[ndlr] Avis de décès à l’âge 63 ans à Shanghai de Nicholas Tapp, anthropologue reconnu spécialiste des Hmongs en Asie. Rappel de sa fiche institutionnelle sur le site de l’Australian National University. Mémoires d’Indochine s’associe à la douleur de la famille.
Under a Chiang Ching-kuo Research Project, ‘Communal Diasporic Voluntary Public Cultures’, I have examined the impact of returns of overseas migrants to their Asian homelands, in collaboration with Dr Gary Lee. We were working in China, Thailand, Laos and Australia and included Hmong communities in France and the USA. Currently based in Shanghai, I am examining the impact of ethnic minority rural migrants in the city and their source locations. I have also recently completed projects on the self, consumerism and romanticism in China and among the diasporic Hmong community.
Lire la suite : ANU
Obituary Notice
Nicholas Tapp, internationally renowned anthropologist, specialist in the study of the Hmong, distinguished Professor and Director of the Research Institute of Anthropology, East China Normal University, has passed away due to illness on October 10, 2015, at the Shanghai Huashan Hospital. He was 63 years old.
Born in England on November 5, 1952, Nicholas Charles Theodore Tapp, earned a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from the Cambridge University in 1975.He then studied at the University of London, where he obtained a Master’s degree in Southeast Asian Studies in 1979 and a doctoral degree in Social Anthropology in 1985.
From 1986 to 1992, Nicholas Tapp was Lecturer in Anthropology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. From 1992 to 1996, he was Lecturer in Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh. From 1997 to 1999, he worked at the U.K. Overseas Development Administration as Forestry Project Team Leader. From 2000 to 2010,he was Senior Fellow in Anthropology at the Australian National University. Nicholas Tapp joined the East China Normal University in 2010, acting as Professor, Chair of the Sociology Department and Director of the Research Institute of Anthropology.
A memorial service is scheduled on October 28, 2015, at 1pm, at the 5th floor of the north Fashang Building (North Law and Business building), Minhang campus,East China Normal University.We kindly invite you to attend and join us to commemorate our good friend and honorable mentor.
Institute of Anthropology,East China Normal University
Image “à la une” : couverture de Hmong / Miao in Asia by
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indomemoires (16 octobre 2015). Dr Nicholas Tapp (1952-2015). Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q5hh