[ndlr] Appel à communications sur le thème “Viêt-Nam, 30 ans de Renouveau et au-delà”, organisé par l’ISEAS à Singapour les 24 et 25 mars 2016. Date limite de l’envoi du résumé de communication (250 mots) le 17 juillet 2016.
Vietnam Forum 2016
“Vietnam: Thirty years of Doi Moi and beyond”
24-25 March 2016
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)
30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119614
The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) adopted the Doi Moi (Renovation) policy at its sixth National Congress in 1986, opening up a new chapter in the country’s modern history. Under Doi Moi, Vietnam has undergone significant socio-economic reforms that transformed the country from a backward centrally-planned, autarkic economy into a dynamic market-based and highly internationally integrated one, and one of the most successful stories in terms of poverty reduction in Asia’s contemporary history. The country’s political system has also adopted various reforms to facilitate economic development and good governance. At the same time, Vietnam’s foreign policy has also been renovated under Doi Moi as Hanoi abandoned the ideology-based foreign policy making to pursue the “diversification and multilateralisation” of its international relations. As such, Vietnam has transformed itself into a well respected international partner with increasing influence over regional affairs.
Next year will witness another milestone in the country’s development as the CPV will convene its 12th National Congress to review the past 30 years of Doi Moi and to introduce new policies to guide the country’s future development. In particular, there have been calls for a second Doi Moi (Doi Moi 2.0) to lift Vietnam out of prolonged economic difficulties since 2008 and to establish a new growth model for the country. Therefore, economic reforms, if any, introduced by the Party at the Congress will have important implications for Vietnam’s future economic performance. Moreover, official documents adopted by the Congress may also shed light on how the CPV will deal with mounting pressures for further political reforms as well as foreign policy challenges brought about by China’s increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea.
Theme and topics
Against this backdrop, ISEAS will organize the Vietnam Forum 2016 on “Vietnam: Thirty years of Doi Moi and beyond”. The Forum will provide a timely opportunity for Vietnam watchers to review and examine the various socio-economic, political and foreign policy transformations that Doi Moi has produced over the past 30 years as well as their national and regional implications. Held at a critical juncture of the country’s development, the Forum will also be an appropriate platform for scholars and policy makers to share their views on Vietnam’s contemporary challenges and its future trajectories.
The Forum is multidisciplinary, and we welcome papers on a broad range of topics as long as they address the general theme of the Forum. Papers with comparative approaches (especially between Vietnam and China) are also welcome. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
- Vietnam’s current economic restructuring; SOE reforms; the role of private and foreign-invested sectors; the role of foreign aid and foreign actors in Vietnam’s economic development; Vietnam’s outward FDI; the role of overseas Vietnamese in Vietnam’s economic development; the development of Vietnam’s financial sector…
- Vietnam’s political reforms under Doi Moi; the CPV’s legitimacy and political challenges; politics within the CPV; administrative and judicial reforms; corruption and the fight against corruption; constitutional reform…
- Vietnam’s social and cultural changes under Doi Moi; immigration and demographic changes; urbanization process; inequality; middle class; Vietnam’s education reform…
- Vietnam’s foreign policy evolution under Doi Moi; Vietnam’s contemporary foreign policy challenges; Vietnam’s relations with major countries and ASEAN; Vietnam and the South China Sea disputes; Vietnam’s international economic integration…
Forum’s format
The Forum will be divided into four consecutive panels, focusing on four research areas: economics; politics; social and cultural issues; and foreign policy. Each panel will address the overall theme of the Forum with a focus on their specific area.
Each panel will be composed of 4-5 participants, each participant has 20 minutes to present their paper and 10 minutes for Q&A. Depending on the quality of the papers submitted, however, the number of participants in each panel may be increased or decreased so that the best participants/papers will be selected.
It is expected that an edited book based on a number of selected papers will be published within 12-18 months after the Forum concludes.
Submission of abstracts and full papers
Interested scholars should submit author information, paper title and an abstract (maximum 250 words) via the Forum’s website before 17 July 2015. Selected authors will be notified via email on 24 July 2015.
The deadline for full papers to be submitted is 29 January 2016. Please note that authors who do not submit completed papers by due date may be asked to give up their place in the Forum.
The papers must be original research that have not been published or are not being considered for publication anywhere else.
The papers should be between 6000-8000 words, using endnotes and following the rules set out in Chapter 15 of the Chicago Manual Style, 12th edition, 1969.
Conference grants
ISEAS will cover economy class round-trip airfare and accommodation (2 to 3 nights) for selected participants, plus per diems during the Forum.
Key dates
- Abstract submission: 17 July 2015
- Selected participants announced: 24 July 2015
- Full paper submission: 29 January 2016
- Forum organized: 24-25 March 2016
Further information and contact details
Further information about the Forum is available at the Forum’s website: Vietnamforum.info. All queries should be directed to:
Dr. Le Hong Hiep
Visiting Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119614
Email: le_hong_hiep@iseas.edu.sg
Tel: +65 6870 4545
Source : ISEAS – Vietnam Forum Info
Image “à la une” : ISEAS Vietnam Forum Info website.
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indomemoires (16 juin 2015). Call For Papers – Vietnam Forum 2016 [ISEAS]. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q5ft