[ndlr] Annonce d’un séminaire à New York sur l’histoire du commerce en Mer de Chine méridionale.
New York (November 10th, 2015).
The Institute for Vietnamese Culture & Education ( IVCE) is pleased to announce a seminar on Maritime trade on the Biển Ðông Sea (the South China Sea) in History.
Topic I: Archaeological finds in the Biển Đông Sea (otherwise called the South China Sea), and historical documents found in the archives of Vietnam, Japan, China and Western countries reveal the important role of the Biển Đông Sea and Vietnam in the maritime trade network of the world between the Xth and the XXth centuries, especially in the Grand Commercial Era of world (XVIth to XVIIIth centuries). Vietnam is located on the vast western continental shelves running lengthwise along the Biển Đông Sea, where a series of harbors were convenient for the trade ships of international merchants to dock and do business since the XIth century. Vietnam also possessed and frequented several archipelagoes in the Biển Đông Sea, including the Paracels (quần đảo Hoàng Sa) and the Spratlys (quần đảo Trường Sa), that lie on these busy trade routes. Presented by Dr. Trần Đức Anh Sơn.
Topic II: State regulations on foreign maritime trade areas and merchants and state expeditions to archipelagos in the Biển Đông Sea (the South China Sea) under the various dynasties, from the Lý, Trần to the Lê and Nguyễn, in Vietnam (Xth to XXth centuries). The legal and general historical documents, such as: Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư [Complete Annals of Đại Việt], Khâm định Việt sử thông giám cương mục [Comprehensive Annals of Vietnam as Ordered by the King], Lê triều chiếu lệnh thiện chính [The Book on Good Government of the Lê Dynasty], Phủ biên tạp lục [Miscellaneous Chronicles of the Pacified Frontier] show how foreign trade areas were established and foreign merchants’ movements regulated. Besides promoting foreign trade, the State also made itself present in the Biển Đông Sea by launching state expeditions to the Paracels (quần đảo Hoàng Sa) and Spratlys (quần đảo Trường Sa) for salvage and asserting sovereignty. Presented by Dr. Tạ Văn Tài.
Place: Hamilton 309, Columbia University.
Time: Thursday, November 12th, 2015. 8.00 – 9.00pm: Seminar
9.00 – 9.30pm: Documentary on Maritime trade on the Biển Ðông Sea (South China Sea)
Contact: Ngoc Le-Cascarino, ntl2105@columbia.edu
Sponsor: Columbia VSA, Weatherhead East Asian Institute and IVCE.
Place: Terrace Room, Paige Hall, Tufts University.
Time: Friday, November 13th, 2015. 7 – 8pm: Seminar
8 – 8.30pm: Documentary on Maritime trade on the Biển Ðông Sea (South China Sea)
Contact: Trang Nguyen, Minh_Trang.Nguyen@tufts.edu
Sponsor: Tufts Vietnamese Students Club, Tufts International Relations Department and IVCE.
Source : VSG.
Image “à la une” : illustration de l’ouvrage : Trần, Đức Anh Sơn & Vũ, Hữu San, Ngành đóng thuyền và tàu thuyền ở Việt Nam thời Nguyễn : phụ lục đôi nét về hàng hải nước Việt xưa, TP. Hồ Chí Minh : Nhà xuất bản Văn hóa-văn nghệ, 2014.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
indomemoires (10 novembre 2015). Maritime trade on the Biển Ðông Sea (the South China Sea) in History – 10/11/2015. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q5i4