Le 7 juin 2013, l’association japonaise Asaba a fait don à la ville de Huê d’une stèle commémorative à la mémoire du nationaliste vietnamien Phan Boi Chau. La stèle a été placée près de la célèbre et imposante statue du révolutionnaire, elle-même située à proximité de la Rivière des Parfums à Huê. Comme l’indique la première phrase gravée dans le marbre, la stèle célèbre le quarantième anniversaire des relations nippo-vietnamiennes (1973-2013). Le texte fait mention des relations particulières entre Phan Boi Chau (1867-1940) et Asaba Sakitaro (1867-1910), un médecin japonais avec qui il se lia d’amitié en 1908. Alors que le mouvement Dong Du (1905-1908) initié par le révolutionnaire vietnamien traversait de grandes difficultés, le médecin japonais l’aida financièrement et le soutint politiquement. La stèle mentionne le fait que Phan Boi Chau fit ériger une stèle au Japon en hommage au médecin décédé prématurément de maladie en 1910 à l’âge de quarante trois ans. En effet, lorsqu’il revint au Japon en 1918, Phan Boi Chau appris que son ami était décédé des années plus tôt. C’est à cette occasion qu’il fit ériger une stèle pour exprimer sa profonde gratitude envers son bienfaiteur.
FG, 23/06/2013.
- Pour en savoir plus, lire l’article de Vinh Sinh, “Phan Boi Chau va Asaba Sakitaro” trong “Việt Nam và Nhật Bản Giao Lưu Văn Hóa”, NXB Văn Nghệ, TP HCM, 2001, tr. 217-230.
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Japan presents Hue City with memorial stele of patriot Phan Boi Chau
The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue and the Vietnam-Japan Friendship Association hosted a ceremony to receive the memorial of patriot Phan Boi Chau from the Japanese Asaba Association and the people of Japan, on June 7.
The memorial stele has been placed near Phan Boi Chau statue alongside Huong River in Hue City, in memory of his service for the liberation of Vietnam from the French colonial regime and to mark Vietnam-Japan friendship.
When the Dong Du (Travelling to the East for study) Movement met with difficulties in 1908, Phan Boi Chau met with Asaba Sakitaro–a Japanese doctor, who helped him in his time of turmoil.
After leaving Japan, Phan Boi Chau continued his activities in several countries in the world. In 1918, he returned to Japan and learnt that his friend had passed away nine years ago.
Phan Boi Chau and people from Asaba Umeda Village in Fukuroi City then raised funds for a memorial stele of the late doctor near his tomb.
The Asaba Association and the Japanese people have now presented a stele in honor of Phan Boi Chau to Hue City. This is to commemorate both Phan Boi Chau and Asaba Sakitaro and promote the strong friendship and cooperation between Thua Thien-Hue Province and Fukuroi City.
By Van Thang – Translated by Hai Mien
Source : SGGP English Edition, 08/06/2013.
Voir aussi :
- Bùi Ngọc Long, Tiếp nhận bia tưởng niệm cụ Phan Bội Châu, Thanh Niên Online, 08/06/2013.
- Công Hậu, Nhật Bản trao tặng bia tưởng niệm cụ Phan Bội Châu, Nhân Dân, 08/06/2013.
- Lê Anh, Tiếp nhận Bia tưởng niệm cụ Phan Bội Châu, CAND Online, 08/06/2013.
- V.TR. (từ Tokyo), “Các doanh nghiệp Nhật hãy đến đầu tư tại Việt Nam” – Hội thảo Phan Bội Châu, Asaba Sakitaro tại Nhật Bản, Tuoi Tre, 05/11/2012.