© 2012 Steven G. Kellman
[ndlr] Sur son site personnel l’écrivain londonien Paul Bogdanor consacre une page aux sources en ligne sur les “Bains de sang de gauche”. Nous avons extrait de sa liste les sources concernant directement le Viêt Nam, le Laos et le Cambodge. Textes de chercheurs, de journalistes ou de simples témoins sont répertoriés aux côtés de rapports d’enquête et de documents d’archives. On y retrouve le débat sur les victimes de la réforme agraire de 1953-1956 en RDVN, des documents sur les techniques de répression des “contre-révolutionnaires” dans les trois pays, des témoignages sur les goulags vietnamiens et laotiens après 1975 et sur le génocide cambodgien perpétré par les Khmers rouges. Certains de ces textes seront évoqués en introduction de la séance 6 du séminaire. Les annotations sont celles de l’auteur.
Left-Wing Bloodbaths
Radical leftists would have us believe that they stand for democracy, progress, human rights and social justice. But when they seize power, they introduce slavery, terror, famine, concentration camps and mass murder. As the Marxists used to say, this is no accident.
– Pre-1975
- Lam Thanh Liem, Ho Chi Minh’s Land Reform: Mistake or Crime?
- 50 Years On, Vietnamese Remember Land Reform Terror – The bloodbath inflicted during the North Vietnamese land reform was effectively whitewashed by leftist pseudo-scholars in the West, but the victims were not so quick to forget.
- The Blood-Red Hands of Ho Chi Minh – Stomach-churning accounts of communist mass murder during the Vietnam War.
- The Massacre of Hue – In this communist massacre, thousands of men, women and children were mercilessly slaughtered.
- Stephen T. Hosmer, Viet Cong Repression and its Implications For the Future [PDF] – Detailed analysis of Viet Cong mass murder campaigns.
- The Human Cost of Communism in Vietnam [PDF] – Compilation of research and newspaper reports on communist terror in Vietnam.
– Post-1975
- Le Thi Anh, Let the Vietnamese Speak For Themselves [PDF]
- M. Stanton Evans, Westerners Ignore Vietnam Gulag [PDF]
- Ginetta Sagan, Vietnam’s Postwar Hell [PDF] – Concentration camps and mass murder in post-1975 Vietnam.
- Testament of Patriotic Prisoners in Vietnam [PDF] – Victims of state terror beg the outside world for help.
- Nguyen Cong Hoan, Human Rights in Vietnam I [PDF] II [PDF]
- Nguyen Cong Hoan, Why I Escaped From Vietnam – Defector’s account of totalitarian slavery in post-1975 Vietnam.
- Doan Van Toai, In Vietnam’s Gulag, the Captives Die a Slow Death [PDF] – Survivor’s account of the hidden mass killings of political prisoners in the Vietnamese Gulag.
- Theodore Jacqueney, They Are Us, We Were Vietnamese [PDF]
- Ginetta Sagan and Stephen Denney, Re-education in Unliberated Vietnam: Loneliness, Suffering and Death
- Stephen J. Morris, Glasnost and the Gulag: The Numbers Game [PDF]
- Anh Do and Hieu Tran Phan, Camp Z30-D: The Survivors – Starvation, torture and murder in the Vietnamese Gulag.
- Vietnam Goes on Trial in Geneva Over Its Refugees [PDF] – Communist ethnic cleansing literally drove the Chinese population into the sea, where hundreds of thousands of boat people suffered and drowned.
- Stephen Denney, Human Rights and Daily Life in Vietnam – Ongoing political persecution and class discrimination.
- Thorns Appear in Lotus Land – Tens of thousands of political prisoners were sent to die in concentration camps.
- Lao Human Rights Council, White Paper on Genocide in Laos – The Vietnamese and Laotian communists waged a genocidal war against Hmong tribespeople.
– Civil War
- The Agony of Phnom Penh [PDF]
- Priest Won’t Leave Refugees Despite Khmer Rouge Threat [PDF] – The savagery of the Khmer Rouge was easily discoverable before 1975.
- President Ford, News Conference on Cambodia [PDF] – President Ford warns of “an unbelievable horror story” if the communists capture Cambodia.
- Fear of Cambodian Bloodbath Seen Key to Senate Vote on Aid [PDF] – More bloodbath predictions; anti-war leftists in Congress successfully cut off the aid shortly afterwards.
– Killing Fields
- Yin Savannary, Diary From Darkness [PDF]
- Asian Blood Bath [PDF]
- Cambodia – An Outlaw Nation [PDF] – Early reports from survivors and journalists.
- Leo Cherne, The Terror in Cambodia [PDF]
- Leo Cherne, Cambodia – Auschwitz of Asia [PDF] – The chairman of the International Rescue Committee describes the mass murders.
- Craig Etcheson, The Number: Quantifying Crimes Against Humanity in Cambodia
- Bruce Sharp, Counting Hell – Studies demonstrating that the death toll was in the millions.
- Henri Locard, State Violence in Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979) and Retribution (1979-2004) [PDF] – This is the best summary of the Khmer Rouge bloodbath.
- Cambodia Steps Slowly Toward a Genocide Trial – Feeble attempts to prosecute the butchers.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
indomemoires (3 novembre 2012). Sources on Vietnam Laos Cambodia “Left-Wing Bloodbaths” – by Paul Bogdanor. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q4si