[ndlr] Parution du nouveau numéro de SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia Vol. 31/1 (March 2016), 375 p. Un numéro très intéressant regroupant trois contributions sur le Cambodge, une sur le Myanmar, une sur le Timor oriental et deux sur le Viêt-Nam.
The Demise of Cambodian Royalism and the Legacy of Sihanouk, by Astrid Norén-Nilsson
Mapping the Srok: The Mimeses of Land Titling in Cambodia, by Courtney Work, Alice Beban
Health Inequalities, Public Sector Involvement and Malaria Control in Cambodia, by Frédéric Bourdier
Painting as Cipher: Censorship of the Visual Arts in Post-1988 Myanmar, by Melissa Carlson
Painting Their Past: The Geração Foun, Street Art and Representing Notions of East Timorese-ness, by Catherine Arthur
Fighting the First Indochina War Again? Catholic Refugees in South Vietnam, 1954–59, by Phi Vân Nguyen
Caodaism in Times of War: Spirits of Struggle and Struggle of Spirits, by Jérémy Jammes
Source : SOJOURN
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indomemoires (17 mars 2016). Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia – Vol. 31/1 (March 2016). Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q5lg