Archives de catégorie : Sitographie

Ouverture de Data Persée : le triplestore de Persée

[ndlr] Message de Persée transmis par Hélène Begnis, chargée du réseau des partenaires. Reproduit avec son aimable autorisation.

Chères collègues, chers collègues,

Persée, Unité Mixte de Service réunissant l’Université de Lyon, le CNRS et l’ENS de Lyon et bénéficiant du soutien du MENESR réalise depuis plus de 10 ans le portail du même nom regroupant des milliers de publications scientifiques accessibles librement et gratuitement et comptabilisant 30 millions de visites annuelles.

Pour affirmer sa position d’acteur de la dynamique nationale d’ouverture des données, Persée ouvre un triplestore, Mis en ligne le 10 Février 2017, ce triplestore entend ainsi répondre aux besoins de constitution de corpus complexes, de fouille de textes dans un environnement de données liées.

Les données disponibles au format RDF reprennent l’ensemble des métadonnées créées par Persée autour de ses collections : auteurs, illustrations, articles, etc., mais également les données élaborées avec nos partenaires (idRef, Cairo Gazeteer) et des données collectées auprès de divers référentiels (GBIF, DBpedia, data.bnf, VIAF…). Ce nouveau site permettra d’extraire :

  • ses propres bibliographies thématiques ou liées à un auteur.
  • toutes les informations concernant un site archéologique
  • toutes les illustrations d’une collection en particulier ou d’un photographe précis.

Les possibilités d’explorations sont ainsi démultipliées. Ces données sont ouvertes et réutilisables par tous grâce aux outils et aux formats ouverts.

Le site :


Nathalie Fargier | | 04 26 73 14 80

Viviane Boulétreau | | 04 26 73 14 82

L’équipe Persée


Billy Noseworthy : a few words to introduce

[ndlr] Présentation du site de recherche dédié aux études sur le Champa. Billet publié avec l’aimable autorisation de son auteur.

chamstudies[Site en maintenance, 22/11/2016] presentation website is committed to the preservation and promotion of the cultural values of the Champa civilization, and serves as a space for the dissemination of research in the field of Cham studies. With this in mind, actively circulates collections of scholarly resources and short essays, as well as information pertaining to conferences and scholarships. is the brainchild of Isvan Champa (MA Hawai’i, current PhD student at the University of Queensland).

Isvan had been running a Vietnamese academic site “Young Anthropologists” after he completed his Masters at Hawai’I and returned to Vietnam to begin a significant body of fieldwork on Austronesian ethnic minorities. When I say significant, I mean that his mastery of languages quickly jumped from English, Vietnamese and Cham, to the inclusion of four others: Raglai, Churu, Ede and Jarai.

When I first met Isvan we had shared the idea of starting a new academic journal that would address the need of bringing Cham studies to readership who were themselves Cham in Vietnam. Such a journal did not exist at the time. There was the literary serial Tagalauand the almost entirely historical-studies focused Champaka. Neither was focused on bringing together Champa and Cham studies into a single multidisciplinary project, a la Journal of Vietnamese Studies, however, which we upheld as a model. In 2012 “Young Anthropologists” was going strong and I joined the founding editorial board of TapukBhapRohDuahIlimo Cam (Journal of Cham Studies) in 2012.

TapukBhapRohDuahIlimo Cam is primarily an academic journal, published in Vietnamese, in Vietnam, although the journal has included English and Japanese abstracts of the articles published. It is produced by the Cham-UNESCO research center in Ho Chi Minh City, and bridges the gap between the popular scholarly output of the Cham community and Vietnamese language academic publishing. Primarily headed by the efforts of Sakaya (Dr. Truong Van Mon), the center also published a Cham-Vietnamese-English 16,000-word dictionary in 2014, which I was one among a number of co-authors on. Later in 2014, Dr. Toshihiko Shine & Sakaya published a Japanese version of the same dictionary.

As Tagalau, TapukBhapRohDuahIlimo Cam and Champakawere already covering the necessary journal publication markets for Champa and Cham studies, Isvan saw a new problem, however. There were still many scholars of Champa and the Cham who were working outside of Vietnam who weren’t using the works of those inside, and vice versa. The main problem was access. Print materials could be brought in and out, but shipping and transportation were tedious means of exchanging knowledge. was founded to mitigate that problem in 2015.

On the initial board of Isvan invited myself and Julie T. Underhill, as we were graduate students and researchers covering substantially different topics in the field. We then invited Dr. Mohammend Bin Abdul Effendy (NUS, Singapore) and Dave Paulson (PhD, candidate, Temple) to join us. Currently the website features presentations in Vietnamese, Malay, English of new articles, links to downloadable and more difficult to find resources, announcements for scholarships, profiles of researchers and more. We have particularly been focusing on circulating announcements that will allow other students and young researchers from Vietnam to study abroad. When Isvan was admitted to the University of Queensland this was a major break for all of us, and we hope that more students will be able to bridge the research gap by working across borders in the Americas, Europe and the Pacific, as well as Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia.

The main features of the website, as it stands, are collections of your standards area of Art and Literature, Culture, History, Language, and Religion. Although we also have a substantial media collection, and a worthwhile “Network” section that will give you a sense of the field of Cham Studies. While there are many websites that feature articles on the Cham, ours is the only one that hosts a substantive amount of English, Vietnamese, Cham and Malay language material. We welcome French and Cambodian material as well, and have been working with many Cham studies scholars in Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, France, Japan and the United States to expand our collections.

Should you have any questions, OR wish to contribute something, please don’t hesitate to contact:

billynoseworthyBilly Noseworthy, grad student, University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Image “à la une” : La tour Cham Thap Poshaknu Cham près de Mũi Né – Wikipédia 2005

Ảnh độc về đạo Cao Đài ở miền Nam năm 1930 [Walter Bosshard]

[ndlr] Images rares du photographe suisse Walter Bosshard (1892-1975) sur le Caodaïsme en 1930. Le temple d’origine de Tây Ninh en 1930 quatre ans après la création de la religion. Il fut reconstruit en 1947 dans l’architecture que l’on connaît aujourd’hui. Aperçu.

Voir la suite : Kien Thuc (30/05/2016)

Chip : Learn365Project – Timeline for all events related to the fish deaths in Vietnam

[ndlr] Avis de la parution d’une page d’information (sur le site de Chip) dédiée à l’affaire des poissons morts du Viêt-Nam.

For those of you who don’t already know, recently there has been some social unrest in Vietnam. A lot of people went out on the street to protest over the mass fish death and the way the government has been handling the situation. As is the case with unrest, there are a lot of people spreading rumors and causing even more unrest. I think it might be helpful to just look at the facts. Below is a complete timeline of all those events: from when the fish started dying on April 6 to today. I only quoted accredited newspapers, and I don’t include rumors spread on social media. Please let me know if there is something I’m missing.

Lien :

Image “à la une” : Mass fish death central coast region © EPA

Maritime Awareness Project (MAP)

[ndlr] Signalement par Christoph Giebel (University of Washington, Seattle, USA) sur VSG d’une plateforme interactive en ligne dédiée à la question de l’espace maritime de l’Asie de l’Est.

For anyone interested in the island disputes in the East/South China/West Philippines Sea, there is the new and still developing Maritime Awareness Project (MAP), jointly undertaken by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA and the Seattle-based National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR):

Its comprehensive interactive map feature is particularly impressive and informative:


 Cliquer sur l’image pour accéder au site

TS. Nguyễn Xuân Hoài : Ngô Đình Diệm, Đảng Cần lao Nhân vị, Đệ nhất Cộng hòa (1955-1963)

[ndlr] Signalement d’une série de billets en ligne publiés par le chercheur Nguyễn Xuân Hoài, directeur du Centre des archives nationales n° II à Ho Chi Minh-Ville. Il s’agit de la présentation d’archives issues de ce centre sur la période de la Première République (Đệ nhất Cộng hòa, 1955-1963). Une source d’information utile pour les chercheurs.

  • Đảng Cần lao Nhân vị – công cụ đắc lực cho âm mưu chia cắt lâu dài Việt Nam của Mỹ – Diệm [erreur lien]
Logo du parti Can Lao dessiné d’après les témoignages des anciens membres du parti © TTXVA

Signalons également cette présentation complémentaire sur la résistance contre le régime de Saigon  :

NB : Ce site dédié à la valorisation des archives est actif depuis le mois d’avril 2014 mais officiellement ouvert au mois d’août 2015. Avant cette période, les articles mis en ligne et conservés en archives sur ce site ne concernent pas directement les archives du Centre n° 2.


Vietnamiens en France à l’époque coloniale [carnet]

[ndlr] Signalement d’un nouveau carnet de recherche dédié aux Travailleurs Indochinois. Appel à une collecte de documents.

Afin de documenter les premières présences de Vietnamiens en France dans une approche socio-historique et d’histoire connectée, ce site vise au recueil d’archives privées et de témoignages.

Vous avez un témoignage ou vous souhaitez signaler un document ancien ? Rendez-vous sur la page de la collecte.

Lien du carnet :


Image “à la une” : Groupe de travailleurs avec leurs surveillant et interprètes à Sorgues (Vaucluse) en 1941 © Collection Joël Pham