SBS’s interactive graphic novel : The Boat brings Vietnamese refugee experience to life

[ndlr] Roman graphique interactif réalisé par Huynh Matt, adaptation de la nouvelle de Nam Le “The Boat”.

TheBoat_TheStorm_MattHuynh_NamLeCliquez sur l’image pour accéder au site

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White sticks of rain spear down across the screen. A ship dips toward a swelling grey ocean as the crane on its deck swings recklessly about. Wind howls, thunder cracks. A black cloud lingers above. The boat is sinking. “Scroll down” to see what happens next.

The Vietnamese refugee experience comes to vivid, harrowing life in The Boat, an interactive online graphic novel based on Nam Le’s short story about a 16-year-old refugee sent off alone by her parents after the fall of Saigon. As she moves from boat to camp, readers scroll through ink panels – Mai on a sun-starched deck; seagulls stalking the top of the ocean for fish – to sounds designed by Animal Kingdom‘s Sam Petty. Click an image and you may be treated to archival imagery as the story dives into a character’s memory.

Illustrated by New York-based Sydney artist Matt Huynh​ – whose parents, like Le’s, fled Vietnam after the war – The Boat forms part of SBS’s commemoration of 40 years of Vietnamese resettlement in Australia.

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indomemoires (29 avril 2015). SBS’s interactive graphic novel : The Boat brings Vietnamese refugee experience to life. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse