Un entretien intéressant (récent mais non daté) avec Liam Kelley sur la pratique historienne à lire en ligne sur Da Mau Magazine. Nous remercions le Professeur Nguyen The Anh pour le signalement de ce texte.
In his posthumous writing, the Vietnamese historian Ta Chi Dai Truong discussed the ups and downs of his career as well as many issues pertaining to the current state of historical scholarship in Vietnam. He mentioned Liam Kelley, an American professor of history at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, as part of the debate surrounding Kim Định, a French-trained, Vietnamese philosopher-historian who posited the idea that Chinese civilization evolved from ancient Vietnamese agriculturalists, not the other way around. We were able to contact Mr. Kelley and asked his permission for an interview. The following exchange was conducted originally in English and took place over three weeks via email. Professor Kelley, whose Vietnamese pen name is Lê Minh Khải, has graciously provided us with many unique insights in his responses to our questions.
Professor Liam Kelley Liam Kelley received his B.A. in Russian Language and Literature from Dartmouth College, 1989, and M.A. and Ph.D in Chinese history from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1996 and 2001. He is co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Vietnamese Studies. His research and teaching focus on mainland Southeast Asian history and premodern Vietnamese history. He has published a book on envoy poetry (thơ đi sứ), co-edited a book on China’s
Southern frontiers, published articles and book chapters on the invention of traditions in medieval Vietnam, and the emergence of Vietnamese nationalism and spirit writing (giáng bút) in early twentieth century Vietnam. He has also completed English translations of the outer annals (ngoại kỷ) of the Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư and the Khâm định Việt sử thông giám cương mục.
Professor Kelley has also created a website for translations of materials for early Vietnamese history called Viet Texts and he maintains a blog on Southeast Asian history called Le Minh Khai’s SEAsian History Blog. Since 2011, he has been co-developing the Engaging with Vietnam initiative with Professor Phan Lê Hà, also at the University of Hawaii.
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indomemoires (26 février 2019). Thuy Dinh : Good Scholarship, Bold Scholarship and Bad Scholarship: A Conversation with Professor Liam Kelley. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q60p