[ndlr] Alors que le gouvernement vietnamien est confronté aux protestations de la rue, il durcit une fois de plus sa loi sur l’utilisation d’internet, loi dite de la “Cyber-sécurité”.
HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Vietnamese legislators on Tuesday passed a contentious cybersecurity law, which critics say will hurt the economy and further restrict freedom of expression.
The law requires service providers such as Google and Facebook to store user data in Vietnam, open offices in the country and remove offending contents within 24 hours at the request of the Ministry of Information and Communications and the specialized cybersecurity task-force under the Ministry of Public Security.
Addressing the Communist Party-dominated assembly before the vote, chairman of the Committee on Defense and Security Vo Trong Viet said the law is “extremely necessary to defend the interests of the people and national security”.
Viet said the law doesn’t contradict Vietnam’s commitments to multinational trade treaties such as the World Trade Organization and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, but he said there are exceptions on national security grounds.
He said requiring foreign companies to set up data centers in Vietnam may increase their operational costs, but it was necessary for the country’s cybersecurity and will facilitate the companies’ operations and user activities.
“When there are acts of violation of cybersecurity, the coordination in handling the violations will be more effective and more viable,” Viet said, without elaborating.
An estimated 70 percent of Vietnam’s 93 million people are online and some 53 million people have Facebook accounts.
Lire la suite : AP, 12/06/2018.
Voir aussi :
- Luật An ninh mạng mới thông qua đưa VN trở về thời kỳ ‘tăm tối’?, VOA, 12/06/2018.
- Quốc hội thông qua Luật An ninh mạng với hơn 86% đại biểu tán thành, VnExpress, 12/06/2018. 423 trong tổng số 466 đại biểu Quốc hội có mặt tại hội trường đồng ý thông qua dự thảo Luật An ninh mạng.
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indomemoires (12 juin 2018). Vietnam passes cybersecurity law despite privacy concerns [Associated Press]. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q5wt