoire collective, eu égard à sa valeur et sa validité pour les destinataires.

L’approche comparatiste des intervenants du congrès met l’accent sur les interactions et les transferts culturels entre l’Amérique latine et l’Europe.

Source : Université Lumière Lyon 2


Omer Bartov et Eric D. Weitz : Shatterzone of Empires [séminaire ENS de Lyon]

[ndlr] Annonce de séminaire.


“L’ordinaire de la guerre. Guerres et violences extrêmes sous le regard des sciences sociales”

ENS de Lyon


André Loez et Sylvain Bertschy

présentation de l’ouvrage dirigé par Omer Bartov et Eric D. Weitz

Shatterzone of Empires

Coexistence and Violence in the German, Habsburg, Russian, and Ottoman Borderlands

(Presses de l’université d’Indiana, 2013)

Mardi 13 mai 2014

de 14h à 17h, en salle F001.


Shatterzone of Empires is a comprehensive analysis of interethnic relations, coexistence, and violence in Europe’s eastern borderlands over the past two centuries. In this vast territory, extending from the Baltic to the Black Sea, four major empires with ethnically and religiously diverse populations encountered each other along often changing and contested borders. Examining this geographically widespread, multicultural region at several levels—local, national, transnational, and empire—and through multiple approaches—social, cultural, political, and economic—this volume offers informed and dispassionate analyses of how the many populations of these borderlands managed to coexist in a previous era and how and why the areas eventually descended into violence. An understanding of this specific region will help readers grasp the preconditions of interethnic coexistence and the causes of ethnic violence and war in many of the world’s other borderlands both past and present.

Omer Bartov is the John P. Birkelund Distinguished Professor of European History at Brown University. His books include Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine and Mirrors of Destruction: War, Genocide, and Modern Identity.

Eric D. Weitz is Dean of Humanities and the Arts and Professor of History at City College, City University of New York. His books include A Century of Genocide: Utopias of Race and Nation and Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy.


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