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The Vietnam War: New Perceptions [international symposium – Abstracts and Speaker Profiles]

TheVietnamWar_NewPerceptionsThis interdisciplinary symposium examines the Vietnam War from new perspectives including those of the Vietnamese diaspora, and explores the ways in which perceptions of the war have altered in recent years. The effects of the Vietnam War outside the boundaries of the Vietnamese state are ongoing. The presence of a substantial Vietnamese diaspora in countries that participated in the conflict has contributed to changing interpretations of the war. This symposium acknowledges the South Vietnamese experience of the war and provides new insights into the reconstruction and memorialization of the war by Australian, American, Canadian and French scholars.


DAY 1 – Thursday 10 October

François Guillemot

An Intellectual through Revolution, War, and Exile: The Political Commitment of Nguyen Ngoc Huy (1924-1990)

Many important figures in the contemporary history of Vietnam who experienced the destiny of their country from the seizure of power by the Viet Minh in August 1945 to the period of “Renewal” have been excluded by Vietnamese official history. Millions of Vietnamese perished at each stage of their decisive struggle for independence. But after the civil war, those who chose a different path by refusing communism joined the camp of the damned. Until recently, academic research has paid little attention to these forgotten actors. Through a biographical approach, this paper focuses on the political life of Nguyen Ngoc Huy, a well known intellectual and tireless activist. Each step of his relatively short life mirrors the internal fractures of the contemporary history of Vietnam: first, the “August Revolution” and the war for independence; second, the two decades after the partition of the country into two competing states and the struggle within the nationalist camp; and finally, the fall of Saigon and the years of exile and resistance. Huy perfectly embodies these three crucial steps in the struggle for independence and for a non-communist Vietnam. His political action in Vietnam and in particular in the post-Diem Republic of Vietnam instilled in the Vietnamese people the need to find a new path, both liberal and democratic, for their country. His political action outside Vietnam allowed the defeated elite to become aware of new geopolitical challenges and to politically rebuild within a transnationalist perspective. In this way, this paper examines the potential legacies of Huy’s actions and thought.

François Guillemot is a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS) in charge of Vietnamese documentation at the Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies (Institut d’Asie Orientale IAO, France). He received his doctorate in History from the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, Paris) in 2003. His current research focuses on the political and cultural issues of the Vietnam War and on Vietnamese non-communist nationalism. In 2007, he organized with Agathe Larcher-Goscha an international colloquium entitled “Bodily Identities in Vietnam: Transformations and Diversity” at the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon. He is the author of “Death and suffering at first hand: Youth Shock Brigades during the Vietnam War (1950-1975)”, Journal of Vietnamese Studies, Vol. 4, Issue 3, Fall 2009, pp. 17-60; Dai Viet, Independence and Revolution in Vietnam 1938-1955: The Failure of the Third Way (Indes Savantes, 2012, in French); and The Other Half of the War: Vietnamese Women in the Civil War 1945-1975 (Indes Savantes, forthcoming, in French).

George J. Veith

“A Short Race to Hell”: Thieu, South Vietnam, and the Paris Peace Accords

The Paris Peace Accords remain the subject of deep historical analysis, much of it highly contentious. Various historians have heavily scrutinized the policies and motivations of U.S. President Richard M. Nixon and his National Security Advisor, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger. One claims that Nixon and Kissinger sought a “decent interval” between the American withdrawal and a predictable South Vietnamese collapse. Another claims the opposite, that the Nixon administration designed an unworkable peace accord, seeking to create conditions for “permanent war.” This “permanent war” would provide a pretext for the American military to continue aerial and naval bombardment of Communist military forces. Other scholarship has focused on North Vietnamese motivations. The publication of internal Communist primary sources, plus a few memoirs, has enabled Western researchers to illuminate Hanoi’s goals. However, the actions of America’s South Vietnamese allies remain relatively unexplored. While South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu’s negative reaction to the American peace plan is well established, resulting in the intense re-negotiations of the accords from late October 1972 to late January 1973, Saigon’s policies, both internal and external, to prepare for a negotiated end to the war have been largely ignored. By examining Thieu’s policies from the beginning of peace talks in late 1968 to their denouement in January 1973, a clear pattern emerges of President Thieu’s negotiating proposals. This paper outlines Thieu’s policies, his overall goals, and how the Americans eventually came to ignore his policies.

George J. Veith is the author of Black April: the Fall of South Vietnam, 1973-1975 (2012). Mr. Veith also published Leave No Man Behind: Bill Bell and the Search for American POW/MIAs from the Vietnam War (2004), and Code-Name Bright Light: The Untold Story of U.S. POW Rescue Efforts During the Vietnam War (1997). Code-Name Bright Light was Book of the Month for the Military Book Club in January 1998. He has continued to write and publish about the Vietnam War, including many symposium papers, an article on the battle for Xuan Loc in April 1975 that appeared in the January 2004 issue of the Journal of Military History, and various newspaper articles. He has spoken to the American Legion, National League of POW/MIA Families, National Alliance of Families, and many others. Mr. Veith has testified be fore the House of Representatives twice on the POW/MIA issue, and has appeared on Fox News and other radio and TV stations. He is currently writing an article for “The American Legion” magazine comparing the end of the Vietnam War with the end of the Afghanistan war.

Noah Riseman

The Vietnam War and Indigenous Service in Australia and the United States

The 1960s-70s in the United States and Australia are often remembered as times of upheaval, social change, and activism. The Vietnam War and the civil rights movements for African-American, Native American, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been central to studies of the 1960s-70s. What has not received significant historical attention, though, has been the intersection of these themes: Indigenous participation in the Vietnam War. This paper compares Indigenous military service in Vietnam, exploring the various parallels and divergences between the experiences of Native American and Australian Indigenous servicemen. Oral histories from both groups have generally described the war in a similar manner as their nations’ respective non-Indigenous servicemen. Even so, there are stark similarities and differences between the experiences of the two peoples ranging from their motivations to enlist, their treatment in Vietnam, their adjustment back to civilian life and their roles in Indigenous Affairs in the United States and Australia. Through the lens of comparative history, this paper analyses the Indigenous Vietnam experiences of Native Americans and Indigenous Australians, using personal stories to ground the comparisons in the lived experiences of the Indigenous servicemen.

Noah Riseman completed his PhD at the University of Melbourne in 2008. His PhD, recipient of the 2009 C.E.W. Bean Prize in Military History, was a comparative analysis of Yolngu, Papua New Guineans, and the Navajo Code Talkers in the Second World War. A revised version of his PhD was published in 2012 by University of Nebraska Press as Defending Whose Country? Indigenous Soldiers in the Pacific War. Dr. Riseman is now a Senior Lecturer in History at Australian Catholic University in Melbourne. He is currently part of two Australian Research Council projects examining the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander military service, with particular focus on the post-Second World War era.

Nathalie Nguyen

Recognition of War Service: Vietnamese Veterans and Australian Government Policy

The end of the Vietnam War in 1975 led to one of the largest and most visible diasporas of the late twentieth century. More than two million Vietnamese left their homeland in the following two decades. The major countries of resettlement were the United States, Australia, Canada and France. In Australia, the number of Vietnamese grew from only 1,000 in 1975 to approximately 233,000 in 2011 or just over one percent of the Australian population. The Vietnamese community in Australia is a legacy of the Vietnam War and its aftermath. Among the Vietnamese refugees were many former soldiers. General mobilisation was decreed in South Vietnam in 1968 and nearly male over the age of twenty had some form of military experience. Vietnamese veterans have marched on Anzac Day in Australia since 1981 and are accepted as full members of the Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL), yet few know of their life stories, their war experiences or their perspectives of the war. Based on an oral history project conducted in Australia, this paper will explore a little known aspect of Australian government policy towards a significant component of the Vietnamese refugee and migrant community in Australia–namely veterans from the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF)– and examine the recognition of their war service by the Australian government as well as the political controversies that surrounded this issue in the Australian Parliament in 1985-1986.

Nathalie Nguyen is an Associate Professor and holds an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (2011-2015) for her project “Forgotten Histories: Vietnamese veterans in Australia” at the National Centre for Australian Studies at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Her previous fellowships include an ARC Australian Research Fellowship (2005-2010) at the University of Melbourne, a 2007 Harold White Fellowship at the National Library of Australia, and a 2011 Visiting Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford. On completing a B.A. (Hons) at the University of Melbourne, Nguyen was awarded the Dwight Final Examination Prize and the Professor Alan Rowland Chisholm Memorial Prize before winning a Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Award to the University of Oxford, where she obtained her doctorate. She is the author of three books, two of which have been translated into other languages: Vietnamese Voices: Gender and Cultural Identity in the Vietnamese Francophone Novel (2003); Voyage of Hope: Vietnamese Australian Women’s Narratives (2005), shortlisted for the 2007 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards; and Memory Is Another Country: Women of the Vietnamese Diaspora (2009), which received international recognition as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2010, and was published in Paris, France, as La mémoire est un autre pays: Femmes de la diaspora vietnamienne (2013).
Peter Edwards

Fifty Years On: Half-Century Reflections on the Australian Commitment to the Vietnam War

In the 1970s and 1980s, Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War was widely perceived to have been grievously mistaken, if not immoral. Numerous aspects of Australian social and political life reflected a reaction against not only Australia’s commitment to the war but to many policies and attitudes that the commitment was seen to symbolise. These included Australia’s strategic policies, especially the Australian-American alliance and Australia’s relations with Asia; the structure and doctrine of the Australian armed services; attitudes to conscription; relations between the military and the media; and the treatment of Australian veterans. In recent years, much has changed. Since the late 1990s, Australia has become involved in a number of military conflicts, notably in Iraq and Afghanistan, alongside the United States, despite protests that these commitments were repeating the mistakes of Vietnam. This paper reviews some of the arguments for and against Australian involvement in the Vietnam War, in the light of more recent developments.

Peter Edwards has published extensively on the history of Australian defence and foreign policies, especially the Vietnam War and other conflicts in Southeast Asia, the Australian-American alliance, and the policy-making process. As the Official Historian of Australia’s involvement in Southeast Asian conflicts 1948-75 (Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam), he was the author of Crises and Commitments (1992) and A Nation at War (1997), and general editor of the nine-volume series. A graduate of the Universities of Western Australia and Oxford, he is currently an Adjunct Professor at Deakin University. He is a Member of the Order of Australia, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, and the winner of several literary awards.


DAY 2 – Friday 11 October

Thanh-Vân Ton That

Stories of Passion and Decolonization from the Indochina War to the Vietnam War

At a time when we are approaching the sixtieth anniversary of the battle of Dien Bien Phu, it seems relevant to compare four novels of contemporary French writers of Vietnamese origin evoking tragic love stories in wartime and symbolizing the impossible union of opposites: the West and Asia, colonizers and colonized, male and female, life and death. The four novels are Kim Lefèvre’s Les Eaux mortes du Mékong (Dead Waters of the Mekong) (Points, 2010); Hoai Huong Nguyen’s L’Ombre douce (Gentle Shadow) (Editions Viviane Hamy, 2013); Anna Moï’s Riz noir (Black Rice) (Folio, 2006); and Tuyêt-Nga Nguyen’s Le Journaliste français (The French Journalist) (Le grand miroir, 2007). This paper will discuss the myths and topoi of thwarted love in France and Vietnam as well as the weight of culture and tradition, and will seek to decipher the meaning and allegory of the heroic female figure. From one war to another (the Indochina War to the Vietnam War), these four contemporary novels provide a reflection of a meeting of worlds and clash of cultures at the crossroads of history and literature.

Thanh-Vân Ton That is Professor of Comparative and Francophone Literature at the University of Paris-Est Créteil. A graduate of the École Normale Supérieure (Ulm) she obtained her doctorate from the Sorbonne. She has published critical editions of Les Pas effacés by Robert de Montesquiou and the poetry of Anna de Noailles (Éditions du Sandre, 2007, 2013), translations (Gogol, Chekhov), and Proust ou l’écriture prisonnière, Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein: un roman de la folie amoureuse (Éditions du temps, 2000, 2005), Léon Cladel et l’écriture de la Commune (L’Harmattan, 2007). Her current work focuses on Francophonie in Vietnamese and Russian.
Frank Palmos

Vietnam’s Unfinished Revolution: Rising Voices for Alternatives to an Outmoded Ruling System

Revolution in South East Asia has centred around two great peoples, Indonesian and Vietnamese. The Indonesian Revolution was completed (1945-1998) when GeneralSuharto was removed in 1998 and a liberal democratic system introduced. Today it seems remarkably flexible and stable. The Vietnamese Revolution, on the other hand, has yet to shed its totalitarian, oppressive Communist system that has for fifty years been so costly to its people, through first civil then open warfare. The North Vietnamese regime’s invasion of South Vietnam followed the typical path of Soviet territorial expansion and implantation of military and commercial influence, so common in the immediate post-World War II decades. First was the forced redistribution of land and wealth, followed by other moral and property punitive actions that sent more than one million people fleeing to South Vietnam. The northern Communists then began their first stage of a takeover by inciting terror, using violent hit and run assassinations of village leaders, police posts, religious and political leaders, and taking hostages of innocents. In the second stage, guerrilla warfare was begun, using border protections in “friendly” countries that would prevent counteractions by free world forces. The final stage was open warfare, which required tens of thousands, building to hundreds of thousands in Hanoi’s case of indoctrinated troops. The “victory” of the Communists in South Vietnam was followed almost immediately by a breakdown in all forms of government (except for the requirement of a strong armed force to police the state). The new Vietnamese Dong after twenty years of Communist rule was worth one 42,000th of its value in 1978. Roads, rail, shipping, communications, education, child-care, hospitals, and all public buildings were in a failed state of disrepair. Vietnam was listed as the fourth poorest nation in the world, ahead of just three of the worst African dictatorships. The Vietnamese Revolution is incomplete. The world would naturally be hoping that the final stages will not be as bloody and costly as the Communist driven stage of enforced “reunification.”

Frank Palmos is an historian and former journalist. He was a Vietnam War correspondent for five tours between 1965 and 1968, accompanying 33 land, sea and air missions from bases in Da Nang, Saigon and Nha Trang. He was the sole survivor of a Viet Cong ambush of five Western war correspondents in Cholon, Saigon, on 5 May 1968 during the Second Tet Offensive. His experiences as a correspondent in Vietnam, and in his successful, two-year investigation into the Tet incident, constitute his autobiographical book, Ridding the Devils (Bantam, Sydney 1990) which has been translated into Vietnamese and read in serial form over Vietnam National Radio, 1990-1991. He compiled and authored the English version of Bao Ninh’s celebrated Vietnam War novel, The Sorrow of War (Secker & Warburg, 1993), winner of the Independent Foreign Fiction Award 1994, and rated by the Society of Authors, London, as one of 50 best translations in the 20th century. He was a contributor to Requiem (Jonathan Cape, 1997), edited by Horst Faas and Tim Page, in memory of the 135 combat photographers and correspondents killed over two decades in the Indochina Wars. He received his PhD from the University of Western Australia in 2012 for his study of the Indonesian revolution, Surabaya 1945: Sacred Territory.

Robert McKelvey

The Vietnam War: A Personal Journey

This essay describes the experiences, thoughts, and feelings of one person in the years leading up to, during, and after the Vietnam War. The journey described has not ended because the war and its aftermath continue to preoccupy his thinking now over forty years since his military service in Vietnam. From an emotional perspective, it was the dominant theme of his life, and continues to trouble him as he attempts to understand and reconcile his feelings of gu ilt at the United States’ and his own personal abandonment of the Vietnamese at the end of the war. For those who did notexperience the war directly, it may help to illustrate the confusing, often distressing, and at times overwhelming events that made the war the central event in the lives of a generation of Americans and several generations of Vietnamese.

Robert McKelvey received his BA in German and English History and Literature from Harvard University in 1966 and then spent a year on a German Academic Exchange Fellowship at Eberhardt-Karls University in Tuebingen. Subsequently, he was an officer in the United States Marine Corps, serving in Vietnam and earning a Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V.” He graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1974, completed his psychiatry residency at Cambridge Hospital/Harvard Medical School in 1977, and his child psychiatry fellowship training at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School. He has served on the faculties of Harvard Medical School, Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Western Australia, and Oregon Health and Science University. He is presently Professor of Psychiatry at Oregon Health and Science University and is in private practice. His academic interests include cross-cultural psychiatry involving refugee populations from Vietnam, physicians coping with the deaths of child patients, and the so-called “euthanasia” program in National Socialist Germany. He has published numerous articles and three books including The Dust of Life: America’s Abandonment of Its Children in Vietnam and A Gift of Barbed Wire: America’s Abandonment of Its Allies in South Vietnam.

Kieu-Linh Valverde

Viet Nam War as Concept: Recognizing Individual and Global Ownership of the War Experience

Protests over the museum exhibit, What’s Going On?– California and the Vietnam Era exhibition in Oakland, California (USA 2004-2005), initially appeared to arise from a cluster of Southeast Asian Americans finding voice and demanding inclusion. However, they actually showed that discontent with the exhibit was more wide reaching. Chicanos, veterans, free-speech protestors, peace activists, and others also wanted their views represented. From this point, my research revealed that no single segment of society owns the “Viet Nam War” as an experience. It is not even the exclusive domain of people who lived in Southeast Asia during the fighting. Many communities internationally embrace the “Viet Nam War” era wholeheartedly. For some involved in the war directly, it meant helping keep democracy alive; for others, like Latin Americans, it was about global revolution. For Southeast Asian Americans it signaled a new beginning as diasporic peoples building communities away from “home.” This paper examines the various and divergent views of the Viet Nam War experience and its role in the development of personal, community, and national identities. This serves to help us rethink the Viet Nam War period and its aftermath with a much more globally inclusive perspective. Coming full circle as a co-curator for the Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the end of the Second Indochina War, I am invested in a broader understanding of the impact of this era and the assertion that the Viet Nam War as concept is owned by the world.

Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde is Associate Professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Davis. She received her B.A. in Political Science and Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Her teaching, research and organizing interests include: Southeast Asian American history and contemporary issues, mixed race and gender theories, Fashionology, Aesthetics, Diaspora, and Transnationalism Studies. She authored Transnationalizing Viet Nam: Community, Culture, and Politics in the Diaspora (Temple University Press 2012). Professor Valverde founded Viet Nam Women’s Forum (1996-2006), a virtual community with hundreds of women internationally that mobilized for change in Viet Nam and abroad,and Fight the Tower (2013), a movement to resist and demand justice against discriminatory practices directed against women of color in the academy. ProfessorValverde was a Luce Southeast Asian Studies Fellow at the Australian National University (2004), Rockefeller Fellow for Project Diaspora at the University of Massachusetts, Boston (2001-02), and a Fulbright Fellow in Viet Nam (1999). As a passionate advocate for the arts, she curated the exhibit Áo Dài: A Modern Design Coming of Age (2006) for the San Jose Museum of Quits and Textiles in partnership with Association for Viet Arts, and consults for the annual Áo Dài Festival held in San Jose, California (2011-present). She is currently co-curating an upcoming exhibit for the Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the end of the Second Indochina War.

[Appel à communications] Le théâtre français en Indochine. Héritage et transmission

Le colloque international Théâtre français en Indochine. Héritage et transmission aborde, pour la première fois, la question du théâtre dans les sociétés indochinoises à l’époque coloniale.

Appel à communications
Colloque international

Le théâtre français en Indochine. Héritage et transmission

15-17 octobre 2013, Marseille
Aix-Marseille Université

Source : Virtual Saigon

Co-organisé par le CIELAM (Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Etude des Littératures d’Aix-Marseille, EA 4235) et par l’IrAsia (Institut de Recherches Asiatiques, UMR 7306, AMU-CNRS), le colloque est accueilli à Marseille par la Bibliothèque de rayonnement régional Alcazar. Le colloque est labellisé événement de Marseille Provence capitale européenne de la culture en 2013 (MP 2013). Il s’inscrit également dans le cadre des années croisées France-Vietnam et représente l’événement phare de la Semaine du Vietnam à Marseille à laquelle sont associés d’autres secteurs disciplinaires d’Aix-Marseille Université, notamment la médecine.

La partie scientifique du colloque est accompagnée d’une exposition virtuelle de documents d’archives en collaboration avec les Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer, une exposition sur l’art théâtral (costumes de scène et instruments de musique), ainsi que de représentations théâtrales de “Cercles ce sable” (joué à Hanoi et au Festival d’Avignon) par la troupe franco-vietnamienne du Théâtre du Monte-Charge jumelée avec le Théâtre National tuông de Hanoi.

En arrivant en Indochine au XIXe siècle, les Français découvrent une riche tradition théâtrale composée essentiellement de chants et de danses. Leur présence, pendant environ un siècle, permet aux Indochinois de faire connaissance avec le théâtre occidental, ce qui donne naissance à une nouvelle forme théâtrale baptisée « théâtre parlé », en langues indochinoises et parfois en français. De l’autre côté, le théâtre est considéré par le gouvernement colonial comme un remède efficace contre l’ennui qui guettait les coloniaux, avant d’être un symbole du rayonnement culturel de la France. On se soucie donc très tôt de l’organisation des saisons théâtrales en créant des commissions théâtrales et en construisant des théâtres municipaux inaugurés à Saigon en 1900, à Hanoi en 1911 et à Haiphong en 1912.

Le colloque se propose d’interroger le « théâtre français en Indochine » dans son contexte social et historique, ce qui permet d’ouvrir des perspectives nouvelles grâce aux regards croisés et aux approches interdisciplinaires. D’un côté, à travers un état des lieux du répertoire français joué en Indochine, qui n’a jamais été mené jusqu’ici, il s’agit d’interroger la politique culturelle française pendant la colonisation : quel théâtre a été représenté ? quel(s) modèle(s) dramatique(s) exportés ? avec quelle influence sur la création indochinoise ? De l’autre, grâce notamment aux sources d’archives inexploitées, on peut renouveler nos connaissances sur l’histoire du théâtre parlé en Indochine : dans quels milieux le théâtre occidental est-il introduit et pratiqué ? quels sont les thèmes et les sujets privilégiés ? quelles langues utilisées ? quelles formes théâtrales adoptées ? quelles interactions avec le théâtre traditionnel dit « chanté » ? En somme, il s’agit d’explorer la façon dont le théâtre en Indochine traduit le fait colonial, ainsi que les échanges culturels, littéraires, théâtraux et artistiques qui ont pu avoir lieu dans ce contexte particulier. Les chercheurs en littérature, mais aussi les historiens, les sociologues et les anthropologues sont invités à interroger les quatre axes suivants :

  • 1/ Le répertoire des pièces françaises jouées pendant la colonisation avec une attention sur le rôle de la traduction, de la presse dans la diffusion, ainsi que la réception dans les pays indochinois (Vietnam actuel, Laos et Cambodge).
  • 2/ Le théâtre, la politique culturelle et la censure.
  • 3/ Le théâtre comme art de la scène : les troupes, les conditions de mise en scène et le public.
  • 4/ L’influence du théâtre classique et moderne français sur l’écriture du théâtre en langues indochinoises, vietnamienne en particulier, pendant et après la colonisation.

Le français est la langue de travail du colloque et de l’ouvrage collectif qui en sera issu.

Le colloque se veut être l’occasion de rencontres et d’échanges pour les chercheurs français et étrangers qui s’intéressent au sujet dans l’objectif de poursuivre le travail. Des enseignants-chercheurs vietnamiens travaillent déjà sur la prospection des sources d’archives publiques et privées afin d’élaborer des outils de recherche qui seront mis à disposition de la communauté scientifique. Des échanges sur les autres pays d’Asie et d’autres anciennes colonies permettent d’espérer, dans l’avenir, d’approfondir dans une perspective comparative le questionnement sur cette forme de modernité et les échanges culturels entre les pays et les populations.

Les propositions (maximum 500 mots avec vos coordonnées) sont à envoyer AVANT le 31 juillet 2013 aux adresses : et

Comité d’organisation :

Corinne Flicker, Maître de conférences en Litterature francaise, Université d’Aix-Marseille, CIELAM.
Nguyen Phuong Ngoc, Maître de conférences en Langue, litterature et civilisation vietnamiennes, Universite d’Aix-Marseille, IRASIA.

50 năm ngày Bồ tát Thích Quảng Đức vị pháp thiêu thân

[ndlr] A l’occasion du cinquantenaire de l’immolation du vénérable Quang Duc à Saigon, un colloque sur l’histoire du mouvement bouddhiste au Viêt-Nam a été organisé par l’Institut du Bouddhisme Vietnamien d’Ho Chi Minh-Ville et l’Université des sciences humaines et sociales. Le colloque s’est déroulé dans l’Aire touristique de Binh Duong en présence de nombreux historiens et autres chercheurs en sciences sociales. La photo la plus connue de l’immolation du vénérable (ici au centre) a été prise par Malcom W. Browne, journaliste de l’Associated Press, décédé il y a presque un an le  27 août 2012. Cette photo avait été récompensée du prix Pulitzer en 1964.

© Malcolm Browne
© Malcolm Browne

Chiều 11.6, nhân đại lễ kỷ niệm 50 năm ngày Bồ tát Thích Quảng Đức tự thiêu (11.6.1963 – 11.6.2013), hội thảo khoa học 50 năm Phong trào Phật giáo ở miền Nam do Học viện Phật giáo VN tại TP.HCM và Trường ĐH Khoa học xã hội và nhân văn tổ chức tại Khu du lịch Phương Nam (Bình Dương) thu hút đông đảo học giả, các nhà nghiên cứu đến dự.

Đây là một trong nhiều hoạt động kỷ niệm đã diễn ra khắp các đạo tràng trên cả nước như Hà Nội, Huế, TP.HCM. Trong buổi khai mạc đại lễ tại quê hương Bồ tát Thích Quảng Đức ở chùa Long Sơn (TP.Nha Trang), ông Bùi Hữu Dược, Vụ trưởng Vụ Phật giáo – Ban Tôn giáo Chính phủ, đã trân trọng đọc lại câu đối của Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh tôn vinh Bồ tát Thích Quảng Đức: “Vị pháp thiêu thân, vạn cổ hùng uy thiên nhật nguyệt/Lưu danh bất tử, bách niên chính khí địa sơn hà”.

Cũng tại buổi lễ, hòa thượng Thích Trí Quảng, Viện trưởng Viện Nghiên cứu Phật học Việt Nam, một lần nữa khẳng định Thích Quảng Đức là bậc vĩ nhân có năng lượng tâm linh siêu phàm, vị bồ tát thị hiện vào đời để cứu khổ, góp phần cứu nguy cho Phật giáo và dân tộc.

Giao Hưởng

Source : Thanh Niên Online, 12/06/2013.

Whither reforms in Vietnam? – Symposium in Singapore – August 2013

[ndlr] Annonce de la tenue d’un colloque sur l’évolution actuelle du Viêt-Nam cet été à Singapour et appel à communications. Le symposium se donne pour objectif d’évaluer les réformes économiques, politiques, éducatives et culturelles en cours et les défis auxquels le pays doit faire face dans un avenir proche. L’annonce est parue sur le site de Viet Studies aux Etats-Unis, organisateur du colloque.


Cải cách ở Việt Nam đang đi về đâu?

Hội thảo đón chào các bài đóng góp đánh giá cải cách ở Việt Nam về kinh tế, chính trị,
giáo dục, văn hóa và các thách thức trước mắt.

Thứ hai – Thứ ba, 12-13 tháng 8, 2013
Singapore Management University
Room 4.1 & 4.2, Administration Building
81 Victoria Street
Singapore 188065


 Whither reforms in Vietnam?

The symposium welcomes papers assessing economic, political, educational and cultural reforms in Vietnam and the challenges facing Vietnam in the foreseeable future.

 August 12-13, 2013
Singapore Management University
Administration Building
81 Victoria Street
Singapore 188065


Ngày giờ và địa điểm:

Ghi danh: 8:30- 9:30 giờ sáng Thứ hai 12-8-2013
Khai mạc: 9:30 giờ sáng Thứ hai 12-8-2013

 Liên hệ bài vở

  • Dự thảo đề tài viết (abstract – một trang) kèm theo lý lịch nghề nghiệp (curriculum vitae – 6 dòng) và địa chỉ liên lạc, xin gửi về Vũ Quang Việt ( trước ngày 1 tháng 6, 2013. Trường hợp có bài trùng nhau hoặc không hợp đề tài, Ban Tổ chức sẽ thông báo lại các bạn. Bài viết nộp bản trước ngày 1 tháng 7, 2013. Ban tổ chức sẽ trả lời bài được chấp nhận hay không vào ngày 15 tháng 7, 2013.
  • Tiêu chuẩn bài: Bài viết do Ban Tổ Chức chọn lọc hoàn toàn dựa trên tiêu chuẩn nghiên cứu khoa học. Trong trường hợp bài có giá trị khoa học nhưng không hoàn toàn phù hợp với đề tài Hội thảo, bài cũng có thể sẽ được chọn, nhưng thời gian dành cho thảo luận sẽ bị hạn chế.
  • Bài chọn sẽ được đưa lên trang web tại:
  • Bài viết bằng tiếng Việt, dùng bất cứ font nào (nhưng tốt nhất là Unicode, Arial hoặc Times New Roman).  Khi đưa lên trang web của Hội thảo, chúng tôi sẽ dùng font Unicode.
  • Ðể biết được nội dung bài vở và cách tổ chức những lần trước, các bạn có thể tham khảo các bài tại trang các hội thảo:
  • Địa chỉ gửi bài: Vũ Quang Việt, Liên hệ thông tin tham dự:

Người tham dự

Ngoài các bạn gửi bài được mời tham dự, Ban Tổ Chức cũng sẽ mời một số người nghiên cứu ở Việt Nam tham gia Hội thảo.

 Xin đặc biệt lưu ý: Sau khi đăng ký hội thảo, tất cả mọi người tham dự (có bài hay chỉ dự thính, báo chí) đều phải được Ban Tổ Chức đồng ý. Hội thảo này là của một nhóm tư, không phải là một hội thảo công cộng.

Tài chính

Hội thảo Hè 2013 do The Vietnamese Heritage Institute tài trợ một phần.

Chi phí đi lại, ăn ở,hoàn toàn do cá nhân người tham dự tự túc.

  Chỗ ở

1. Người tham dự phải tự túc chỗ ở. Nếu chưa có chỗ ở, người tham dự có thể đặt khách sạn qua một trong các trang sau: (danh mục khách sạn gần nơi hội thảo có thể xem ở  (chọn địa điểm là Singapore).

(Lưu ý USD 1 = S$ 1.25 – 1.3):

2. Các khách sạn khác ở khu trung tâm, cách nơi hội thảo 1-2 km, 3-4 sao, giá khoảng S$150-200/phòng/ngày. Các khách sạn ở xa khu trung tâm, 2-3 sao, giá khoảng S$100-150/phòng/ngày. Tham khảo thêm tại địa chỉ:

3. Có thể ở nhà của người Việt cho thuê dịch vụ, giá khoảng S$60-80/phòng/ngày. Người tham dự tự túc liên hệ.

4. Địa chỉ ăn uống: có thể ăn trưa tại một trong các địa điểm gần nơi hội thảo như sau:

1        Edmud’s @ SMU

#02-11, 70 Stamford Road S(178901)

Li Ka Shing Library

2        Pick & Bite

#01-21, 70 Stamford Road S(178901)

Li Ka Shing Library

3        The Coffee Connoisseur

#B1-26, 70 Stamford Road S(178901)

Li Ka Shing Library

4        Four Seasons

#01-72, 90 Stamford Road S(178903)

School of Economics & School of Social Sciences

Thông tin thêm:

– Đi lại: Tiện nhất là taxi, giá S$3.2/km đầu tiên, mỗi km tiếp theo khoảng S$0.60. Cũng có thể đi xe bus hoặc tàu điện, khá tiện lợi.

– Tiền tệ: Singapore dollar (S$), tỷ giá: USD 1 = S$ 1.25-1.3.

– Điện: Singapore dùng điện AC 220V; ổ cắm điện ba chạc (giống của Anh) nên cần ổ chuyển đổi nếu muốn dùng cho điện thoại, máy tính xách tay.

– Điện thoại: Có thể đăng ký dùng điện thoại di động trả trước tại các cửa hàng điện thoại (M1, Singtel). Nhớ mang theo hộ chiếu để đăng ký.

– Trợ giúp: Vui lòng liên lạc với BTC theo địa chỉ:

Ban Tổ Chức

Lê Văn Cường (Pháp) – Trần Hữu Dũng (Mỹ) – Giáp Văn Dương (Việt Nam) – Nguyễn Ngọc Giao (Pháp) – Trần Hải Hạc (Pháp) – Trần Quốc Hùng (Mỹ) – Đỗ Tuyết Khanh (Thụy Sĩ) – Thái Kim Lan (Đức) – Ngô Vĩnh Long (Mỹ) – Trịnh Văn Thảo (Pháp) – Nguyễn Minh Thọ (Bỉ) – Trần Văn Thọ (Nhật) – Cao Huy Thuần (Pháp) – Hà Dương Tường (Pháp) – Vũ Quang Việt (Mỹ)

Source : Viet Studies

« Rencontres plurielles, espaces dynamiques: L’Asie du Sud-Est à la croisée des chemins » – Appel à communications

Colloque 2013 du Conseil canadien des études sur l’Asie du Sud-Est (CCEASE)

Appel à communications


Source :

Thème: « Rencontres plurielles, espaces dynamiques: L’Asie du Sud-Est à la croisée des chemins »


Carrefour des Arts et des Sciences, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, 3150, Jean-Brillant, Université de Montréal, QC

17-19 octobre 2013

Conférenciers d’honneur :

Benedict R.O’G. Anderson, Aaron L. Binenkorb Professor Emeritus of International Studies, Government & Asian Studies, Cornell University

Saturnino ‘Jun’ M. Borras Jr., Professeur adjoint en développement rural à l’Institute of Social Studies (ISS) et éditeur en chef, The Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS)

Le Centre d’études de l’Asie de l’Est de l’Université de Montréal vous invite à soumettre un résumé de communication pour l’édition 2013 du Colloque du Conseil canadien des études sur l’Asie du Sud-Est (CCEASE). Le colloque se tiendra au Carrefour des arts et des sciences de l’Université de Montréal, QC, du 17 au 19 octobre 2013.

La conférence du Conseil canadien des études sur l’Asie du Sud-Est a pour but d’encourager le dialogue interdisciplinaire sur une aire régionale commune. Le colloque 2013 poursuivra cet objectif en facilitant les échanges autour du thème général suivant: « Rencontres plurielles, espaces dynamiques : L’Asie du Sud-Est à la croisée des chemins ». L’Asie du Sud-Est a été modelée tant par les influences externes qui y convergent que par le mouvement continu des biens, des personnes et des idées parmi ses composantes. Interface privilégiée de flux divers et multidirectionnels, l’Asie du Sud-Est est aujourd’hui un point de jonction où de nouvelles dynamiques se juxtaposent à des héritages durables. La notion de « carrefour » anime depuis longtemps la manière dont la recherche conçoit cette partie du monde et évoque également un pont entre les disciplines. Elle est utile à la fois pour analyser les contacts entre populations, influences et phénomènes divers au même titre que l’impact de temporalités différentes sur ces relations. Comment peut-elle aujourd’hui servir nos schémas d’analyse par rapport à cet espace fragmenté, et nous aider à mieux comprendre tant la continuité que le changement en Asie du Sud-Est ?

Nous vous invitons à soumettre dès maintenant vos résumés et ce jusqu’au 30 juin 2013 en remplissant le formulaire suivant :

Nous encourageons les soumissions de la part de professeurs, chercheurs et étudiants des cycles supérieurs dont les travaux portent sur l’Asie du Sud-Est, au même titre que de membres d’organisations de la société civile travaillant dans la région.

Les participants présenteront leur travail au sein d’un atelier (ou d’une table ronde) et les résumés de communications seront inclus dans le programme de la conférence. Les soumissions individuelles sont acceptées mais les propositions d’ateliers complets sont fortement encouragées. Nous encourageons également les présentations en français afin d’accroître la présence de cette langue au sein des activités du Conseil. Les ateliers peuvent soit inclure trois participants et un discutant ou quatre participants. Le comité scientifique étudiera les résumés, confirmera l’acceptation des propositions et organisera les ateliers par thème dans le cas de soumissions individuelles. Les participants à des ateliers comprenant un discutant devront soumettre un papier de 5000 à 8000 mots d’ici le 30 septembre 2013.

Veuillez noter que l’adhésion à l’Association canadienne des études asiatiques (ACÉA) est obligatoire pour participer au colloque du CCEASE. Si vous n’êtes pas membre ou n’avez pas renouvelé votre abonnement pour l’année 2013, vous êtes encouragés à le faire le plus tôt possible via le lien suivant:

Enfin, il est possible que nous puissions attribuer un certain nombre de bourses à quelques étudiants des cycles supérieurs qui souhaiteraient bénéficier d’un soutien à leur participation au colloque. Nous encourageons ces étudiants à soumettre leur résumé le plus tôt possible avant la date limite.

 *** Merci de diffuser le présent appel auprès de vos réseaux ***


  • Date limite pour la soumission des résumés : 30 juin 2013
  • Paiement des frais d’inscription et confirmation de participation : 1er septembre 2013
  • Date limite pour la soumission des papiers : 30 septembre 2013

Contact (courriel) :

Source : Association Canadienne des Études Asiatiques

Mémoires de guerre : commémorations, reconstitutions, récits de guerre dans le monde anglophone (XVIIIe-XXIe siècles)

Vietnam War Memorial by William Yager © Richard Margolis
Vietnam War Memorial by William Yager © 2008 Richard Margolis

Appel à contribution

Date limite : 15 juin 2013

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Mémoires de guerre : commémorations, reconstitutions, récits de guerre dans le monde anglophone 

(XVIIIe-XXIe siècles)

* * *

Université Européenne de Bretagne – Rennes 2

17, 18, 19 juin  2014

Colloque organisé par le Laboratoire « Anglophonie : Communautés, Écritures » (Rennes 2, France) et le Collège Militaire Royal du Canada (Kingston, Canada).

Argumentaire :

Les guerres passées n’ont pas laissé la même empreinte dans la mémoire collective. Guerres de conquête ou guerres de libération, elles ont diversement marqué l’histoire de l’Empire britannique et des colonies. Les objectifs de la politique extérieure américaine sont guidés par une vision parfois qualifiée d’impérialiste qui a entraîné l’armée dans le bourbier vietnamien et, plus récemment, dans le Golfe. Gagnées ou perdues, source de fierté patriotique et de honte collective, les guerres sont l’objet de commémorations à travers une activité muséographique, cinématographique, littéraire, dont le discours idéologique se mêle à l’expression d’une expérience subjective. Des guerres napoléoniennes qui ont émaillé le XVIIIe siècle aux guerres des Boers dans l’Afrique du sud ou à la Guerre de Sécession au XIXe, des « Troubles » en Irlande du Nord aux deux Guerres mondiales qui ont ponctué le XXe siècle, certaines guerres font l’objet de « devoirs de mémoire » alors que d’autres sont plus facilement oubliées. Les interventions militaires pendant la guerre des Malouines, de Bosnie et, plus récemment, en Afghanistan, en Irak ou en Libye, créent une nouvelle mémoire dont les images télévisuelles construisent le récit. En cette période anticipant la commémoration de la Première Guerre mondiale, et alors que la question des rapports entre mémoire et histoire reste au cœur des préoccupations de l’historiographie, ce colloque abordera la représentation des guerres qui ont touché ou impliqué les divers pays anglophones au cours des XVIIIe, XIXe, XXe et XXIe siècles. Nos travaux se déclineront en plusieurs axes :

1) Mémoires des lieux et lieux de mémoire, commémorations et reconstitutions de guerres (cérémonies, cultes du souvenir, monuments et mémoriaux, cimetières, expositions, musées, tourisme de guerre, sites web, blogues…) et tout ce qui concerne le rapport de la mémoire et des lieux de mémoire avec l’histoire (notamment dans le sillage des travaux de Pierre Nora et de François Bédarida).

2) Souvenirs et témoignages, sphères publiques et privées, personnalités politiques et militaires ou simples soldats (lettres, journaux intimes, mémoires, entrevues, articles dans les journaux, œuvres autobiographiques) : statut et fonction du témoignage dans l’historiographie, question de l’identité individuelle et collective en temps de guerre et dans le processus de remémoration et de commémoration.

3) Représentation de la guerre à travers les médias (cartes postales, gazettes des tranchées, caricatures, bandes dessinées, affiches, presse, radio, télévision, internet…), à travers le cinéma, la littérature (théâtre, roman, poésie) et les arts (musique, peinture, photographie, sculpture), la guerre comme image et comme spectacle, représentations libres ou représentations contraintes : propagande et censure, poétisation et réécritures de l’histoire, construction des héros de guerre.

4) Sujet et subjectivité dans la représentation de la guerre, représentations du sujet en guerre. Comment le conflit construit-il le sujet comme membre d’un groupe en érigeant la figure de l’Autre comme l’Ennemi ? Comment la guerre décale-t-elle la définition du sujet dans un système idéologique et un discours qui légitime l’acte de guerre et redéfinit les hiérarchies et les modèles identitaires? Subjectivité, mémoire, traumatisme, indicible. Des trauma studies, spécificité culturelle anglophone, au croisement de la psychanalyse, du récit et de l’histoire, à la tentation de l’hypermnésie contemporaine, « la fièvre de l’archive » (Derrida).

5) Guerres et mémoires de la guerre concernant les peuples autochtones (Gurkhas, Aborigènes d’Amérique du Nord ou d’Australie, Maoris, etc.) et/ou les communautés non-anglophones (Québécois, Afrikaners, etc.) et leur participation aux conflits mondiaux. Quelles en ont été les modalités, se déclinant sur un axe visibilité/invisibilité et un mode individuel ou collectif ? Quelle trace en est-il resté ? Dans quelle mesure peut-on dire que le sang versé a été le prix de la reconnaissance et de l’inclusion dans la nation ? Quel impact cette participation pouvait-elle avoir alors que l’autochtone avait souvent incarné la figure de l’ennemi dans le roman national ? Longtemps négligée, voire occultée, ou encore marginalisée dans les récits officiels, qu’en est-il aujourd’hui de la mémoire de cette participation dans des sociétés se voulant postcoloniales ? La littérature a-t-elle pallié certains manques en permettant l’émergence de récits spécifiques ?

6) Ce dernier axe, qui vise à croiser les approches et les méthodes et à construire une démarche à la fois comparatiste et pluridisciplinaire, et qui fera l’objet d’un atelier est conçu comme une interface entre différentes aires culturelles, en particulier anglophone et francophone, d’une part, et dans l’aire culturelle des Amériques, d’autre part, autour de la question de la guerre et de la mémoire. On pourra également interroger la mémoire des guerres ayant impliqué les États-Unis dans la sphère américaine (Chili, Cuba, Mexique…).

La médiatisation, la spectacularisation, l’interprétation, la réécriture des faits et des événements pendant et après les guerres seront au cœur de nos réflexions, qui accueilleront des études diachroniques, synchroniques et comparatives. Les interrogations sur la définition de l’événement au cours du processus de mise en mémoire, ainsi que sur les différentes écritures et réécritures de l’événement seront bienvenues. Ferveurs patriotiques, discours fédérateurs ou démobilisateurs, résistances, objections de conscience, blessures et traumatismes, exactions, propagande et contre-propagande, sont autant d’éléments qui contribuent à façonner l’édifice de la mémoire individuelle et collective et qui aident à revisiter des vérités qu’il importe d’interroger à la lumière d’éclairages nouveaux. Un atelier sera spécifiquement consacré à la Grande Guerre.

Contacts : Stéphanie Bélanger, Renée Dickason, Delphine Lemonnier-Texier


Merci de soumettre votre résumé de 250 mots et votre biographie de 200 mots directement sur le site du colloque  pour le 15 juin 2013.

Comité scientifique : Stéphanie BÉLANGER – CMRC, Kingston, Canada ; James CHAPMAN – Leicester, Grande-Bretagne ; Corinne DAVID-IVES – ACE, Rennes 2, France ; Jeffrey DEMSKY – San Bernardino Valley College, CA, États-Unis ; Renée DICKASON – ACE, Rennes 2, France ; Anne-Laure FORTIN-TOURNES – Le Mans, France ; Matthew GRAVES – LERMA, Aix, France ; Hélène HARTER – CERHIO, Rennes 2, France ; Judith KEENE – Sydney, Australie ; Françoise KRAL – ERIBIA, Caen, France ; Daniel PALMIERI – CICR, Genève, Suisse ; Michael PARSONS – Pau et Pays de l’Adour, France ; Elizabeth RECHNIEWSKI – Sydney, Australie ; Jean-Claude SERGEANT – Paris 3, France ; Gilles TEULIE – LERMA, Aix, France ; Delphine LEMONNIER-TEXIER – ACE, Rennes 2, France ; Stephen WHITFIELD – Boston, Mass., États-Unis.

Url de référence :

Source de l’information : Fabula