Call for papers : The global Vietnamese diaspora – transnational ties, cultural flows, political entanglements

PolishAcademySciences_logoInstitute of Sociology (University of Warsaw)

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (Polish Academy of Science)

Call for papers – invitation for the conference:





The global Vietnamese diaspora:
transnational ties, cultural flows, political entanglements


Date: 28 March 2014, Warsaw

Language: English

Place: Polish Academy of Science, Pałac Staszica, Nowy Świat 92-94, Warsaw

We invite the scholars involved in the research of the Vietnamese diaspora to the participation in the conference organized by Institute of Sociology (University of Warsaw) and Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (Polish Academy of Science).

During the conference, we will discuss various dimensions of the presence of Vietnamese migrant communities dispersed around the world. The origins of Vietnamese migrant communities living in various countries are differentiated, including the colonial history (France), flow of refugees after the end of Vietnamese War (United States, countries of Western Europe) and cooperation between communist government of Vietnam and other countries of Soviet Bloc (Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, former East Germany). Vietnamese migration involves more recent phenomenon of economic migration.  Vietnamese residing in particular countries are a part of global Vietnamese diaspora, maintaining various ties with country of origin as well as other Vietnamese communities dispersed around the world. The connections maintained between the Vietnamese around the world and flow of cultural phenomena include multiple areas, such as business strategies, political activism and religious engagement.

The conference is aimed to form a platform for the scholars investigating various aspect of presence of Vietnamese in Europe to share their research experience and enable the development of new concepts enabling to grasp the fluid nature of transnational flows.

Participants will be granted the opportunity to submit their papers for publication.

The applications, including the topic of the presentation and abstract (max. 300 words) should be sent to until 20 February 2014.

Source : VSG

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indomemoires (3 février 2014). Call for papers : The global Vietnamese diaspora – transnational ties, cultural flows, political entanglements. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse