[ndlr] Coup de colère du Professeur Tuong Lai (Nguyen Phuoc Tuong), sociologue et ancien conseiller de deux Premiers ministres de 1991 à 2006. Il s’indigne de l’attitude trop soumise de l’Etat-Parti vietnamien face à la Chine populaire. Cette soumission pèse lourdement, selon lui, sur le devenir du pays tant sur le plan politique, empêchant toute démocratisation du régime, qu’économique, freinant le développement.
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam — LAST month, Vietnamese courts imposed heavy sentences on two patriotic students in their early 20s who had been charged with “speaking ill of China.” These charges touched the most sensitive nerve in the nation’s psyche — our patriotism and spirit of nationalism — and publicly exposed the government’s shady collusion with foreign aggressors.
Vietnam’s greatest tragedy is that the illusion of a common socialist ideology has been used by the Vietnamese government as an excuse to allow Chinese expansionism to run rampant and to stifle democracy, censor and suppress information, and psychologically terrorize its citizens. Earlier this week, the police in Hanoi broke up an anti-China demonstration and sent the organizers to jail.
We Vietnamese are rightfully proud of building and defending our nation for thousands of years despite its perilous position, bordering a gigantic neighbor that has never abandoned its expansionist dream of devouring Vietnam. We endured 1,000 years of Chinese occupation. During that long and painful night, China constantly sought to assimilate the Vietnamese people. But they failed.
Read more / lire la suite : New York Times, 06/06/2013.
A lire en vietnamien :
- Trà Mi-VOA, Giáo sư Tương Lai: Lãnh đạo Việt Nam quá quỳ lụy Trung Quốc, VOA, 08/06/2013.
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indomemoires (8 juin 2013). Tuong Lai: Vietnam’s Angry Feet. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 5 octobre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q4zf