The Vietnam Studies Group 2014 Graduate Paper Prize Competition

The Vietnam Studies Group 2014 Graduate Paper Prize Competition


The Vietnam Studies Group (VSG) announces that it is accepting submissions for its fifth annual graduate student paper prize competition. The competition encourages the direct involvement of graduate students in the growth of Vietnamese studies and supports their professional development. The competition is open to full and part time graduate students, regardless of their disciplinary specialization. Preference will be given to sole-authored papers based on original field, archival, and/or statistical research. However, thematic reviews that critically synthesize existing literature on a particular topic related to Vietnamese studies will also be considered.

Papers may be written in English or Vietnamese. Submissions will be reviewed by a VSG sub-committee, which will evaluate the entries on the basis of their scholarly merit, theoretical and/or methodological originality, clarity, and style. Papers should also have implications that transcend their disciplinary boundaries to reach a broader academic audience.

The winner will receive a $500 prize and a one year subscription to the Journal of Vietnamese Studies. If the winner agrees to pick up their award in person at the VSG annual meeting during the AAS Annual Meeting (March 27-30 in Philadelphia), then the winner will also receive a $200 travel prize. In addition, they will receive a free year-long membership in VSG, as will the honorable mention, if the sub-committee designates one. The winner(s) will be notified by February 2014.

Additionally, it is a requirement that all submissions come from current VSG members. If you are not a current VSG member, simply submit the annual student rate ($10), to:

Professor Lien-Hang Nguyen,
VSG Treasurer
1715 Patterson Office Tower
Department of History
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506

Checks should be made out to the AAS. It is strongly desired, but not required, that students who have submitted a paper for consideration attend both the VSG meeting and AAS conference.

Eligibility Requirements
The competition is open to all graduate students who are either enrolled on a campus or engaged in research in the field during the academic year the prize is to be awarded. All students must also be dues-paying members of VSG (AAS is encouraged, but not mandatory).

Submission Guidelines
To be considered, all submissions must:

1) Include a letter of good standing from the applicants graduate program or department chair and completed participation form (please see below).

2) Include a title page and abstract (not to exceed 150 words).

3) Be written in English or Vietnamese.

4) Be no more than 8,000 words in length and be typed (standard 12-point fonts, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, including all figures and tables). Papers longer than 8,000 words will not be considered.

5) References should follow the style guidelines normal to your home discipline. Vietnamese sources should include diacritics.

6) Electronic copies of the paper must be submitted as a single document virus-free email attachment (.doc, .docx, or .pdf) to Christina Firpo ( by midnight Eastern Standard Time on January 5, 2014. Late papers will not be considered.

Participation Form
Please include the following information, which should be sent as an email attachment along with your entry.

Expected graduation date:
Degree sought:
Mailing address:
Faculty advisor:

Source : Grad_Prize_Call_for_Submissions_2014

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