Archives par mot-clé : ethnicité

Kirsten W. Endres, Ann Marie Leshkowich (eds.) : Traders in Motion. Identities and Contestations in the Vietnamese Marketplace

[ndlr] Parution. Présentation de l’éditeur.

Traders in Motion

Identities and Contestations in the Vietnamese Marketplace
Edited by Kirsten W. Endres, Ann Marie Leshkowich

With essays covering diverse topics, from seafood trade across the Vietnam-China border, to street traders in Hanoi, to gold shops in Ho Chi Minh City, Traders in Motion spans the fields of economic and political anthropology, geography, and sociology to illuminate how Vietnam’s rapidly expanding market economy is formed and transformed by everyday interactions among traders, suppliers, customers, family members, neighbors, and officials.

The contributions shed light on the micropolitics of local-level economic agency in the paradoxical context of Vietnam’s socialist orientation and its contemporary neoliberal economic and social transformation. The essays examine how Vietnamese traders and officials engage in on-the-ground contestations to define space, promote or limit mobility, and establish borders, both physical and conceptual. The contributors show how trading experiences shape individuals’ notions of self and personhood, not just as economic actors, but also in terms of gender, region, and ethnicity. Traders in Motion affords rich comparative insight into how markets form and transform and what those changes mean.

Ref. : Endres, Kirsten W., and Ann Marie Leshkowich, eds. Traders in Motion: Identities and Contestations in the Vietnamese Marketplace. Southeast Asia Program Publications, Cornell University Press, 2018.


Introduction: Space, Mobility, Borders, and Trading Frictions

PART I. Space, Place, and Contentious Politics of Market Redevelopment
Introduction: The Spatial Politics of Marketplaces

Chapter 1
Making the Marketplace: Traders, Cadres, and Bureaucratic Documents in Lào Cai City

Chapter 2
“Run and Hide When You See the Police”: Livelihood Diversification and the Politics of the Street Economy in Vietnam’s Northern Uplands

Chapter 3
Grand Designs? State Agendas and the Lived Realities of Market Redevelopment in Upland Northern Vietnam

Chapter 4
Ghost Markets and Moving Bazaars in Hanoi’s Urban Space

PART II. Circuits of Mobility, Identities, and Power Relations
Introduction: Moving and Shaking

Chapter 5
A Mobile Trading Network from Central Coastal Vietnam: Growth, Social Network, and Gender

Chapter 6
Money, Risk Taking, and Playing: Shifting Masculinity in a Waste-Trading Community in the Red River Delta

Chapter 7
“Strive to Make a Living” in the Era of Urbanization and Modernization: The Story of Petty Traders in a Hanoi Peri-urban Community

Chapter 8
Dealing with Uncertainty: Itinerant Street Vendors and Local Officials in Hanoi

PART III. Borderwork
Introduction: Constructing, Maintaining, and Navigating Boundaries

Chapter 9
Regulations and Raids, or the Precarious Place of Gold Shops in Vietnam

Chapter 10
Moralities of Commerce in a Northern Vietnamese Trading Community

Chapter 11
Fuel Trade: People, Places, and Transformations along the Coal Briquetting Chain

Chapter 12
Arbitrage over the Beilun/Kalong River: Chinese Adjustments to Border Trade Practices in Vietnam


Lisa Barthelmes, Christine Bonnin, Gracia Clark, Annuska Derks, Kirsten W. Endres, Chris Gregory, Caroline Grillot, Erik Harms, Esther Horat, Gertrud Hüwelmeier, Ann Marie Leshkowich, Hy Van Luong, Minh T. N. Nguyen, Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh, Linda J. Seligmann, Allison Truitt, Sarah Turner.

Source : Cornell University Press

Religious Pluralism in Asia: Engagements, Disengagements, Activisms [26-27/11/2015]

[ndlr] Colloque organisé par le CERI (Centre de Recherches Internationales de Sciences Po Paris) dans le cadre du cycle de séminaires “Les enjeux du pluralisme religieux en Asie” du programme Sociétés plurielles (Université Sorbonne-Paris-Cité).

En partenariat avec l’Université Paris Diderot-Cessma et l’Inalco-ASIE

Thursday 26th November

9:00 Introduction

David Camroux, Sciences Po-CERI ; Claire Tran Thi Lien, Université Paris Diderot-Cessma ; Ji Zhe, Inalco-ASIEs

9:30 Religious Thought, Religiosity and Engagement

Chair: Kathy Rousselet (Sciences Po-CERI)

Discussant: Remy Madinier (Centre Asie du Sud-Est, CNRS)

  • Gwenael Njoto-Feillard (Centre Asie du Sud-Est, CNRS): The Marketization of Indonesian Islam and the Inclusion-Moderation Thesis
  • Hilman Latief (Universitas Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta): Islamic Modernism and Humanitarian Activism in Indonesia: Local Dynamics and International Engagement of the Muhammadiyah Movement
  • Iselin Frydenlund (Peace Research Institute, Oslo / Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo): The Political Paradoxes of Buddhist Revivalism in Sri Lanka

10:30 Discussion

13:00 Religious Dimensions of (Political) Engagement and Disengagement

Chair: Claire Tran Thi Lien (Université Paris Diderot-Cessma)

Discussant: Sébastien Billiou (Université Paris Diderot, Cessma)

  • David Camroux (Sciences Po-CERI): Islam, Insurrection or Irredentism: the Ethno-Religious Dimensions of Enduring Conflict in southern Thailand

  • Renaud Egreteau (Woodrow Wilson Centre, Washington DC & Sciences Po-CERI): The Politics of Religion in Myanmar’s New Parliament
  • Bernardo Brown (National University of Singapore, Asia Research Institute): Sinhalese and Tamil Catholics in Sri Lanka: United by Faith, Divided by War

16:00 Discussion


Friday 27th November

10:00 Religious Activism and Social Engagement

Chair: David Camroux (Sciences Po-CERI)

Discussant: Huiyeon Kim (Inalco-AsieS)

  • Ji Zhe (Inalco-AsieS): The Householder Grove and Lay Buddhist Movements in Modern China

  • Florence Galmiche (Université Paris Diderot-Cessma): Buddhism, Religious Affiliation and Social Visibility in Contemporary Korea

  • Jin-Heon Jung (Max-Planck-Institute, Munich): Ballooning Evangelism: Privatization of Psychological Warfare in the Divided Korea

12:00 Discussion

14.30 Religious Activism and Social Engagement (cont.)

Chair: Junliang Pan (Université Paris Diderot-Cessma)

Discussant: Pascal Bourdeaux (GSRL)

  • Jayeel Serrano Cornelio (Ateneo de Manila University): The Social Activism of the Iglesia ni Cristo
  • Claire Tran Thi Lien (Université Paris Diderot-Cessma): Religion and Social Transformations in Contemporary Vietnam: The Case of Catholics in Ho Chi Minh City
  • Ke-hsien Huang (National Taiwan University): “Cultural Wars” in Taiwan: Gay Rights Movement, Transnational Conservative Christians, and Confucian Secularism

17:00 Discussion

Responsables scientifiques: David Camroux (Sciences Po-CERI), Claire Tran Thi Lien (Université Paris Diderot, Cessma), Ji Zhe (Inalco, ASIEs)

Au vu des consignes de sécurité strictes maintenues à Sciences Po, la conférence aura finalement lieu:
Pour le jeudi 26/11, Salon d’Honneur, INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Pour le vendredi 27/11, Salle des Plaques, INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris

Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde: Transnationalizing Viet Nam Community, Culture, and Politics in the Diaspora [ppk]

Valverde_TransnationalizingVietNam[ndlr] Parution de l’édition en paperback de l’ouvrage de Caroline Valverde paru chez Temple University en 2012.

* * *

New in Paperback in Asian American Studies

Transnationalizing Viet Nam
Community, Culture, and Politics in the Diaspora

Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde

Vietnamese diasporic relations affect—and are directly affected by—events in Viet Nam. In Transnationalizing Viet Nam, Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde explores these connections, providing a nuanced understanding of this globalized community. Valverde draws on 250 interviews and almost two decades of research to show the complex relationship between Vietnamese in the diaspora and those back at the homeland.

Arguing that Vietnamese immigrant lives are inherently transnational, she shows how their acts form virtual communities via the Internet, organize social movements, exchange music and create art, find political representation, and even dissent. Valverde also exposes how generational, gender, class, and political tensions threaten to divide the ethnic community.

Transnationalizing Viet Nam paints a vivid picture of the complex political and personal allegiances that exist within Vietnamese America and shape the relations between this heterogeneous community and its country of origin.


  • Transnationalizing Viet Nam
  • Popular music: Sounds of home resistance and change
  • Social transformations from virtual communities
  • Defying and redefining Vietnamese diasporic art and media as seen through Chau Huynh’s creations
  • Whose community is it anyway? Overseas Vietnamese negotiating their cultural and political identity: The case of Vice-Mayor Madison Nguyen
  • Vietnamese diaspora revisited

Read an excerpt from Chapter 1 (pdf).

Réf. Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde, Transnationalizing Viet Nam: community, culture, and politics in the diaspora, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 2012, 185 p.