[ndlr] En réaction à la diffusion du documentaire intitulé “Terror in Little Saigon”, le parti Viet Tan par la voix de Duy Hoang (son porte-parole) publie sur son site une lettre ouverte, sorte de mise au point soulignant les incohérences du documentaire et récusant les accusations graves portées contre l’organisation.
Duy Hoang
November 4, 2015
Raney Aronson-Rath, Frontline Executive Producer
David Fanning, Frontline Founder and Executive Producer at Large
Andrew Metz, Frontline Managing Editor
Stephen Engelberg, ProPublica Editor-in-Chief
Michael Getler, PBS Ombudsman
A.C. Thompson, Correspondent
Dear Frontline and ProPublica Editors:
I recognize the noble endeavor of the reporting team to shed light on the unsolved murders of Vietnamese American journalists. But you cannot solve one injustice — the absolutely intolerable killing of journalists in the 1980s — by creating another injustice. While it makes for a gripping production, the narrative of this investigative report is flawed.
I am writing to request that you uphold the editorial integrity and standards of the Public Broadcasting Service by retracting the program “Terror in Little Saigon” which aired and was published on your websites on November 3, 2015. I also urge Frontline and ProPublica to scrutinize the practices that permitted the publishing of unsubstantiated claims.
Let me be clear: Mat Tran (referred to as “the Front” in your program) never had a policy to use violence to silence critics. The organization never had a death squad nor a kill list.
Mat Tran was founded by a coalition of Vietnamese groups in the diaspora and from inside Vietnam. This coalition included Vietnamese university students who had been studying abroad during the War, political refugees who had recently fled the Communist dictatorship, and dissidents still living in Vietnam. The goal of Mat Tran was to mobilize the people of Vietnam in a grassroots struggle for political liberation.
Because of this aspiration for a free Vietnam, Mat Tran attracted strong support from the diaspora and policy makers in many countries. Over the years, members of the organization have contributed to building Vietnamese communities around the world. To this day, many continue to work to promote human rights in Vietnam.
Lire la suite : Viet Tan, 04/11/2015.
Voir aussi le communiqué officiel : http://viettan.org/IMG/pdf/VT_TCBC_20151104.pdf
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
indomemoires (5 novembre 2015). Open Letter to Frontline/ProPublica re: “Terror in Little Saigon” [Viet Tan]. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 16 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q5hx