Archives par mot-clé : civils

Séminaire “Mémoires d’Indochine” 2014 : Séance 6

Année universitaire 2014-2015 / Master Asie Orientale Contemporaine (ASIOC) / Semestre 1


Mémoires d’Indochine :

La décolonisation et la guerre

vécues par les populations du Viêt-Nam, du Laos et du Cambodge


Séance 6 – Mardi 18 novembre 2014

« Femmes dans les guerres d’Indochine »

Cette séance abordera la question des femmes aux prises d’une décolonisation brutale et celle de leur mobilisation dans la guerre civile vietnamienne de part et d’autre du 17ème Parallèle. Pour illustrer cette thématique, nous nous appuierons sur une nouvelle littéraire de Lê Minh Khuê évoquant le sort des jeunes filles des Jeunesses de choc (TNXP) sur le front de guerre en RDVN et un témoignage clé de l’écrivaine Nha Ca sur les ravages de la guerre à Huê en 1968. Deux expériences directes de la guerre du Viêt-Nam.

Extraits de textes à discuter :

  • Lê Minh Khuê, “Lointaines étoiles”, in Lointaines étoiles, Hanoi, Editions en Langues Etrangères, 1973, pp. 10-37.


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Exposés oraux sur le Cambodge des Khmers Rouges (croire et mentir) :

  • Bernard, Alexia, CR de lecture de : Chuth Khay, Comment j’ai menti aux Khmers Rouges, Paris : L’Harmattan, 2004.


Pour aller plus loin :

  • Doan Cam Thi, « Femme, fantasme et guerre. Genèse d’une parole libre dans “La survivante de la Forêt qui rit”, nouvelle vietnamienne de 1991 », La revue des ressources, 2 avril 2007.
  • Nathalie Huynh Chau Nguyen, Memory is another country. Women of the Vietnamese Diaspora, Santa Barbara, California: Praeger, 2009. (traduit en français sous le titre : La mémoire est un autre pays. Femmes de la diaspora vietnamienne, Paris, Riveneuve éditions, 2013).
  • Phan Thanh Hao & Karen G. Turner, Even the Women Must Fight. Memories of War from North Vietnam, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
  • Sandra C. Taylor, Vietnamese Women at war. Fighting for Ho Chi Minh and the revolution, Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, Modern war studies, 1999.
  • Gina Marie Weaver, Ideologies of Forgetting. Rape in the Vietnam War, New York: State University of New York Press, 2010.
  • Guillemot, François, Des Vietnamiennes dans la guerre civile. L’autre moitié de la guerre, 1945-1975, Paris : Les Indes savantes, 2014.

Gareth Porter’s articles on the bloodbath myths in Vietnam [danlambao]

[ndlr] Signalement d’un article de Cao Dac Tuan relançant le débat autour des articles de l’historien engagé Gareth Porter publiés dans les années 1970 : l’un concerne la réforme agraire en RDVN et l’autre le massacre de 1968 à Hue. Sur le blog dissident Dan Lam Bao, Cao Dac Tuan livre son point de vue sur cette bataille de chiffres incarnation de deux désastres humains dans un Viêt-Nam en révolution et en guerre. De quoi nourrir notre réflexion sur les sources historiques, leurs constructions et leurs interprétations.



Abstract: In the 1970s, Gareth Porter, an anti-war American scholar, published two articles on the land reform campaign in North Vietnam in the 1950s and the massacre at Huế in the Tết Offensive 1968, calling these myths. Porter’s articles are full of distortions and devoid of scholarship. Porter committed several logical fallacies in his reasoning and reflected a malicious misrepresentation of facts to suit his political stand.

In the 1970s, Gareth Porter, an anti-war American scholar, has written a number of articles opposing the Vietnam War (Wikipedia 2014a). Porter is one of many anti-war American scholars including Noam Chomsky, Edward Herman, and Marilyn Young. One of Porter’s specialties is to hunt down statistical information provided by the anti-communist Vietnamese and Americans, looking for errors or mistakes to make a case for accusing these authors of lying, mis-representation, or exaggeration. While the objective of truth finding is commendable, Porter’s one-sided approach is seriously flawed and renders him a communist propagandist who uses cheap and malicious tricks to attack others.

There are two myths that Porter has raised: the bloodbath in North Vietnam’s land reform campaign (1953 – 1956) and the Huế massacre in 1968 (Wikipedia 2014). As will be presented in the following, the truths about the bloody land reform program and the massacre at Huế have been known for many years. Nevertheless, Porter’s articles still appear as references in many sources, including the Internet, and are exploited to the maximum by the Vietnamese communists in their propaganda.

Lire la suite : Dan Lam Bao, 14/11/2014.

Cao Dac Tuan est arrivé aux États-Unis en 1975 en tant que réfugié. Il a reçu un doctorat en génie électrique et un diplôme en droit. Il a enseigné le génie informatique et de l’informatique dans une université d’État. Il est actuellement avocat spécialisé dans le droit de la propriété intellectuelle. Il vit avec sa famille dans le comté d’Orange (Orange County), en Californie du Sud. Il a publié un recueil de nouvelles sur trame historique intitulé Fire in the rain en 2014.

Séminaire “Mémoires d’Indochine” 2014 : Séance 5

Année universitaire 2014-2015 / Master Asie Orientale Contemporaine (ASIOC) / Semestre 1


Mémoires d’Indochine :

La décolonisation et la guerre

vécues par les populations du Viêt-Nam, du Laos et du Cambodge


Séance 5 – Mardi 4 novembre 2014

« Marges et frontières post-coloniales »

Participation des étudiants du séminaire au panel : Frontiers encounters, exchanges and frictions. Présentation du panel par Danielle Tan suivie d’une communication de Caroline Grillot “Smuggling or not smuggling? Balancing powers between Chinese traders and Vietnamese law-enforcements agents” (10h-10h30) et d’une communication de Kyoko Kusakabe, “Working through ‘exceptional’ space: A case of women migrant workers in Mae Sot, Thailand” (11h-11h30). Les deux communications seront accompagnées d’une séance de questions-réponses de 30 minutes chacune. Nous quitterons la problématique de la mémoire momentanément pour nous plonger dans celle des relations inter-frontalières et de l’espace social en Asie du Sud-Est. Notons également l’intervention de Vathana Pholsena : “Social change and state emergence in times of war and revolution: Insights from a border region in Laos”,  dès le lundi 3 novembre 2014 (14h-14h30). Le programme de l’ensemble du Workshop est en ligne sur le site Rethinking Asia (PDF).

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Exposés oraux en première partie du séminaire de 9h à 10h :

La question des civils dans la guerre sera au cœur des deux exposés.


Pour aller plus loin :

  • Condominas, Georges, L’espace social. A propos de l’Asie du Sud-Est, Paris : Les Indes Savantes, 2006. (Réédition)
  • Goscha, Christopher E., Going Indochinese : Contesting Concepts of Space and Place in French Indochinese, Copenhagen : NIAS Press, 2012.


Nha Ca : Mourning Headband for Hue – An Account of the Battle for Hue, Vietnam 1968

[ndlr] Parution de la traduction de l’ouvrage emblématique de l’écrivaine Nha Ca relatant les tragiques événements de Hue en 1968.



Nha Ca, Mourning Headband for Hue

Translated with an Introduction by Olga Dror

 Vietnam, January, 1968. As the citizens of Hue are preparing to celebrate Tet, the start of the Lunar New Year, Nha Ca arrives in the city to attend her father’s funeral. Without warning, war erupts all around them, drastically changing or cutting short their lives. After a month of fighting, their beautiful city lies in ruins and thousands of people are dead. Mourning Headband for Hue tells the story of what happened during the fierce North Vietnamese offensive and is an unvarnished and riveting account of war as experienced by ordinary people caught up in the violence.

Table of contents

Note on Translation
Translator’s Introduction
Small Preface: Writing to Admit Guilt
1. First Hours
2. The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer
3. Hodge-podge
4. On a Boat Trip
5. A Person from Tu Dam Comes Back and Tells His Story
6. Going Back into the Hell of the Fighting
7. Story from the Citadel
8. Returning to the Old House
9. A Dog in Midstream
10. Little Child of, Hue Little Child of Vietnam, I Wish You Luck!

Nha Ca, meaning a “courteous, elegant song” or “canticle” in Vietnamese, is the penname of one of the most famous South Vietnamese writers of the second half of the 20th century, whose real name is Tran Thi Thu Van. She was born in Hue in 1939 and spent her youth there before moving to Saigon where she became a popular and prolific writer and poet. Initially her works focused on love but starting from the mid-1960s in many of her works she began to describe the fighting, atrocities, and suffering inflicted by the war that was ravaging her country. The most significant and famous of these works is Mourning Headband for Hue, which describes the experience of Vietnamese civilians in Hue during the Tet Offensive. This work was one of the winners of South Vietnam’s Presidential Literary Award. After the fall of Saigon in 1975, the Communist authorities put Nha Ca into a prison camp where she remained from 1976 to 1977. Her husband, the poet Tran Dạ Tu, was jailed for twelve years. In 1989, a year after he was released from prison, the couple and their family received political asylum from the Swedish government. Later they moved to the United States and now live in Southern California, where they publish the Vietnamese-language newspaper Viet Bao.

Born and raised in Leningrad, USSR, Olga Dror received an MA in Oriental studies from Leningrad State University in 1987 and later pursued an advanced degree from the Institute for Linguistic Studies in the Academy of Sciences, Moscow. She worked for Radio Moscow’s Department of Broadcasting to Vietnam. In 1990 she immigrated to Israel, studied international relations at Hebrew University, and worked for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its embassy in Riga, Latvia, from 1994 to 1996. She continued her study of Vietnam and earned a PhD from Cornell University in 2003. Now an associate professor of history at Texas A&M University, she is author of Cult, Culture, and Authority: Princess Lieu Hanh in Vietnamese History and editor of two volumes on Vietnamese and Chinese religions. Her current research concerns the identities of Vietnamese children during the war in Vietnam.


“The author’s narrative burns with firsthand accounts, her own and those of others who shared their stories, as they all were trapped in blasted houses, churches and makeshift shelters, wounded, starving, sick and overrun by the Communists and their squads of vengeful executioners…[A] searing first-person account of the misery of war visited upon her family, neighbors and countrymen, caught in senseless, chaotic horror…A visceral reminder of war’s intimate slaughter.” —Kirkus Reviews.

“Nha Ca relates countless moments of terror she and her extended family members suffered and shares stories told to her by others who faced similarly dire circumstances. It’s an intimate—and disturbing—account of war at its most brutal, told from the point of view of civilians trying to survive the maelstrom.” —Publishers Weekly.

“A superb piece of work. I have never encountered anything remotely like it in the voluminous literature on the Vietnam War. Nha Ca’s voice is so powerfully immediate, and her caring determined eyes carefully guide the reader into the thick of a chaotic world painfully under siege. A wonderful testimonial history but also a great work of commemoration.” —Heonik Kwon, University of Cambridge, author of Ghosts of War in Vietnam.

“Mourning Headband for Hue is a personal account of what happened in Hue during the month-long occupation of parts of the city by communist troops during the 1968 Tet Offensive, a very bloody episode of the Vietnam War which inflicted extremely heavy losses on the civilian population in both human and material terms. Stranded in Hue where she had come to visit her family, the author found herself face-to-face with the war. . . . Horrified, she recounts her experiences day by day as if weeping and wailing in the remembrance of the atrocities she has seen and heard. It is indeed a book laden with blood, sweat, and tears, but records events without distorting them. With explanatory information on many persons and events provided by the translator, the book is a valuable document for the history of the Vietnam War.” —Nguyen The Anh, Rector of Hue University at the time of the events described in this book, is professor emeritus, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris-Sorbonne, and author most recently of Vietnam: A Journey into History (in French).

“The stunning formal techniques the book employs to convey the horrors of [the Vietnam War] endow it with a measure of universal literary significance that lies outside the local arenas of Vietnamese politics and culture. . . . A Mourning Headband for Hue is, quite simply, a great piece of modernist war writing and it deserves to be read alongside All Quiet on the Western Front, Homage to Catalonia, Johnny Got His Gun, The Naked and the Dead, The Things They Carried, and Black Hawk Down.” —Peter Zinoman, University of California Berkeley, author of Vietnamese Colonial Republican: The Political Vision of Vu Trong Phung.

“In this searing and unsparing memoir, Nha Ca bears witness to the mindless violence against civilians in war. Her civilian focus is important: in all of the writing on the Vietnam War, too little has been written on the civilian experience of conflict, a conflict that profoundly shaped the lives of millions of Vietnamese. It is important that we read about this violence, and through first-hand accounts: the further we move away from the Vietnam War, and the more we clinically dissect the war in terms of high politics and military strategy, the less we seem to remember that the war, on the ground, could be vicious, brutal, and devastating. A Mourning Headband for Hue is an anguished testimonial to that reality.” —Shawn F. McHale, George Washington University and author of Print and Power: Confucianism, Communism, and Buddhism in the Making of Modern Vietnam.

Source : Indiana University Press

Revisiting War Crimes During the War in Viet Nam: Nick Turse Book Reading and “Winter Soldier”

Turse_KillAnythingThatMoves[ndlr] Rare débat signalé ici sur les atrocités subies par les civils vietnamiens pendant la guerre du Viêt-Nam. Un dossier brûlant soulevé par Nick Turse et Deborah Nelson il y a quelques années déjà dans le Los Angeles Times (Vietnam – The War Crimes Files) et qui a pris la forme d’un ouvrage publié en 2013. Nous remercions Mark A. Ashwill (Hanoi) pour cette information.

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Revisiting War Crimes During the War in Viet Nam: Nick Turse Book Reading and “Winter Soldier” screening, January 29, 2014 – at Johnson Hall, University of Washington, Seattle.

Nick Turse, author of the controversial and acclaimed book, Kill Anything That Moves (2013) speaks about US war crimes during the war in Viet Nam, in conjunction with a rare showing of the 1972 documentary “Winter Soldier”, and followed by a panel discussion of Vietnam War experts Bill Turley and Mike Dedrick with Nick Turse.  Moderated by Judith Henchy.

Sponsored by the Southeast Asia Center, the UW Center for Human Rights, the University Bookstore, and the Seattle chapter of Veterans For Peace.

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About the book

Ref. Turse, Nick, Kill anything that moves. The real American war in Vietnam, New York: Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Co., ©2013.

Based on classified documents and first-person interviews, a startling history of the American war on Vietnamese civilians

The American Empire Project
Winner of the Ridenhour Prize for Reportorial Distinction.

Americans have long been taught that events such as the notorious My Lai massacre were isolated incidents in the Vietnam War, carried out by just a few “bad apples.” But as award-winning journalist and historian Nick Turse demonstrates in this groundbreaking investigation, violence against Vietnamese noncombatants was not at all exceptional during the conflict. Rather, it was pervasive and systematic, the predictable consequence of official orders to “kill anything that moves.”

Drawing on more than a decade of research into secret Pentagon archives and extensive interviews with American veterans and Vietnamese survivors, Turse reveals for the first time the workings of a military machine that resulted in millions of innocent civilians killed and wounded—what one soldier called “a My Lai a month.” Devastating and definitive, Kill Anything That Moves finally brings us face-to-face with the truth of a war that haunts America to this day.

Source : MacMillan