[ndlr] Parution d’un ouvrage dédié à l’analyse au jour le jour de l’année 1945 en Asie orientale et en Asie du Sud-Est. Chronologie détaillée et contributions de 75 chercheurs. Avec les contributions pour l’IAO de Christopher E. Goscha, François Guillemot et Vatthana Pholsena. Présentation de l’éditeur.
David P. Chandler, Robert Cribb and Li Narangoa (eds.), End of Empire : 100 Days in 1945 that Changed Asia and the World, NIAS Press, 2016, 346 p.
Aiming to balance the focus on European events in global public discussions and reminiscences of World War II, End of Empire focuses on a brief, 100-day period at the end of the war across a broad sweep of eastern Asia – a time when the Indonesian and Vietnamese revolutions were born, the fragile wartime truce between Communists and Nationalists in China began to fray, and the first steps were made in Japan towards a new democratic order. Following a chronological order, the volume combines daily events with commentary, photographs, maps and personal accounts. More importantly, it is part of a radical, multi-faceted project to commemorate the period not just in print but also on screen and in ‘real-time broadcasts’ published day by day. Here, perhaps, is the form of scholarly publishing and learning of the future but without abandoning traditional standards.
- Lien vers la présentation de l’ouvrage : http://www.niaspress.dk/books/end-empire
- Lien vers le site End of Empire : http://www.endofempire.asia/
- Page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/endofempire1945/
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indomemoires (11 avril 2016). End of Empire : 100 Days in 1945 that Changed Asia and the World [NIAS Press]. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q5ly