Test-score manipulation scandal hits Vietnam’s national high school exam [Tuoi Tre News]

[ndlr] Fraude aux examens d’entrée à l’université, à lire sur le portail en anglais du quotidien Tuoi Tre. Article de Tuan Son. Merci à Quynh Le Tran (BBC World Service, London) pour le signalement de cet article.

An education official was found to have digitally adjusted the scores of 330 exam papers

Vietnam’s most important national exam for high school students has been marred by an unprecedented scandal after the scores on 330 test papers were found to have been digitally tampered with by an education official.

Results of the National High School Examination, held every year around June, are used to determine whether a student qualifies for graduation from high school and acts as a placement test for college and university entrance.

This year, nearly one million candidates took part in the three-day exam from June 25 to 27, where they sat for tests in math, literature, foreign languages, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, and civics.

When exam results became available for online lookup on Wednesday last week, suspicions were raised surrounding the unusually high scores achieved by many test-takers in Ha Giang, Vietnam’s northernmost province.

Lire la suite : Tuoi Tre News, 18/07/2018.

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indomemoires (19 juillet 2018). Test-score manipulation scandal hits Vietnam’s national high school exam [Tuoi Tre News]. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q5xi