Archives par mot-clé : 1967-1975

Taylor, K. W. (ed.): Voices from the Second Republic of South Vietnam (1967–1975)

Taylor_VoicesFromThe2ndRepublicOfVietNam[ndlr] Parution d’un ouvrage important sur la Seconde République du Viêt-Nam (1967-1975) sur laquelle peu d’études existent. Réf. : Taylor, Keith W. (ed.), Voices from the Second Republic of South Vietnam (1967–1975), Ithaca, NY, Southeast Asia Program Publications, 2015.

The Republic of (South) Vietnam is commonly viewed as a unified entity throughout the two decades (1955–75) during which the United States was its main ally. However, domestic politics during that time followed a dynamic trajectory from authoritarianism to chaos to a relatively stable experiment in parliamentary democracy. The stereotype of South Vietnam that appears in most writings, both academic and popular, focuses on the first two periods to portray a caricature of a corrupt, unstable dictatorship and ignores what was achieved during the last eight years.

The essays in Voices from the Second Republic of South Vietnam (1967–1975) come from those who strove to build a constitutional structure of representative government during a war for survival with a totalitarian state. Those committed to realizing a noncommunist Vietnamese future placed their hopes in the Second Republic, fought for it, and worked for its success. This book is a step in making their stories known.

  • Introduction by K. W. Taylor
  • 1. A Vietnamese Perspective on US Involvement in Vietnam
    by Bui Diem
  • 2. Testimony of a Senior Officer, South Vietnamese Central Intelligence Organization
    by Phan Cong Tam
  • 3. From Facing Anti-war Crowds to Nation-building
    by Nguyen Ngoc Bich
  • 4. A Decade of Public Service: Nation-building during the Interregnum and Second Republic (1964–75)
    by Tran Quang Minh
  • 5. Building a Market Economy during Wartime
    by Nguyen Duc Cuong
  • 6. From the First to the Second Republic: From Scylla to Charybdis
    by Phan Quang Tue
  • 7. Testimony of a Former Representative of the Republic of South Vietnam National Assembly, 1971–75
    by Tran Van Son
  • 8. The Tan Dai Viet Party and its Contribution to Building Democracy in the Second Republic of Vietnam
    by Ma Xai
  • 9. Naval Battle of the Paracels
    by Ho van Ky-Thoai
  • 10. Military and Security
    by Lan Lu

Source : Cornell University Press