Trần Văn Thủy’s Memoirs: “Chuyện Nghề Của Thủy” or “Thủy’s Professional Affairs”

ChuyenNgheCuaThuy[ndlr] Nous vous faisons part de ce message initialement posté sur le Vietnam Studies Group (VSG) après avoir reçu l’aimable autorisation de son auteur, le professeur Eric Henry, grand spécialiste du Kim Van Kieu et de littérature chinoise ancienne.

This is bring to the attention of Mémoires d’Indochine readers the appearance of the memoirs (474 p.) of the documentary film director Trần Văn Thủy, entitled “Chuyện Nghề Của Thủy” or “Thủy’s Professional Affairs.” Thủy wrote it in collaboration with Lê Thanh Dũng, a friend from his childhood days in Nam Định. I have only just started to read the book, but I can see right away that it is full of fascinating detail, both personal and sociopolitical. I regard Thủy as a truth-teller surpassed by none during the past half-century in Vietnam. Among the epigraphs at the beginning of the book are the following words of Phan Bội Châu:

Dân quyền được đề cao thì nhân dân được tôn trọng mà nước cũng mạnh.
Dân quyền bị xem nhẹ thì dân bị coi khinh mà nước cũng yếu.
Dân quyền hoàn toàn mất thì dân mất ma nước cũng mất.
The publisher is NXB Hội Nhà Văn.


Eric Henry, PhD
Senior Lecturer (retired)
Asian Studies Department
CB 3267
University of North Carolina


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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
indomemoires (16 juillet 2013). Trần Văn Thủy’s Memoirs: “Chuyện Nghề Của Thủy” or “Thủy’s Professional Affairs” Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 8 décembre 2024 à l’adresse