The Research Institute for Contemporary Southeast Asia – (Irasec) and the Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Chiang Mai University, invite you to the joint virtual debate on:
Myanmar Crisis:
Challenges and Hopes for a Way Forward
21th July 2021, 5 to 7 PM (Bangkok Time), on Zoom
With Aurore Candier (Irasec), May Oo Mutraw (CMU),
Rémi Nguyen (Irasec) and Min Zin (CMU)
Opening by Christian Lechervy, Ambassador of France in Myanmar
A panel discussion led by Carol Isoux, Journalist
Coorganized by
Claire Thi Lien Tran, director of the Research Institute for Contemporary Southeast Asia (Irasec) and Chayan Vaddhanaphuti, director of the Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Chiang Mai University in partnership with the Institut français de Birmanie
Please find here below the link to the flyer (click on the picture) and do not hesitate to spread it in your networks.

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