[ndlr] Parution des actes du colloque international (Tokyo, Waseda University, décembre 2014) sur les sources éditées et archivistiques consacrées à l’Indochine et la Thaïlande pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale (1940-1945). Organisé en 14 chapitres, cet ouvrage propose un état des lieux de la production académique et des ressources documentaires disponibles sur ce sujet au Japon, en Chine, à Taiwan, en Thaïlande, au Cambodge, au Laos, au Viêt-Nam ainsi qu’en France.
Réf. Masaya Shiraishi (ed.), Indochina, Thailand, Japan and France during World War II: Overview of the Exiting Literature and Related Documents for the Future Development of Research, Tokyo : Waseda University Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (WIAPS), March 2015, 434 p.
Contents / 目次
Introduction / 序論
Masaya Shiraishi 白石昌也
I. Current Research Trends in Japan / 日本における研究状況
- Motoo Furuta 古田元夫
II. Historical Documents on the Relations between Japan and French Indochina during the Second World War Preserved in Japan: Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Institute for Defense Studies of the Ministry of Defense / 日本の公文書館(外務省外交史料館、防衛省防衛研究所)が所蔵する第二次戦争大戦期の日本と仏印の関係に関する史料
- Kyoichi Tachikawa 立川京一
III. On the Use of Official Documents: Beyond JACAR
- Kenichiro Hirano 平野健一郎
IV. The Compilation of Records of the Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia / 東南アジア関係日本占領期史料調査
- Shinzo Hayase 早瀬晋三
V. A Survey of the Researchers and the Archives on the Vietnamese Studies in Taiwan
- Shiu Wen-tang 許文堂
VI. Introduction of the Japanese Materials related to French Indochina Archived in Taiwan / 台湾に所蔵する仏領印度支那関連日本語資料の紹介
- Lee Yi-Ling 李依陵 and Eiko Yuyama 湯山英子
VII. A Briefing of Mainland China’s Literature on International Relations in Indochina during World War II
- Bi Shihong 畢世鴻, Li Wanru 漢字氏名, Fu Jinlin 漢字氏名, and Zhang Qiong 漢字氏名
VIII. An Introduction to French Research and Historical Sources Concerning Indochina under French-Japanese Rule / 仏日支配下のインドシナに関するフランスの研究と歴史資料の紹介
- Chizuru Namba 難波ちづる
IX. Knowledge in France of Japan and Indochina (1940-1945): Academic Work, Narratives, and Archives
- François Guillemot
X. Status of Archives and Research on Vietnam-Japan Relationship during World War II / 第二次世界大戦期における越日関係についての研究動向及び資料状況-ベトナムを中心に
- Nguyen Van Kim and Vo Minh Vu
XI. The Studies of Thailand- Japan Relations in the context of Japanese Presence in Thailand during World War II
- Nongluk Limsiri
XII. A Survey of Thai Materials in the Second World War: Thai Government Records and Newspapers
- Preeyaporn Kantala
XIII. Cambodia during World War II: The Status Quo on the Existing Development in Research / 第二次世界大戦期のカンボジア―研究と資料公開の現状
- Hideo Sasagawa 笹川秀夫
XIV. Laos during World War II: Overview of Existing Literature and Related Documents / 第二次世界大戦期の日本・ラオス関係に関する史資料の所在と研究状況
- Yoko Kikuchi 菊池陽子
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indomemoires (16 avril 2015). Indochina, Thailand, Japan and France during World War II – WIAPS – March 2015. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/q5dt