Archives par mot-clé : Dinh Ngoc Thu

Ngọc Thu : Lời Chia Tay [L’au revoir du blog Ba Sàm]

[ndlr] Le blog d’informations politiques Ba Sàm (“organe d’information de l’Agence de presse du trottoir”) fondé en 2007 par Nguyen Huu Vinh (actuellement emprisonné) et repris en main par Dinh Ngoc Thu ferme ses portes. Dinh Ngoc Thu qui a sacrifié ses huit dernières années à la vie du blog s’en explique dans une lettre d’adieu aux lecteurs/trices.

April 13, 2017

Dear readers of Ba Sàm,

Against my wish but unavoidably, I’ve written this letter to take leave of you. Many of you will be disappointed; I ask your pardon.

In 2009, when the Ba Sàm blog was two years old, . . . [Nguyễn Hưu] Vinh could not manage all the work himself and so, as a complete novice, I agreed to assist him.

Neither as an editor nor as an online publisher had I ever done any work like my work for Ba Sàm. From June 2011 until now it has been on average a 10+ hour responsibility, seven days every week, thirty days a month, never resting or receiving any compensation. Nearly eight years have passed.

It is uniquely you, Ba Sàm’s readers, who have inspired me to keep up this work. Several million hits every month! That’s just a dream for most people who venture to blog. Those hits have shown me that Ba Sàm has so many devoted readers, and that’s the particular reason why, although I told myself dozens of times and promised my family that I’d tear myself away, I didn’t give it up.

For eight of Ba Sàm’s nearly ten years, I’ve devoted my time and effort to Ba Sàm’s survival, despite the opposition of certain people. However, there’s a limit to one’s strength. In addition to my duty to my native land, I also have obligations to many others I hold dear.

Once again, I ask readers who have given Ba Sàm their love and loyalty to pardon me. Please remember that I will never forget your many e-mails and messages, your words of encouragement and tacit confidence, the news items, photos and comments you’ve sent, the help you’ve given me in choosing and translating articles. . . .

I have made arrangements to discontinue publishing Ba Sàm on April 20, 2017. I know this will prompt a lot of e-mail — more than I can answer — so I’m opening a column for comment, as a way to keep in touch and to store reminders of labor that’s been hard but also beautiful.


Đinh Ngọc Thu

Traduction partiellement du vietnamien par David Brown.

Source : Ba Sàm, 13/04/2017.