Le Quoc Quan trial postponed

© 2012 AFP

Human Rights Watch issued an appeal for dissident blogger and lawyer Le Quoc Quan, currently imprisoned and who was scheduled for trial in Hanoi today (July 9). The trial was abruptly postponed, because the judge to preside over the trial became suddenly ill, said an official announcement.

However, fellow dissident and lawyer Nguyen Van Dai said it was more likely because of security concerns about demonstrations. Prayer services for Quan have been held in Catholic churches around the country.


  • Vietnam: Drop Charges Against Le Quoc Quan

The trial of Le Quoc Quan, scheduled for July 9, was postponed in the afternoon of July 8. The trial has not been rescheduled. Read more : HRW, 08/07/2013.


  •  Dissident Vietnamese Lawyer’s Trial Abruptly Postponed

Vietnamese authorities abruptly postponed the trial of prominent dissident lawyer Le Quoc Quan on Monday, saying the judge scheduled to hear the case is ill, while lawyers and relatives said the hearing was put off to avoid publicity and international attention. Read more : RFA, 08/07/2013.

Supporters wear t-shirts bearing a portrait of Le Quoc Quan during a mass held for him at a Catholic church in Hanoi on July 7, 2013. © AFP

The RFA report includes an interesting picture of Catholics in a Hanoi church wearing t-shirts with Quan’s picture. The HRW report includes a poem from him.

Steve Denney

Library assistant. UC Berkeley

[ndlr: message from Steve Denney on Vsg (09/07/2013) posted here with his kind permission]

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indomemoires (11 juillet 2013). Le Quoc Quan trial postponed. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q50a