[ndlr] Annonce du Center for Khmer Studies pour une bourse de recherche au Cambodge.
CKS Research Fellowships 2019:
Call for proposals: Deadline: 15 November 2018
The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) provides in-country research fellowships for U.S., Cambodian, and French scholars (or EU citizens holding a French degree) and doctoral students on a yearly basis.
CKS Senior Research Fellows are given direct funding for their research, access to CKS resources, and are provided with logistical support and contacts while in Cambodia.
Senior fellowships are open to scholars in all disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities to pursue further research focusing on Cambodia only or Cambodia within a regional context.
Ph.D. fellowships are available for a maximum of 11 months for doctoral dissertation research. Senior long-term (6 to 9 months) and short-term (4 to 6 months or less) fellowships are available for scholars who already hold a Ph.D.
This year, we would like to encourage research proposals related to the following themes. These are not restrictive, and please do feel free to submit proposals addressing any other themes too.
- Urban sustainability (urban mobility, smart cities, gentrification, cultural preservation, demography and migration, etc.)
- Environmental protection/environmental sustainability/circular economy/inequalities
- Mine action and social impact in the ASEAN region
- Role of youth and arts in Cambodia’s social development
- Intangible cultural heritage of Cambodia
- China’s social, economic and/or cultural role/influence in Cambodia
- Application of behavioral sciences research or technology/social innovation to any of the above topics
For more information, please contact the CKS Director, Mr. Natharoun Ngo, at natharoun.ngo@khmerstudies.org
Source : CKS website http://www.khmerstudies.org/fellowships/overview
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
indomemoires (7 septembre 2018). Cambodia : CKS Research Fellowships 2019 [Appel à propositions]. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q5xz