Annonce de recrutement de deux jeunes
dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche financé par l’ERC.
2 Phd-plus positions available in ERC-funded research project
Welfare for Migrant Factory Workers in China and Vietnam
Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University
We are recruiting 2 Phd-plus positions for the European Research Council (ERC) funded project Welfare for Migrant Factory Workers in China and Vietnam led by Minh Nguyen, Professor of Social Anthropology. This is a 5-year research project (2019-2024) that comparatively examines the moral dynamics of welfare transformations in China and Vietnam through the case of migrant workers employed by global factories. The project will take into account how these dynamics play out both in policy processes and in the lives of the workers and their families, through comparative social policy analysis (1 post-doc researcher) and ethnography (2 PhD researchers).
The two PhD researchers will each conduct an ethnographic study of migrant factory workers’ welfare, one in China and one in Vietnam. Upon successful completion of the PhD, there is possibility to be employed as post-doc researchers until the end of the project (hence PhD-plus).
Applicants should have research proposals that suit the objectives and approaches of the project. These are available at the project’s website, which is still under construction but carries essential information:
Application deadline: May 2nd.
The appointment will start as soon as possible. For more information on requirements, salary and benefits, and how to apply, please see the job advertisement
- in English:
- in German:
Here is a link to all the project’s job advertisements on H-Net:
Please direct inquiries to; applications should be sent to
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indomemoires (5 avril 2019). Welfare for Migrant Factory Workers in China and Vietnam Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University – ERC. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse