La réponse argumentée de Air Visual aux contestations vietnamiennes sur la pollution de Hanoi.
Hanoi has topped AirVisual’s rankings several times in recent days, provoking discussion and concern in Vietnam.
We have noticed some concern in Vietnam that Hanoi has been at no. 1 on AirVisual’s “major city ranking” at certain times over recent days.
We would like people to be aware that this does not mean that Hanoi is the world’s no. 1 polluted city. The “major city ranking” currently consists of around 90 major global cities.
At any one time, a city can top the live ranking, as happened with London and even San Francisco last year. Details on how we curate the “major city ranking” in order to make it relevant to people are here
We also publish a separate annual world ranking in partnership with Greenpeace. The report published in March showed that Hanoi was not in the world’s top 200 most polluted cities in 2018.
Lire la suite : Air Visual
- La page dédiée à Hanoi :
Voir aussi : AirVisual nói gì về cáo buộc ‘thao túng dữ liệu’ để bán hàng ở Việt Nam?, VOA, 09/10/2019.
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indomemoires (10 octobre 2019). Concern in Vietnam at Hanoi topping AirVisual’s ranking. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse