[ndlr] Signalement d’un reportage de Charles Dunst sur un sujet peu évoqué. L’engagement de membres de minorités ethniques au côté des Américains pendant la guerre du Viêt-Nam.
Here in the windswept, rolling hills of central Vietnam, there are many reminders of the war that ended four decades ago.
Two Soviet-made tanks sit in the village of Dak To as monuments to the men who died retaking the region from U.S.-backed South Vietnam in 1972. The flag of the communist Viet Cong guerrillas is painted on roadside walls. Undiscovered land mines remain a hazard.
But for the indigenous minority that Vietnam’s French colonizers named the Montagnards, or “mountain people,” the legacy of the war is especially painful.
They fought alongside the Americans and continue to be regarded as enemies by the Vietnamese government, which routinely subjects them to surveillance, arbitrary arrest, land seizures and other abuses that have been documented by human rights groups.
“Hanoi’s perspective on the Montagnards seems fixed in a Vietnam War-era past,” said Phil Robertson, deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia division. “Ever since the war ended in 1975, the Montagnards have faced systematic harassment, intrusive surveillance and persecution.”
Lire la suite : Los Angeles Times, 21/05/2019.
Image “à la une” : Dim, right, is a Montagnard who fought alongside U.S. Army special forces in the Vietnam War. Chuh A., left, is the son of a Montagnard veteran and was deported from the U.S. in 2017 © Charles Dunst / For The Times.
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indomemoires (31 mai 2019). Vietnam War left a painful legacy for indigenous minority that fought alongside U.S. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q623