Archives par mot-clé : acteurs locaux

Marie Gibert & Emmanuelle Peyvel : Unpacking the figure of the backpacking neighbourhood Pham Ngu Lao in the making of Ho Chi Minh city

[ndlr] Signalement d’un article très intéressant sur le quartier “routard” de Saigon.


Unpacking the figure of the backpacking neighbourhood Pham Ngu Lao in the making of Ho Chi Minh city

Marie Gibert (University Paris Diderot, France) & Emmanuelle Peyvel (University of Brest, France)

Our article aims to understand the participation of the ‘backpacking neighbourhood’ Pham Ngu Lao in the current metropolization process of Ho Chi Minh City. This neighbourhood is representative
of Vietnamese ‘glocalization’. By this term, we mean the abilities of local stakeholders to benefit from the opportunities created by an increasingly global economy. These skills are reflected not only in innovations and landscape transformations to attract tourists, but also in ‘reactivations’ based on older urban practices. We question not only the production of specific urban territories through backpacking activities, but also the spatial and social inequalities they generate. By doing so, our intention is to combine tourism studies and urban studies to ‘unpack’ the figure of the backpacking neighbourhood and to go beyond the idea of urban enclaves.

Backpacking economy, Ho Chi Minh City, local stakeholders, metropolization, tourism globalization, urban production, Viet Nam

Ref.: Gibert, M. and Peyvel, E, “Unpacking the figure of the backpacking neighbourhood Phạm Ngũ Lão in the making of Hồ Chí Minh city”, South East Asia Research, first published on October 24, 2016 doi:10.1177/0967828X16674823

Source : SEAR

Image “à la une” :  Le “quartier routard” en soirée © 2014 E. Peyvel