Interviews with FULRO partisans (extracts) – by Virginia Morris

Virginia Morris: Security and Defence Analyst & Author

Virginia Morris is commissioned to do presentations on security and defence. Her specialist subjects are asymmetric warfare and terrorism. Virginia also examines how poverty and environmental issues affect these fields. She has worked for the United Nations in Lao, as an engineering consultant in the UK and alongside senior members of the Communist Party in Vietnam. Her work has led Virginia to be invited to give presentations to noted audiences such as American Special Forces. She has also been interviewed for Vietnamese and British TV. For part of her work she has interviewed Vietnam War Veterans. Many of which fought along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Most had been in American Special Forces for many years and some of which were Montagnard people. They now belong to Vietnam Veteran Associations and support Save the Montagnard People.


Ysiu Hlong – Vietnam War Veteran

Mien Pangting – Vietnam War Veteran

Source You Tube, chaîne de Virginia Morris

Virginia Morris official website

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indomemoires (12 octobre 2012). Interviews with FULRO partisans (extracts) – by Virginia Morris. Mémoires d'Indochine. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse